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Worst. Game. Ever.

Guest Benjam!n Ultra

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2 minutes ago, bcfcfinker said:

Majority? A word that has no meaning on Internet forums.

It is clear why Rotherham are bottom, they were absolutely shite and we should have brought the game to a conclusion well before we did. The problem is, our confidence is absolutely shot, however, the job was done and we now wait to see if it has done some good on the confidence front.

Its good we have ended the losing streak and have 4 points in the last two games. The rest of Feb is going to be a roller coaster and I have no idea how it's going to go - anyone who says they do has been smoking something.

The OP is entitled to his point of view. Personally, I think he's talking shit and that's my point of view.

If we turn it around, you wont catch me saying: 'I told you so'. I'll just be quietly relieved that we've turned it around, something I suspect he'll have difficulty with.

Onwards and upwards.

At this moment I like to think we can possibly go on a run just like LJ did with Barnsley after a bad run. Not likely with the fixtures but I'd just like to think we could. 

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2 minutes ago, Up The City! said:

At this moment I like to think we can possibly go on a run just like LJ did with Barnsley after a bad run. Not likely with the fixtures but I'd just like to think we could. 

I really hope you are right, the gods of footy surely must give us a break soon! 

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7 hours ago, bris red said:

Personal vendettas? Behave. The bloke has just over seen the worst losing streak in our entire history are you not suprised people want him gone still? A scrapy win over a shite Rotherham isnt going to fool me. Sorry to say it but i am still very much Johnson out, he's no good for this football club.

spot on papering over the cracks four games time too late  we will see

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4 minutes ago, RobintheRed Red said:

spot on papering over the cracks four games time too late  we will see


1 minute ago, pillred said:

I think I get what you mean

I've had a beer or two and I read this and it made perfect sense. Since seeing your comment I've re-read it and I don't have a clue anymore :blink:

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47 minutes ago, Up The City! said:

At this moment I like to think we can possibly go on a run just like LJ did with Barnsley after a bad run. Not likely with the fixtures but I'd just like to think we could. 

Even a couple of draws from the next 4 would be good. We have the 4 hardest games for the rest of the season in a row. We ain't going on no run, but if we are not in the relegation zone after these, we should be safe. 

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1 hour ago, billywedlock said:

We have the orchestra , but no conductor.

I try to think we will not be relegated, but Feb is a horrible fixture list.

I simply do not understand why  ( SL) has invested so much in the team and ground but has put the coaching choices on a secondary or lower level. It is screaming out to have some quality and high level experience in the coaching department. Seems like we are clinging onto being a L1 club. 

We have a decent squad, but someone needs to re create a team as the heart of the L1 winning side has been discarded, despite finishing last year well. We need someone to recreate a team, a squad, a heart, a plan. We are 11 strangers struggling with confused signals. 

MA has impressed me greatly, I now want him to give sl a proper plan in the coaching department because currently we are a confused mess.

We are so near, but so far in a fundamental area. 



It seems, unfortunately, that SL will only bring in a yes man. All speculation of course but I agree with that.

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3 hours ago, Charliesboots said:

Not a dig, but were you there today?

I was and its not even close to the worst game ever,

it was a low in confidence performance that's all,

rotherham rarely threatened and another day we would of won 3-0 

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12 hours ago, Up The City! said:

I'm looking deeper, could have beat Sheff Wed and won today.

Happy days.

I admire your unshakable support for Lee, I really do, but the problem is we haven't shown much on the field to convince we can get anything in the next four matches. Mainly because he has failed to find a settled squad, all this chopping and changing is a recipe for failure,Just 17 games left and he still does not any idea of his best formation. That is my worry, we have perhaps the best talent at his disposal for years, and yet he cannot cobble to-gether a unit. Mind you when I look at the likes of Villa, Bruce has similar problems, despite our record losing streak, we have one one more than them, and look at their budget with Para payments, etc.?

