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Liam Manning Swansea Press Conference

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8 minutes ago, hertsexile said:

I seem to remember Cotts saying something similar “ when they cross that white line they are in control not me !”

A game plan can be explained but it’s up the team on the field to execute it 

There were plenty of times SC influenced the game with what he was saying and the subs and formation changes to be fair. 

The one thing that is leveled at this bloke is he has no plan B. 

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12 minutes ago, REDOXO said:



It’s excusing himself and blaming the players completely for not implementing his theories! Its as if he’s trying to imply players are against him. 

I’m pretty confident Mr Pearson comes on here as well as board members BT and the owners family. 

To everyone in the second part of that sentence WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!?

Mindblowing isn't it.

Just disappointed a journalist can't pick him up on it straight away and say - that's bollocks mate.

He has zero leadership qualities that I can see. He's basically just a Coach - a good one - but not someone you'd want fronting your organisation and, on the available evidence, not one you'd want directing tactics in real time on matchdays.

His strengths appear to be studious research, video analysis and presentation, and putting on training sessions.

To get to where the owner says he wants to - where most of us want to - Bristol City need a helluva more than that.

So it's an epic failure yet again from the powers that be, it seems.

Unless, by some miracle, our summer transfer business turns us overnight into the Barcelona of the Championship.

Yeah right.

Edited by Merrick's Marvels
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I’m not convinced he’s a good coach. He had a little success but won nothing with Oxford and was fired at MK because they were crap. 

I could be convinced maybe he’s good with some players. But we have good pros at a level he has never managed at. 

Bt and JL Took a punt and here we are hoping for other results to go our way so we don’t go further down the table 

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Have been defending him recently, so thanks Manning for making me look like a mug. “i can’t affect the game once it’s started” 

Are you taking this piss? 

What the **** are you doing then? 

Laughably stupid thing to say, gives me LJ flashbacks but at least his were somewhat amusing. 

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Just finished both this interview and Tinnions, anyone else get a feeling there is a huge amount of arrogance between them? 

They sound like everything’s hunky dory, although we are outsiders we are at the edge of a relegation battle and will certainly be in one if we lose on sunday. Hearing them speak you would think we are challenging at the opposite end of the table. 

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Any chance you're all overlooking the context and he means he can't do anything in terms of how they're prepared for the game once they step on the pitch?

I think it's pretty ludicrous to suggest that he doesn't think he can change tactics/formations, sub players or address individual players.

I'm finding the whole anti Manning thing a bit OTT. 

I'm not saying he'll be a success, I'm probably as worried as most, but he's clearly passionate, he's working hard and I'm not sure who our saviour is meant to be at this stage.

If, and it's a big if, he turns things around, a lot of the comments on here are gonna seem, again, pretty OTT.

Its not his fault that Pearson was so badly treated. I, for one, am gonna stay positive, and give it a few more games before declaring a disaster.

Tin hat well and truly on.

Edited by Jimbo76
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2 hours ago, petehinton said:

Gotta say, a manager saying once the game starts there’s nothing they can do to impact it is pretty ******* mental. 

For clarity, my misunderstanding and this was specifically around set pieces. But still…bit meh isn’t it. 

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2 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

- Piercy asked re supporters reaction at Cardiff and pressure - can’t control it so don’t try to think about it, all was great 3 games ago and his energy is better served doing his job

Football fans en masse certainly aren’t recognised for being levelheaded (let’s be fair that’s probably for good reason) and I imagine when you’re rising through the ranks to becoming a head-coach/manager it’s probably drummed into you not to take them too seriously, but there’s a fine line between being tough-skinned and aloof.

Manning seems to walk that line. He needs to go careful. There’s already a growing theme of he does x and his players do x, rather than we did x, and whilst it’s true fans are fickle it’s unwise to underestimate the value of effective communication.

From the outside looking in he’s very much on the hot seat. It’s interesting, perhaps even telling, that rather than acknowledge and address the mood he dismisses it.

