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Donnie Darko

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This is what I posted early on today and i still stand by it

Yes, that's because you are either too stupid or ignorant to read the responses you've had.

I replied with this and I still stand by it:

These are well paid professional athletes. They wanted to be athletes and they have been lucky enough to get to a reasonably high level in their profession.

Being an athlete and making it to the top means making sacrifices. Those sacrifices include going to bed early, training hard, pushing your body to its limits, not drinking, not smoking and not staying out til all hours.

Your point that you can see a fight any night of the week is completely and utterly irrelevant. The fact you can't see that says more about your own stupidity than anything else.

If these athletes aren't prepared to make the sacrifices required to be the best they can be in their chosen profession, than as far as I'm concerened they can f off and take the pis s at some other club.

Yes, they are lads in their 20s and lads of that age can get into scrapes. But these are lads in their 20s who have chosen a particular path in their professional lives. A path that means you have to forego certain things your mates are doing, so that you can give your best, have a nice car and be a hero to thousands of kids. If they can't see that, then they are almost as stupid as you.

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When we got rid of the likes of Doherty and Coles (for bad attitudes and 'social' problems), Tinman was to blame for not being firm enough, not having the respect of the players, and letting things slide.

Now we have three players 'arrested', even though GJ made a point in his first day as manager about the 'social' side of playing for bcfc not being acceptable, and everyone says fair play to GJ for fining them, and not concidering them for Saturday. would you say these players have lost respect for GJ already?

If we lose on Saturday, because these players are missing, who will get the blame I wonder.

well put mate like to see if all the people who bashed Tinman for anything he did slag of GJ in the same way,

I cant belive this has happened to these 3 players but fair play to GJ for the action taken so far be interesting to find out what happened, and why they got arrested :grr:

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Come on these lads are just the same as most young men they have a few drinks and let there hair down,some times it gets out of control but you can see that most week ends around the centre. football players are no different just because they kick a ball around for a job.There is a load of sanctimonious

twaddle being talk on here.

I think it's you who is talking the twaddle.

Less than two weeks ago you were moaning about the cost of watching football at Ashton Gate.

The money that you were moaning about paying, is the same money that is being used to provide these lads with their comfortable lifestyle. Yet you seem to be quite happy with that.

I really don't understand your logic.

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I think it's you who is talking the twaddle.

Less than two weeks ago you were moaning about the cost of watching football at Ashton Gate.

The money that you were moaning about paying, is the same money that is being used to provide these lads with their comfortable lifestyle. Yet you seem to be quite happy with that.

I really don't understand your logic.

Good point. Money is important in this one as we pay at least some of their wages.

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I think it's you who is talking the twaddle.

Less than two weeks ago you were moaning about the cost of watching football at Ashton Gate.

The money that you were moaning about paying, is the same money that is being used to provide these lads with their comfortable lifestyle. Yet you seem to be quite happy with that.

I really don't understand your logic.

You think ashtonyate uses logic? I think I've spotted where your confusion may have arisen.

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....and from the Charlton youth academy may I add. So where are the players from our own much vaunted youth academy to fill the gaps left by our errant first teamers?

Not ready yet, plus we don't have any decent defenders in the academy really. Good attacking players coming through though.

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:grr::grr: you stupid ###### Wits why oh why did u act like a load of chav's out on the town

....that's exactly what it boils down to in the end. Out on the town, late at night, with a new manager in charge that wears his badge on his sleeve with regards to fitness and the virtues of being teetotal. On top of what was reported in the Evening Post concerning Danny Coles' behaviour in a pub in Shropshire that led to Tinman selling him to Hull. Those players can only be one of two things - completely stupid or subversive in wanting to undermine Gary Johnson's authority as manager.

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When we got rid of the likes of Doherty and Coles (for bad attitudes and 'social' problems), Tinman was to blame for not being firm enough, not having the respect of the players, and letting things slide.

Now we have three players 'arrested', even though GJ made a point in his first day as manager about the 'social' side of playing for bcfc not being acceptable, and everyone says fair play to GJ for fining them, and not concidering them for Saturday. would you say these players have lost respect for GJ already?

If we lose on Saturday, because these players are missing, who will get the blame I wonder.

I doubt they'd have lost respect for him. They probably gained respect. If Tins wasn't firm enough, the players would have licked their lips at the prospect of being able to get away with things. That is losing respect. They're going to think twice about taking on G J now aren't they?

Anyone going to back me up?

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I doubt they'd have lost respect for him. They probably gained respect. If Tins wasn't firm enough, the players would have licked their lips at the prospect of being able to get away with things. That is losing respect. They're going to think twice about taking on G J now aren't they?