I think Lee has shown his inexperience against the more canny managers, such as Warnock, in that losing run we should have at least another 6 points, that was Lee's fault, his lack of game management skills cost us. LJ has a passion for this club, and I want him to do well, but I fear he might not survive February, or he just might, and we should all accept that he might be the best we can get at the moment, I mean just who else do we go for, or want to come?    If relegation does happen, perhaps by sticking with him long term it just might pay off? If he survives, I hope Lee will prove all us doubters wrong, it certainly would have been a valuable lesson learnt with such a bad run.

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8 hours ago, Charliesboots said:

You seriously want to see us play like how we did after those substitutions every week?

I usually think your posts are pretty balanced but that statement feels pretty unhinged mate.

The goal and the win completely masks performance of the game we played, even at 1-0 up we decided to play suicide balls around the back line and made absolutely no attempt to take the game on and really kill Rotherham off.

The last 20 minutes were as bad as the first 45.



Yes I seriously want to see us play like we did after the subs came on. The last 20 minutes were in no way shape or form as bad as the first 45. That is completely incorrect. A statement I believe wanting to negate anything good done by our current manager despite obvious evidence that he did brave and correct substitutions which won the Match. But hey why let reality get in the way of Johnson hating. 

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30 minutes ago, redfieldred said:

Yes I seriously want to see us play like we did after the subs came on. The last 20 minutes were in no way shape or form as bad as the first 45. That is completely incorrect. A statement I believe wanting to negate anything good done by our current manager despite obvious evidence that he did brave and correct substitutions which won the Match. But hey why let reality get in the way of Johnson hating. 

No Johnson hating here, but then again we all interpret things differently don't we?

22 minutes ago, redfieldred said:

I saw our first win in 10 so what the hell I celebrated! 

I also celebrate when trains run on time. I'm a born celebrator

Good for you, it's your right to do so.

I chose not to.

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After that performance and despite the win, I'm firmly in the LJ out clan unfortunately. There was simply no movement, no pace and no game plan. 

The first half it seemed the lads had no idea what they were doing? Who they were looking to exploit, just out of ideas. 

I looked over LJ and he was having a argument with a fan in the Lansdown stand which looked like about the team shape. Well Lee, just what shape was that? Because I really couldn't tell! Pack and Hegeler had no idea who was doing what, the two are defensive midfielders and playing them together just did not work. I said that before the game started!

Despite all the Matty Taylor saga, this game was massive and I was really disappointed with how we set up. What's more worrying, most of the squad is LJ's own and he still doesn't know his best side???

He confirmed that on the radio last night and that just about confirmed my opinion of him as a coach.

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9 hours ago, Up The City! said:

What I don't like is this place should be buzzing after two good results and that bounce could and should spur us on to better things but instead were all sat here arguing

And of course, you're absolutely right, but therein lies the problem with yesterday. It was not a 'buzzing' performance. We have not gained the things from the match yesterday that we so badly needed. There was as much there yesterday to undermine the confidence as to build it. We are no closer to a settled side. We struggled against a very very poor team. The manager's credibility (in spite of SL's vote of confidence) wasn't enhanced by what happened yesterday.

All of these were things that we should have been getting back yesterday, if the turnaround was real. I know you'll talk about unrealistic expectations, but I was convinced we would win by 3 or 4 yesterday - and my expectations are through the floor as you well know!! I just thought it was the perfect game, even for Johnson, to beat up and bully a very poor team that ships goals for fun (3+ in nearly half their games this season including to Oxford and Morecambe..)

This was not a game for self doubt. Before kick off even I didn't doubt Johnson's ability to win that one, I can't conceive anyone who really thought we might slip up. Steve Lansdown has looked at the fixture list and with his vote of confidence and more signings, stage managed this perfect audition for Johnson to come out swinging, and what happens? Johnson nearly knocks himself out. Yes we won, but we barely put any lipstick on the pig yesterday. It is still a pig.

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36 minutes ago, Lew-T said:

After that performance and despite the win, I'm firmly in the LJ out clan unfortunately. There was simply no movement, no pace and no game plan. 

The first half it seemed the lads had no idea what they were doing? Who they were looking to exploit, just out of ideas. 

We've all (myself included) refuted the idea players are not playing for LJ, but I did start to wonder after that first half.