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18 minutes ago, Jimbo76 said:

Any chance you're all overlooking the context and he means he can't do anything in terms of how they're prepared for the game once they step on the pitch?

I think it's pretty ludicrous to suggest that he doesn't think he can change tactics/formations, sub players or address individual players.

I'm finding the whole anti Manning thing a bit OTT. 

I'm not saying he'll be a success, I'm probably as worried as most, but he's clearly passionate, he's working hard and I'm not sure who our saviour is meant to be at this stage.

If, and it's a big if, he turns things around, a lot of the comments on here are gonna seem, again, pretty OTT.

Its not his fault that Pearson was so badly treated. I, for one, am gonna stay positive, and give it a few more games before declaring a disaster.

Tin hat well and truly on.

Exactly what he means mate. But, you know. 

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36 minutes ago, Jimbo76 said:

Any chance you're all overlooking the context and he means he can't do anything in terms of how they're prepared for the game once they step on the pitch?

I think it's pretty ludicrous to suggest that he doesn't think he can change tactics/formations, sub players or address individual players.

I'm finding the whole anti Manning thing a bit OTT. 

I'm not saying he'll be a success, I'm probably as worried as most, but he's clearly passionate, he's working hard and I'm not sure who our saviour is meant to be at this stage.

If, and it's a big if, he turns things around, a lot of the comments on here are gonna seem, again, pretty OTT.

Its not his fault that Pearson was so badly treated. I, for one, am gonna stay positive, and give it a few more games before declaring a disaster.

Tin hat well and truly on.

 You may well be right, but taking that comment in light of his comments about players being at fault, it’s very easy to see, why that interpretation might be the first one. 

 The fact we’ve not really seen him (in the games we’re losing) make any effective changes tactically , it again adds weight to his comment. Subbing players seems to be a by the clock event, not necessarily a tactical move well if it is, it’s lost on me  and again adds to his comment.
 So whereas you may be proved right in the future, for now, that seems to me to be a pretty reasonable interpretation of the comment, given all the above.  

Not really sure what the second part in bold has to do with LM’s performance?


Edited by JP Hampton
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2 hours ago, Silvio Dante said:

I’ll scribe again:

- Impressed with U18s honesty, work rate and desire to compete

- Thinks the level of championship is so high that U18 to champ is rare but if good enough they will play

- Asked how often the U18s train with the first team - didn’t really answer. Referenced Jamie Knight-Lebel, Yeboah and Nelson - one of whom isn’t an 18 and one who was busted down?

- Cornick fit plus one unspecified

- Asked why form fluctuates “Psychological - it’s been there the whole season not just since we came in”. QPR didn’t have time to work tactically and lacking Twine against the block

- “Annoyingly my phone blew up the other night complimenting how good the lads were defensively” 

- Has spoken a lot about taking responsibility because they give the lads everything and they have to take responsibility - lads are all in and we’re moving in the right direction

- Piercy asked whose decision it was that players were fit. LM said it was a collective but he’s not a medical expert

- Naismith and Twine not trained (so assume it’s Tanner back)

- My favourite quote “It’s very hard for me to effect things in game” (Side note: he clearly reads the forum - hi Liam - and while you’re here - that’s literally your job)

- Thinks he’s learnt and grown while here. Obsesses on reflection and analysis, works too hard which is both a strength and weakness. 

- Mentioned recent history of the club and laughed “the second half thing” - assumedly a drop in second half which he thinks may be cultural from the tone? (Side note: since he took over!)

- Piercy asked re supporters reaction at Cardiff and pressure - can’t control it so don’t try to think about it, all was great 3 games ago and his energy is better served doing his job

- Doesn’t just look at results although you have to win games, most sides in the league according to Brian have had 6-7-8 games without winning. It’s hard to know how players react before they have that kind of run and when they do it’s whether it’s the players or what they do

- The league table is not looked at too much as not sure what it’ll give him. Concentrates on winning the next game and won’t change just because lost three in a row

- Tommy or Nakhi? There’s a possibility of both from the start, hasn’t picked the team yet

- Cams injury isn’t major and will be managed to end of season

The other quote, apart from the obvious one, that got me was the one about “we’re all heading in the right direction”! What’s that Manning?! Down?! 🙄🙄

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1 hour ago, Davefevs said:

Think you’ll find it was me.  I also wrote it on the MDT when the team was announced!