Anyone going to back me up?

I'm starting to wonder if some of them have the intelligence to respect anybody, to be honest.

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So I supposed they got arrested for sitting in a pub having a lovely chat about Butterflies?

News for you - NO THEY DIDN'T. They were breaking the law - hence why they spent the early morning down the cop shop! I supposed your life involves breaking the law then? :doh:

what have we decided?? Where noted for 'shooting ourselvs in the foot!!!

2-0 to the City boys..

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Cant always get what you want; and its not cutting your nose off its about who`s the boss, players or club;

Wake up the club is number ONE ;the players are just passing through :grr:

I accept your point, but at this moment we have 3 fit players who will not play a part of the first team becuase we have to drop them.

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I understand they should be fined and have a final warning on their future conduct but why drop them ?

And many on here agree !

Yeah lets make matters worse by making it even harder on Saturday....

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face :doh:

it's teaching them to be professional, After all that is what they supposed to be.

This is what I posted early on today and i still stand by it

Next time any of our so called professional athletes want a punch up, We'll send them to your house Ashtonyate, You can give them tea and sympathy.

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Crikey, takes a long time to get to the end of this thread...

One point of many that sticks out was the one about struggling to put the money together for a season ticket, which then pays for the lifestyle of the players. They do owe the fans something for that surely.

Whether or not Johnson wants to make this the final warning, could the fans help to drive out this behaviour?

For example, pinning a "player booze watch" on the forum. Players seen out boozing are named and shamed. Might be extreme, but personally, if it helps in anyway to support those players who are serious about becoming the fittest in our league by keeping off the juice during the season, then I am all for it.

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I can't beleive some of the sanctimonous twaddle on here !

Firstly being arrested doesn't neceassily mean you've done anything wrong - I should know cos it's happened to me !

Secondly - It was a brawl in a night club (alledgedly) get some perspective people please ! In Bristol it's not difficult to go out for a quiet drink only for some mindless hassle merchant to start on you, especially in town - Footballers are easy targets, recognisable local celebreties and a lot of these prats probably think its clever to tell their mates they started on a footballer, maybe they were just defending themselves ?

Thirdly - yes they earn good money - so what ? Does that mean they shouldn't go out like most other blokes their age ?

Fourthly - It was tuesday night - they aren't supposed to consume alcohol for 3 days before a game and there's no game till saturday - doesn't seem unreasonable to me

Fifthy - Why will it unsettle the team ? If some bloke at work said to me "A few of us got arrested after a brawl in town" I woulnd't think "Oh my god I can't do my job now I'm totally unsettled" !

No its not a good thing but don't do the medias job for them by blowing it out of all proportion

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When we got rid of the likes of Doherty and Coles (for bad attitudes and 'social' problems), Tinman was to blame for not being firm enough, not having the respect of the players, and letting things slide.

Now we have three players 'arrested', even though GJ made a point in his first day as manager about the 'social' side of playing for bcfc not being acceptable, and everyone says fair play to GJ for fining them, and not concidering them for Saturday. would you say these players have lost respect for GJ already?

If we lose on Saturday, because these players are missing, who will get the blame I wonder.

Please don't try and compare a Manager like GJ with a half wit like Tinnion.Tinnion was in cahrge for over a year and Johnson for 4 weeks.So if players believe this behaviour is OK then who do you think they learnt it under.

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I accept your point, but at this moment we have 3 fit players who will not play a part of the first team becuase we have to drop them.

We have to draw the line somewhere and those at the club obviously think they have crossed it. (other previous alledged "incidents" have not beeen even acknowledged)

Dear players; If you want to play for B.C.F.C DO NOT get involved in fighting, brawling in town or anywhere else. This will result in a heavy fine and you losing the respect of fans, young and old.

Save the passion for the club and match


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I can't beleive some of the sanctimonous twaddle on here !

Firstly being arrested doesn't neceassily mean you've done anything wrong - I should know cos it's happened to me !

Secondly - It was a brawl in a night club (alledgedly) get some perspective people please ! In Bristol it's not difficult to go out for a quiet drink only for some mindless hassle merchant to start on you, especially in town - Footballers are easy targets, recognisable local celebreties and a lot of these prats probably think its clever to tell their mates they started on a footballer, maybe they were just defending themselves ?

Thirdly - yes they earn good money - so what ? Does that mean they shouldn't go out like most other blokes their age ?

Fourthly - It was tuesday night - they aren't supposed to consume alcohol for 3 days before a game and there's no game till saturday - doesn't seem unreasonable to me

Fifthy - Why will it unsettle the team ? If some bloke at work said to me "A few of us got arrested after a brawl in town" I woulnd't think "Oh my god I can't do my job now I'm totally unsettled" !