Compare to the way the very same players expressed themselves and worked tirelessly against Sheffield Wednesday on Tuesday, and keep in mind it was widely acknowledged that game was a free pass for Johnson as nothing was expected, but Rotherham was his "save my job" game. 

You can draw two conclusions.

The difference in performance was down to nerves due to yesterday being the must win game. OR the difference was because players had in mind yesterday might finally cost the manager his job, so mailed it in a little. I am starting to wonder, as I don't see why players would have been scared.

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15 hours ago, Mr Hankey said:

The bloke is toxic. Watching him argue with that fan all second half and to then turn around and try and goad him and act the big one after we scored was pathetic, amateur and embarrassing. We are all City. Dont know what was being said, but thought it spoke volumes of the type of person Lee Johnson is and it certainly aint a nice one, no wonder he gets on so well with dean holden....

I hate the way some fans are happy to shout the most vile abuse but then get all uptight and offended when they get a bit back. Grow up.


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12 hours ago, cynic said:

Were you there ?

Crowd turned ?

A few (not a lot) booed at half time - it was, tbf, absolutely crap.

Then they didn't like Tammy being subbed - but that turned out to be the right call.

In the circumstances, any win will do.

And we won.

 Would say the crowd did turn today.. lots of booo's and nasty comments flying around... 

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10 hours ago, Up The City! said:

What did you expect? Us to go on a record breaking winning run to balance it out?

It's very clear people have chosen what side they are on and refuse to budge from that position.

Some are even willing us to lose so that in their minds we can sack LJ and move onto better things.

No doubt in my mind that these people don't care about us and I thinj they are willing to take a short term hit for a long term gain but imo that is a risky strategy that offers no guarantees so personally I'm happy to take a win in whatever shape or form it comes.

I don't know anyone who wants City to lose. I also don't know anyone who rates LJ.

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8 minutes ago, Rednwhiterob said:

I hate the way some fans are happy to shout the most vile abuse but then get all uptight and offended when they get a bit back. Grow up.

I'm not one to throw abuse at the manager, however vile, but regardless of what is said there's a difference between our relationship with him and his with us...we pay his wages, he doesn't pay ours. If he doesn't want to be criticised he shouldn't do the job, and if he can't take the criticism he's in the wrong one...

...as it happens I think he's perfectly capable of looking after himself!

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4 minutes ago, Red Exile said:

I'm not one to throw abuse at the manager, however vile, but regardless of what is said there's a difference between our relationship with him and his with us...we pay his wages, he doesn't pay ours. If he doesn't want to be criticised he shouldn't do the job, and if he can't take the criticism he's in the wrong one...

...as it happens I think he's perfectly capable of looking after himself!

I think it very much depends what's said. 

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13 minutes ago, Rednwhiterob said:

I hate the way some fans are happy to shout the most vile abuse but then get all uptight and offended when they get a bit back. Grow up.


Think you will find it wasn't me who he was arguing with you complete and utter nause.

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16 hours ago, Benjam!n Ultra said:

Or 4 from a possible 30 and a third win in 18. 

That's a valid point - no pun intended!

And I really get that. And that LJ might not be the chosen one. I even found myself thinking enough was enough at halftime yesterday. 

It really was poor.

However and whether any of us like it or not he is SLs chosen one for now and for that reason alone I'll stick with it and him.

Even if we're looking at a barren February......

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28 minutes ago, BigAlToby&Liam said:

That's a valid point - no pun intended!
And I really get that. And that LJ might not be the chosen one. I even found myself thinking enough was enough at halftime yesterday. 
It really was poor.
However and whether any of us like it or not he is SLs chosen one for now and for that reason alone I'll stick with it and him.
Even if we're looking at a barren February......

IF ???


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18 hours ago, Up The City! said:

You know what I've just read your post, and listening to people on Radio Bristol and you can all go and do one!!!!

After however many games without a win I don't give a **** how we got a win, what mattered was we got a win!!! And I'm bloody delighted. 

Well said! What a miserable load of sods some of the so-called fans are! All that matters is the score on the board. COYR, onwards and upwards!