@Silvio Dante were you not paying attention when he said “my phone blew up after the game…”?  I was expecting him to say, “therefore I got an early night as I couldn’t do my clips and analysis”.  But no, it was followed by “…with all the compliments…Kieran said how hard we were to break down”.

Of course he did, he beat you, he’s your mate.  Most winning managers tell a few white-lies.

Except Gary Rowett a couple of seasons back - who said beating us was a piece of piss because we are weak as piss (paraphrased).

Didn’t listen to the post match interview, so just out of interest, did he himself do any of the praising of our boys?

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22 minutes ago, Jimbo76 said:

Any chance you're all overlooking the context and he means he can't do anything in terms of how they're prepared for the game once they step on the pitch?

I think it's pretty ludicrous to suggest that he doesn't think he can change tactics/formations, sub players or address individual players.

I'm finding the whole anti Manning thing a bit OTT. 

I'm not saying he'll be a success, I'm probably as worried as most, but he's clearly passionate, he's working hard and I'm not sure who our saviour is meant to be at this stage.

If, and it's a big if, he turns things around, a lot of the comments on here are gonna seem, again, pretty OTT.

Its not his fault that Pearson was so badly treated. I, for one, am gonna stay positive, and give it a few more games before declaring a disaster.

Tin hat well and truly on.

I'm not that bothered what he says or how stupid he sounds because football matches ain't won in pressers. There's only one thing left now regardless.......he's gotta start delivering and he hasn't got masses of time to start doing it. And by delivering I mean a FEW encouraging performances and a FEW positive results in the next nine games, nobody is asking for him to win the next nine or even five of the next nine but three wins and three draws wouldn't be asking for too much would it? It's do or die time.

Just one thing though......we never needed a saviour back in October, just someone to take what we had and move it along a bit. Hasn't happened so far.

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Watched both LM and BT interviews, how much longer are both going to be living off the Southampton game? 

Is that all we can look forward to now, a few decent performance's against good sides in amongst dreary dross the rest of the season? 

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38 minutes ago, Jimbo76 said:

Any chance you're all overlooking the context and he means he can't do anything in terms of how they're prepared for the game once they step on the pitch?

I think it's pretty ludicrous to suggest that he doesn't think he can change tactics/formations, sub players or address individual players.

I'm finding the whole anti Manning thing a bit OTT. 

I'm not saying he'll be a success, I'm probably as worried as most, but he's clearly passionate, he's working hard and I'm not sure who our saviour is meant to be at this stage.

If, and it's a big if, he turns things around, a lot of the comments on here are gonna seem, again, pretty OTT.

Its not his fault that Pearson was so badly treated. I, for one, am gonna stay positive, and give it a few more games before declaring a disaster.

Tin hat well and truly on.


Great post.

I’m in the Manning out camp but do agree that everything he does and says is turned into a negative by lots on the forum unfairly in lots of occasions. I would love to be wrong about him as it means we are winning again & moving in the right direction which is what we all want.


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2 minutes ago, mason said:

pity the players who have to listen to him everyday

You've got to be a special kind of 'up yourself' (or delusional ) to have the balls, to tell half our squad how they need to better themselves, considering his experience and theirs. 

He's an AI coach just spouting coaching terminology. 

In all my years of following City, I've never felt so negative towards a Coach and those that employed him. 

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It’s the Teflon style and attitude that is getting to me.

I want Liam to succeed, but it was “great” four games ago, we had the odd decent performance but I, and many others, are just bored and not enjoying your football at all...

Just now, PFree said:

It’s the Teflon style and attitude that is getting to me.

I want Liam to succeed, but it was “great” four games ago, we had the odd decent performance but I, and many others, are just bored and not enjoying your football at all...