No its not a good thing but don't do the medias job for them by blowing it out of all proportion

Some good points there ..i do wanna hear full side of the story before we crucify them


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The reason Johnson gave for not considering them for the game was that they wouldn't be in the right frame of mind. In his opinion the damage was already done even if they played. He's in a better position to judge than we are.

As for the rest, it's perfectly possible for footballers to have a top notch social life and the odd few drinks without getting nicked. Some of us have managed to do it for years. It's called exercising common sense, and methinks some of them need a crash course in it - they have far more to lose than us everyday types.


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I can't beleive some of the sanctimonous twaddle on here !

Firstly being arrested doesn't neceassily mean you've done anything wrong - I should know cos it's happened to me !

Secondly - It was a brawl in a night club (alledgedly) get some perspective people please ! In Bristol it's not difficult to go out for a quiet drink only for some mindless hassle merchant to start on you, especially in town - Footballers are easy targets, recognisable local celebreties and a lot of these prats probably think its clever to tell their mates they started on a footballer, maybe they were just defending themselves ?

Thirdly - yes they earn good money - so what ? Does that mean they shouldn't go out like most other blokes their age ?

Fourthly - It was tuesday night - they aren't supposed to consume alcohol for 3 days before a game and there's no game till saturday - doesn't seem unreasonable to me

Fifthy - Why will it unsettle the team ? If some bloke at work said to me "A few of us got arrested after a brawl in town" I woulnd't think "Oh my god I can't do my job now I'm totally unsettled" !

No its not a good thing but don't do the medias job for them by blowing it out of all proportion

You've almost answered your own point there in the second point. Fine, go out for a drink when the club rules allow you to but WHY go out in Bristol? It smacks of having no brain and asking for trouble. It may be sad that players cannot drink in the Centre because they are easy targets but it is FACT and so they have to act accordingly. As an example, they could go to Bath where I am sure they are far more unlikely to meet any gasheads/idiots looking to wind them up and start a fight.

The fact still remains that the club as an employee CANNOT fine them two weeks wages unless they have broken clearly defined club rules.

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Yes they do earn a lot of money and as long as they do the business on Saturday thats ok I don't know what they have done I suppose it was fighting?.Even football players must let their hair down now and then, they are young men not monks?.Also it was mid-week with no game until Saturday so why should they not go out on the p---

So i suppose 3rd from bottom is doing the buisness? :doh:

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Guest ashtonyate

I can't beleive some of the sanctimonous twaddle on here !

Firstly being arrested doesn't neceassily mean you've done anything wrong - I should know cos it's happened to me !

Secondly - It was a brawl in a night club (alledgedly) get some perspective people please ! In Bristol it's not difficult to go out for a quiet drink only for some mindless hassle merchant to start on you, especially in town - Footballers are easy targets, recognisable local celebreties and a lot of these prats probably think its clever to tell their mates they started on a footballer, maybe they were just defending themselves ?

Thirdly - yes they earn good money - so what ? Does that mean they shouldn't go out like most other blokes their age ?

Fourthly - It was tuesday night - they aren't supposed to consume alcohol for 3 days before a game and there's no game till saturday - doesn't seem unreasonable to me

Fifthy - Why will it unsettle the team ? If some bloke at work said to me "A few of us got arrested after a brawl in town" I woulnd't think "Oh my god I can't do my job now I'm totally unsettled" !

No its not a good thing but don't do the medias job for them by blowing it out of all proportion

Well said

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I can't beleive some of the sanctimonous twaddle on here !

Firstly being arrested doesn't neceassily mean you've done anything wrong - I should know cos it's happened to me !

anyone remember the Walsall incidents lost season??? Incident people arrested for nothing because of who they are...........football fans.

Could well be a case of the same again here, though something tells me that It was only one of the players that got into trouble and other 2 younger players where just looking after their mate..........happens all the time, not fact, just a feeling I get, we all know a certain older player has a reputation for being a bit wild in his earlier days and most people are shocked by the 2 younger players involed because it's not who you expect.

The facts will come out over time and then is the time to properly judge people

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I would like to hear from messrs Brown, Partridge, and Orr. They too have rights in our democracy. BCFC has apparently made its decision with fines and non selection already, before a judicial hearing has taken place.

These players names made it into print because tha police made an arrest. Lita, Murray and Fortune, had their names suppressed by BCFC, as their alledged waterfront incident involved no legal action.

In my experience, players will party after a game and likewise before the 3 day pre match "curfew". It is the nature of the beast be it Football, Rugby or Cricket. You cannot stop it, and those who think they can have a squad of non drinkers, are dreaming.

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