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18 hours ago, Benjam!n Ultra said:

Saw this. He's an absolute ***** (LJ)

Johnson should have known better. Pathetic and childish and not fit to manage my favourite team. AND he has let my two favourite players go as well, so I don't like him anyway!!! Oh God, now I'M being childish!! COYR

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Guest The Original BBB

Johnson should go, if any working man or woman produced results in a working week, they would be sacked.

On a nefarious note........do you not think the ground was rebuilt to incorporate music and other events, will sound souless with 9,000 odd next season.

Wake up you muppets and smell the Lansdown plane

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Guest Star of a gunner
18 hours ago, Bristol Rob said:

Is a vendetta some sort of Italian hybrid scooter? A collaboration between two recognised manufacturers.

Ice cream 

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4 hours ago, Rednwhiterob said:

I hate the way some fans are happy to shout the most vile abuse but then get all uptight and offended when they get a bit back. Grow up.


Spot on. There's a particularly vile fat ****er who screams vile abuse in earshot of my nipper. Any time I give a bit back he wants to treat me like LJ. 

D**ckhead. Quite a few of them near the A11 disabled area. 

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4 hours ago, Olé said:

And of course, you're absolutely right, but therein lies the problem with yesterday. It was not a 'buzzing' performance. We have not gained the things from the match yesterday that we so badly needed. There was as much there yesterday to undermine the confidence as to build it. We are no closer to a settled side. We struggled against a very very poor team. The manager's credibility (in spite of SL's vote of confidence) wasn't enhanced by what happened yesterday.

All of these were things that we should have been getting back yesterday, if the turnaround was real. I know you'll talk about unrealistic expectations, but I was convinced we would win by 3 or 4 yesterday - and my expectations are through the floor as you well know!! I just thought it was the perfect game, even for Johnson, to beat up and bully a very poor team that ships goals for fun (3+ in nearly half their games this season including to Oxford and Morecambe..)

This was not a game for self doubt. Before kick off even I didn't doubt Johnson's ability to win that one, I can't conceive anyone who really thought we might slip up. Steve Lansdown has looked at the fixture list and with his vote of confidence and more signings, stage managed this perfect audition for Johnson to come out swinging, and what happens? Johnson nearly knocks himself out. Yes we won, but we barely put any lipstick on the pig yesterday. It is still a pig.

Barnsley only scored one goal against Rotherham, Norwich lost to Rotherham, Sheff Wed only scored one goal.

This was very unlikely to ever be a 3 or 4 nil game and anyone who thinks that really do not understand football imo.

I wouldn't even be able to tell you what our best 11 is. What I do know is we now have a squad of players (something we have never really had) and we are utilising that squad.

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3 hours ago, Meryl Goodrum said:

Well said! What a miserable load of sods some of the so-called fans are! All that matters is the score on the board. COYR, onwards and upwards!

No it doesn't.

What matters is that we don't get relegated back to division 1

We, as fans, need to see improvement in movement, play, tactics, commitment, coaching etc etc.

Remember one swallow does not make a Summer, especially after the long winter we have endured.  We shall know more after the end of this month

We all want City to go onwards and upwards but for some of us we can't abandon reason and reality however much we might like to


One of your miserable sods!



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11 minutes ago, Up The City! said:

Barnsley only scored one goal against Rotherham, Norwich lost to Rotherham, Sheff Wed only scored one goal.

This was very unlikely to ever be a 3 or 4 nil game and anyone who thinks that really do not understand football imo.

You're very selective with the Rotherham results you want to quote. The first two you mention were at home. The fact is that Rotherham have been abysmal away from home and have been conceding nearly 3 goals a game on the road all season (an average of 2.8 conceded per away game to be precise).

Your remark about not understanding football is pretty childish, I realise you've had some unnecessary abuse on this thread but please don't start resorting to sideways digs in the hope it makes you sound smarter. There was every basis for the match to have been won comfortably - even the bookies thought so. 

You say it was unlikely to ever be a 3 or 4 nil, but it's been those that have been so sure it will come good for LJ, that have insisted for weeks that we are close and it would click against someone. Well if it's not against a team like Rotherham with their away record, I'd love to know where you think the wins will come?

