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Police Confirm

Donnie Darko

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Don't you think you are going over the top not one got killed just a bit of a punch up know one has any details you could see that any night of the week in the centre

Look :@ :@ :@ there are hundreds of youngsters who look up to these "players" and they are sending out a message saying its o.k and cool to do this sort of thing.

A public apology or out the door; if they want to fight why didnt they join the army :dunno:

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ive read some bull######*t in my time but this lot takes the biscuit - Nobody knows what has even happened in town that night but have already jumped on the "they are professional footballers and cant have a life" bandwagon.

The majority it would seem reading this have never got in a scrap through no fault of there own - if your out with 2 of your mates and and something kicked off do you stand there and watch or do you get involved and help your mates out? its a no brainer for me but it seems a few on here would happily stand back and see their mates take a kicking, saying that you would propbably be tucked up in bed with a hot mug of coco by 9.30 watching some period drama so would not be out anyway enjoying life. Theres scrapping every night in town and sometimes it cant be avoided no matter what you say.

Until we know the full facts lets not condem the players just yet.

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ive read some bull######*t in my time but this lot takes the biscuit - Nobody knows what has even happened in town that night but have already jumped on the "they are professional footballers and cant have a life" bandwagon.

The majority it would seem reading this have never got in a scrap through no fault of there own - if your out with 2 of your mates and and something kicked off do you stand there and watch or do you get involved and help your mates out? its a no brainer for me but it seems a few on here would happily stand back and see their mates take a kicking, saying that you would propbably be tucked up in bed with a hot mug of coco by 9.30 watching some period drama so would not be out anyway enjoying life. Theres scrapping every night in town and sometimes it cant be avoided no matter what you say.

Until we know the full facts lets not condem the players just yet.

:rofl2br: Your only young arent you :doh: there is more to life than piffing it against a wall as well; another 20 years and you`ll learn.

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ive read some bull######*t in my time but this lot takes the biscuit - Nobody knows what has even happened in town that night but have already jumped on the "they are professional footballers and cant have a life" bandwagon.

The majority it would seem reading this have never got in a scrap through no fault of there own - if your out with 2 of your mates and and something kicked off do you stand there and watch or do you get involved and help your mates out? its a no brainer for me but it seems a few on here would happily stand back and see their mates take a kicking, saying that you would propbably be tucked up in bed with a hot mug of coco by 9.30 watching some period drama so would not be out anyway enjoying life. Theres scrapping every night in town and sometimes it cant be avoided no matter what you say.

Until we know the full facts lets not condem the players just yet.

You have to ask yourself why something kicked off if it did. I totally agree that they should be allowed to go out if the game is 3 days away. What I don't agree with is if they started a fight or didn't walk away if possible. I've seen so many stupid fights over nothing because someone can't leave it alone. It's pathetic. Fighting can be avoided in most cases apart from boxing rings. Some people go into town looking for a fight and that is very sad. If the lads have been beaten up and fought back in defence then that is at least defendable.

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ive read some bull######*t in my time but this lot takes the biscuit - Nobody knows what has even happened in town that night but have already jumped on the "they are professional footballers and cant have a life" bandwagon.

The majority it would seem reading this have never got in a scrap through no fault of there own - if your out with 2 of your mates and and something kicked off do you stand there and watch or do you get involved and help your mates out? its a no brainer for me but it seems a few on here would happily stand back and see their mates take a kicking, saying that you would propbably be tucked up in bed with a hot mug of coco by 9.30 watching some period drama so would not be out anyway enjoying life. Theres scrapping every night in town and sometimes it cant be avoided no matter what you say.

Until we know the full facts lets not condem the players just yet.

Well if they havent done anything wrong ( not saying you have said that)i don't think the club would have dealt such a punishment. They have breached the clubs disciplinary code so they have done something they shouldnt of, simple as! All three players have just got there act together on the pitch and go and do this, pure stupidity :grr: .

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Don't you think you are going over the top not one got killed just a bit of a punch up know one has any details you could see that any night of the week in the centre

For the 7,634th and hopefully last time - These are well paid professional athletes. They wanted to be athletes and they have been lucky enough to get to a reasonably high level in their profession.

Being an athlete and making it to the top means making sacrifices. Those sacrifices include going to bed early, training hard, pushing your body to its limits, not drinking, not smoking and not staying out til all hours.

Your point that you can see a fight any night of the week is completely and utterly irrelevant. The fact you can't see that says more about your own stupidity than anything else.

If these athletes aren't prepared to make the sacrifices required to be the best they can be in their chosen profession, than as far as I'm concerened they can f off and take the pis s at some other club.

Yes, they are lads in their 20s and lads of that age can get into scrapes. But these are lads in their 20s who have chosen a particular path in their professional lives. A path that means you have to forego certain things your mates are doing, so that you can give your best, have a nice car and be a hero to thousands of kids. If they can't see that, then they are almost as stupid as you.

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Guest hairyshamrock

When we got rid of the likes of Doherty and Coles (for bad attitudes and 'social' problems), Tinman was to blame for not being firm enough, not having the respect of the players, and letting things slide.