Was not great sorry...

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2 minutes ago, REDOXO said:

Good to know. What is everyone on about then? 

I can’t watch or listen to him!

Some of the posts above explain it. He was specifically talking in the context of set pieces. And that it was "very hard" to affect the players in that situation.


1 hour ago, Jimbo76 said:

Any chance you're all overlooking the context and he means he can't do anything in terms of how they're prepared for the game once they step on the pitch?


1 hour ago, petehinton said:

For clarity, my misunderstanding and this was specifically around set pieces. But still…bit meh isn’t it. 


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1 hour ago, Jimbo76 said:

Any chance you're all overlooking the context and he means he can't do anything in terms of how they're prepared for the game once they step on the pitch?

No. Listen again.

Yes, his comments are prefaced by talk about what Pat Mountain does. But then there's a clear, short pause which signals he's now talking about something else - and says...

"The second the game starts it's very difficult for me to affect things in game" - later on he even repeats it:

"In game it's really difficult to affect it"

Then the the coup de grace / coward's abdication of responsibility:

"You need people to step up and take responsibility".

By "you" he means "I"


The only time he's taken even partial responsibility is when he's once or twice said "we got it wrong tactically" - meaning, I got my homework wrong.

In other words - if I get my homework right, and give you all the right information and analysis - the result is all the players' fault, good or bad.

We have a chairman who's never achieved anything that wasn't handed to him on a plate, taking advice from a technical director who's never achieved anything that wasn't handed to him on a plate, and a Coach who knows all the theory but has never won a thing, let alone the stated aim of the owner of OUR NOT HIS football club - promotion to the Premier League.

We are Lions led by nobodies.

(Alternatives to the last word in that sentence are freely available. Fill yer boots.)


Edited by Merrick's Marvels
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1 hour ago, Jimbo76 said:

Any chance you're all overlooking the context and he means he can't do anything in terms of how they're prepared for the game once they step on the pitch?

I think it's pretty ludicrous to suggest that he doesn't think he can change tactics/formations, sub players or address individual players.

I'm finding the whole anti Manning thing a bit OTT. 

I'm not saying he'll be a success, I'm probably as worried as most, but he's clearly passionate, he's working hard and I'm not sure who our saviour is meant to be at this stage.

If, and it's a big if, he turns things around, a lot of the comments on here are gonna seem, again, pretty OTT.

Its not his fault that Pearson was so badly treated. I, for one, am gonna stay positive, and give it a few more games before declaring a disaster.

Tin hat well and truly on.

I’m sure there is elements of that, but in that case, communicate it / explain it better, so people don’t misinterpret it.  Understand your audience or your audience’s audience.

For me, the way Nigel Pearson was treated has little relevance to my evaluation of Liam Manning.

34 minutes ago, JP Hampton said:

Didn’t listen to the post match interview, so just out of interest, did he himself do any of the praising of our boys?

Was pretty much (paraphrased) - we were good for 90% of the game executed the game plan, then they (the players) got emotional.

21 minutes ago, Shuffle said:


Great post.

I’m in the Manning out camp but do agree that everything he does and says is turned into a negative by lots on the forum unfairly in lots of occasions. I would love to be wrong about him as it means we are winning again & moving in the right direction which is what we all want.


There are some bits that are  OTT, but there are some comments underplaying of his performance too, and relative ease to push the problems up the hierarchy also.

Some people can criticise Tins, Jon and SL (me included on specific things)…but only one bloke (maybe 3 inc Hogg and Krause) is picking the team, setting the game-plan and making decisions in-game.  And if some of the problems we are seeing get discussed in press / club interviews and come across as appearing to abdicate responsibility, then it’ll get picked up on here.

As for you being wrong.  It’s not about that Shuffs, it’s just you voicing your opinion on what you’ve seen, what you’re seeing and what you foresee happening in the future.  You won’t be the one make the decision, nor is there anything wrong in reflecting in 10 games times or next autumn and commenting on the change you’ve seen.

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