Even in our circumstances, it was not unreasonable (even for SL's benefit) to want a more convincing performance to solidify LJ's position and go into a tough run of away games with some confidence in our approach. You complained people aren't "buzzing" about the win, but haven't stopped to think why that is.

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1 hour ago, Up The City! said:

Barnsley only scored one goal against Rotherham, Norwich lost to Rotherham, Sheff Wed only scored one goal.

This was very unlikely to ever be a 3 or 4 nil game and anyone who thinks that really do not understand football imo.

I wouldn't even be able to tell you what our best 11 is. What I do know is we now have a squad of players (something we have never really had) and we are utilising that squad.

My earlier comment, along with many, I believe, was nothing to do with the result UTC but more to do with the performance. Surely nobody can say the first 65 minutes was anything but dire can they?

It really was awful IMHO.

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36 minutes ago, Olé said:

You're very selective with the Rotherham results you want to quote. The first two you mention were at home. The fact is that Rotherham have been abysmal away from home and have been conceding nearly 3 goals a game on the road all season (an average of 2.8 conceded per away game to be precise).

Your remark about not understanding football is pretty childish, I realise you've had some unnecessary abuse on this thread but please don't start resorting to sideways digs in the hope it makes you sound smarter. There was every basis for the match to have been won comfortably - even the bookies thought so. 

You say it was unlikely to ever be a 3 or 4 nil, but it's been those that have been so sure it will come good for LJ, that have insisted for weeks that we are close and it would click against someone. Well if it's not against a team like Rotherham with their away record, I'd love to know where you think the wins will come?

Even in our circumstances, it was not unreasonable (even for SL's benefit) to want a more convincing performance to solidify LJ's position and go into a tough run of away games with some confidence in our approach. You complained people aren't "buzzing" about the win, but haven't stopped to think why that is.

I admire your patience @Olé and your reasoning but you are banging your head against concrete with her

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Ok, a bit late, but I will defend Lee after yesterday's match.  He picked exactly the outfield ten that I would have gone for (I'd have considered bringing Frankie back), and played the right formation too.  I couldn't understand the guy on Radio Bristol who claimed we weren't playing 4-4-2: that seemed to me to be clearly what was intended but Tomlin (who had probably his worst match in a Bristol City shirt) dropped deeper and deeper (once being level with the back four) leaving Tammy completely isolated.  Tammy soldiered on bravely but has clearly lost confidence and missed another chance he would have buried at the start of the season (as he did against Wednesday).  So Lee makes three substitutions before the 60th minute which are met with jeers from the crowd.  I admit that I was surprised by the subs, but they were spot on and won us the game.

if ever there was a case of the players failing to deliver but the manager rescuing the situation with his substitutions it was yesterday, so fair play to Johnson.

I would stick with Djuric and Taylor up front for the next match.  I think they might be the future.

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8 hours ago, Ivorguy said:

No it doesn't.

What matters is that we don't get relegated back to division 1

We, as fans, need to see improvement in movement, play, tactics, commitment, coaching etc etc.

Remember one swallow does not make a Summer, especially after the long winter we have endured.  We shall know more after the end of this month

We all want City to go onwards and upwards but for some of us we can't abandon reason and reality however much we might like to


One of your miserable sods!



Oh sorry, I thought that if the score was a winning one, we wouldn't GET relegated.  Just making the point that it doesn't matter how you win, as long as you do.

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3 hours ago, The Dolman Pragmatist said:

Ok, a bit late, but I will defend Lee after yesterday's match.  He picked exactly the outfield ten that I would have gone for (I'd have considered bringing Frankie back), and played the right formation too.  I couldn't understand the guy on Radio Bristol who claimed we weren't playing 4-4-2: that seemed to me to be clearly what was intended but Tomlin (who had probably his worst match in a Bristol City shirt) dropped deeper and deeper (once being level with the back four) leaving Tammy completely isolated.  Tammy soldiered on bravely but has clearly lost confidence and missed another chance he would have buried at the start of the season (as he did against Wednesday).  So Lee makes three substitutions before the 60th minute which are met with jeers from the crowd.  I admit that I was surprised by the subs, but they were spot on and won us the game.

if ever there was a case of the players failing to deliver but the manager rescuing the situation with his substitutions it was yesterday, so fair play to Johnson.

I would stick with Djuric and Taylor up front for the next match.  I think they might be the future.

Think I missed something here!

Franky - was it a coincidence that last season and this when he was injured we dropped very few points? He is inconsistent and gives the defenders nightmares!

Agree Tammy was isolated due to LT playing out of position, but what happened against Wednesday? Yes he was credited with the goal, but he knew nothing about it - total deflection!

Substitutions rescuing? LJ totally messed up with the starting 11, when he made his changes he was in total panic, make or break, we score he keeps his job a little longer ........................

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On 04/02/2017 at 23:18, Charliesboots said:

That maybe the case and I agree a win is a win in principle 

Reflecting on today the players won that in spite of LJ, they did that from the reaction of sections of the crowd after the triple substitutions. 

I want to win every game of course, but what I cannot accept is the disjointed nature of the performances; that's purely down to the Manager. 

No, a win is a win in terms of getting three points, that's the only principle involved.

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8 minutes ago, Davefevs said:

Sorry, skipped straight to page 6.

As per the title, surely Sheffield Utd home in 13/14 season under SOD was the worst.  0-1, Flint OG late on.  No shots off target, let alone on target.

Try capitulating 7-1 at Northampton or (a week later) an abject 2-0 defeat at home to Scunthorpe. 

Relegation in 80/81 with more points than goals scored was a pretty bad year, the only saving grace was that the sags were even worse than us.


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24 minutes ago, Bianconeri said:

Try capitulating 7-1 at Northampton or (a week later) an abject 2-0 defeat at home to Scunthorpe. 

Relegation in 80/81 with more points than goals scored was a pretty bad year, the only saving grace was that the sags were even worse than us.


I wasn't at those, but I think you win :thumbsup:

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16 hours ago, redfieldred said:

Yes I seriously want to see us play like we did after the subs came on. The last 20 minutes were in no way shape or form as bad as the first 45. That is completely incorrect. A statement I believe wanting to negate anything good done by our current manager despite obvious evidence that he did brave and correct substitutions which won the Match. But hey why let reality get in the way of Johnson hating. 

It shows how bad things really are when we defend our performances by a mediocre 20 mins vs the worst championship team in years.

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10 minutes ago, Matty Taylor [BCFC] said:

It shows how bad things really are when we defend our performances by a mediocre 20 mins vs the worst championship team in years.

8 defeats on the bounce for a team that WERE in the play off positions and totally inept selections would do it for me.

Yes he changed it on Saturday but if he was as good as his backer say he is, why did he pick such a negative side in the first place? Two central midfielders who are both defensive by nature, against the worst side in the league at home?

I'm CTID but this bloke is beyond useless. I will back the team and I will back the club but the Manager is totally out of his depth. He may be good one day but not yet. Get rid!

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On 04/02/2017 at 17:09, Up The City! said:

You know what I've just read your post, and listening to people on Radio Bristol and you can all go and do one!!!!

After however many games without a win I don't give a **** how we got a win, what mattered was we got a win!!! And I'm bloody delighted. 

36 likes and don't know wat your chattin about..

Your in line for the LJ "bullshit" design award..........


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On 2/4/2017 at 22:23, Red Exile said:

You've picked the very lowest point in my personal commitment to the club right there...seemed to me that the towel had been thrown in and that there was an expectation that people would turn up and watch any old uninspiring tosh. Lots did, but anyone with other pressures on their time or other commitments has a choice to make. I happen to think that we currently have the players to put on a decent show...but they lack the organisation, inspiration or whatever to do that right now, and my guess is that responsibility lies with the manager. 

That was the 3 years or so from Coppell leaving to O'Driscoll being sacked I assume?

Oh the football was by and large appalling in those times, no doubt- the squad was unbalanced, went from spending to austerity to spending again- all very scattergun.

I think we do have some decent, some good players yes- but so many thrown together at once- so many signed in 12 months- this takes time, this takes chemistry to build a cohesive side, a unified squad. If anything we signed too many IMO- 3 or 4 too many, should have kept Ayling=a more cohesive squad. Of course the manager has more than a little to do with this so yes responsibility ultimately lies with him.;

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1 minute ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

That was the 3 years or so from Coppell leaving to O'Driscoll being sacked I assume?

Oh the football was by and large appalling in those times, no doubt- the squad was unbalanced, went from spending to austerity to spending again- all very scattergun.

I think we do have some decent, some good players yes- but so many thrown together at once- so many signed in 12 months- this takes time, this takes chemistry to build a cohesive side, a unified squad. If anything we signed too many IMO- 3 or 4 too many, should have kept Ayling=a more cohesive squad. Of course the manager has more than a little to do with this so yes responsibility ultimately lies with him.;

A very reasonable and thoughtful post. Barnsley stuck with Johnson after a similar terrible run and they went on to the play offs. Not saying that will happen, but looking at our squad now, if he can bed the new players in, there is more than enough to stay up and hopefully push on next season. 

my main concern is fullbacks. At the moment they both look league 1 standard. 

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30 minutes ago, redfieldred said:

A very reasonable and thoughtful post. Barnsley stuck with Johnson after a similar terrible run and they went on to the play offs. Not saying that will happen, but looking at our squad now, if he can bed the new players in, there is more than enough to stay up and hopefully push on next season. 

my main concern is fullbacks. At the moment they both look league 1 standard. 


Sir Alex Ferguson had a terrible run when he was first at Man U

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Can some of these detractors of L J explain why they are upset about a one goal win against Rotherham. To a man, and some women, these detractors argue that because Rotherham are an awful team the margin of our victory should have been greater. Therefore, we too are awful. However, if we are awful why did all those teams only beat us by a margin of one goal. They must all be awful too then. Indeed, some were very fortunate to gain a narrow victory over us, far more fortunate than we were V Rotherham on Saturday.

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26 minutes ago, handsofclay said:

Can some of these detractors of L J explain why they are upset about a one goal win against Rotherham. To a man, and some women, these detractors argue that because Rotherham are an awful team the margin of our victory should have been greater. Therefore, we too are awful. However, if we are awful why did all those teams only beat us by a margin of one goal. They must all be awful too then. Indeed, some were very fortunate to gain a narrow victory over us, far more fortunate than we were V Rotherham on Saturday.

I never thought of it this way. Very valid points.

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4 hours ago, redfieldred said:

A very reasonable and thoughtful post. Barnsley stuck with Johnson after a similar terrible run and they went on to the play offs. Not saying that will happen, but looking at our squad now, if he can bed the new players in, there is more than enough to stay up and hopefully push on next season. 

my main concern is fullbacks. At the moment they both look league 1 standard. 

Not with him though did they?

As for the fullbacks I don't know what the recruitment strategy was/is, except that it smacked of running before we walked in a number of instances with millions spent on ones for the future who warm benches or entertain a few thousand fans in greater Manchester.

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On 04/02/2017 at 23:11, Up The City! said:

What did you expect? Us to go on a record breaking winning run to balance it out?

It's very clear people have chosen what side they are on and refuse to budge from that position.

Some are even willing us to lose so that in their minds we can sack LJ and move onto better things.

No doubt in my mind that these people don't care about us and I thinj they are willing to take a short term hit for a long term gain but imo that is a risky strategy that offers no guarantees so personally I'm happy to take a win in whatever shape or form it comes.

I'm still sat on the fence, could someone please sand it down it's a bit rough.

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On Saturday, February 04, 2017 at 22:23, Red Exile said:

You've picked the very lowest point in my personal commitment to the club right there...seemed to me that the towel had been thrown in and that there was an expectation that people would turn up and watch any old uninspiring tosh. Lots did, but anyone with other pressures on their time or other commitments has a choice to make. I happen to think that we currently have the players to put on a decent show...but they lack the organisation, inspiration or whatever to do that right now, and my guess is that responsibility lies with the manager. 

True. Last time we went down we had a significant number of players who just didn't give a shit. These players care, and that's what makes the ineptitude of the manager and the owner's refusal to do anything about it so ****ing heartbreaking, for them and for us.

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