Now we have three players 'arrested', even though GJ made a point in his first day as manager about the 'social' side of playing for bcfc not being acceptable, and everyone says fair play to GJ for fining them, and not concidering them for Saturday. would you say these players have lost respect for GJ already?

If we lose on Saturday, because these players are missing, who will get the blame I wonder.

I'd say they didn't have any respect for themselves. GJ obviously hadn't made his point clear enough... i bet he has now! :grr:

That'll learns 'em!

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Well lets hope not, i would be gutted to lose these three players for any legnth of time. I gotta admit, three football players in a bar does attract the wrong kind of attention and wouldnt be suprised if alot of the time it isnt actually there fault, its a good scalp to be in a fight with Bristol City players especially with our recent media coverage. Perhaps they should go over to Cardiff or Swindon for there nights out so they aint recognised.

bloody hell imagine if they are they would get slaughtered

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ive read some bull######*t in my time but this lot takes the biscuit - Nobody knows what has even happened in town that night but have already jumped on the "they are professional footballers and cant have a life" bandwagon.

The majority it would seem reading this have never got in a scrap through no fault of there own - if your out with 2 of your mates and and something kicked off do you stand there and watch or do you get involved and help your mates out? its a no brainer for me but it seems a few on here would happily stand back and see their mates take a kicking, saying that you would propbably be tucked up in bed with a hot mug of coco by 9.30 watching some period drama so would not be out anyway enjoying life. Theres scrapping every night in town and sometimes it cant be avoided no matter what you say.

Until we know the full facts lets not condem the players just yet.

So I supposed they got arrested for sitting in a pub having a lovely chat about Butterflies?

News for you - NO THEY DIDN'T. They were breaking the law - hence why they spent the early morning down the cop shop! I supposed your life involves breaking the law then? :doh:

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ive read some bull######*t in my time but this lot takes the biscuit - Nobody knows what has even happened in town that night but have already jumped on the "they are professional footballers and cant have a life" bandwagon.

The majority it would seem reading this have never got in a scrap through no fault of there own - i

ts a no brainer for me Theres scrapping every night in town and sometimes it cant be avoided no matter what you say.

Until we know the full facts lets not condem the players just yet.

Yep, never got involved in a scrap downtown, I agree it's only the likes of them and obviously you who have to argue whose turn it is for the brain cell that night and all scraps can be avoided - the three of them should be sacked just for being there never mind why they were arrested

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For the 7,634th and hopefully last time - These are well paid professional athletes. They wanted to be athletes and they have been lucky enough to get to a reasonably high level in their profession.

Being an athlete and making it to the top means making sacrifices. Those sacrifices include going to bed early, training hard, pushing your body to its limits, not drinking, not smoking and not staying out til all hours.

Your point that you can see a fight any night of the week is completely and utterly irrelevant. The fact you can't see that says more about your own stupidity than anything else.

If these athletes aren't prepared to make the sacrifices required to be the best they can be in their chosen profession, than as far as I'm concerened they can f off and take the pis s at some other club.

Yes, they are lads in their 20s and lads of that age can get into scrapes. But these are lads in their 20s who have chosen a particular path in their professional lives. A path that means you have to forego certain things your mates are doing, so that you can give your best, have a nice car and be a hero to thousands of kids. If they can't see that, then they are almost as stupid as you.

Great post Frank, a post that Gary Johnson should put before every Bristol City FC player to peruse carefully. :whistle:

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Yep, never got involved in a scrap downtown, I agree it's only the likes of them and obviously you who have to argue whose turn it is for the brain cell that night and all scraps can be avoided - the three of them should be sacked just for being there never mind why they were arrested

Got to say I agree. All scraps can be avoided. They are usually something like 'What you looking at etc' and the if the other guy is a fool too there will be a fight! Funny but not when it's your team's players (if it is).

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Yep, never got involved in a scrap downtown, I agree it's only the likes of them and obviously you who have to argue whose turn it is for the brain cell that night and all scraps can be avoided - the three of them should be sacked just for being there never mind why they were arrested

ive been involved in a fight where my mate was getting kicked in the face as 3 people started on us in town for no reason at all (your going to have to take my word for that by the way), could you just sit back and watch that or would you help out and throw a few punches trying to help your mate? Tell me how i could have avoided fighting that night and been able to look him in the eyes again?

For the record i hate fighting and agree 99.9% of the time its un-neccasary the point I'm trying to make is sometimes it is unavoidable and until we know the full stories i don't think we can comment - the players may be in the wrong and i would then aggree they need to be punished.

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Guest tucker58

Shame that at the same time as Dave C enhances the club's reputation, these 3 numpties get the club in the papers and on TV for all the wrong reasons. They deserve the fine and being dropped.

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ive been involved in a fight where my mate was getting kicked in the face as 3 people started on us in town for no reason at all (your going to have to take my word for that by the way), could you just sit back and watch that or would you help out and throw a few punches trying to help your mate? Tell me how i could have avoided fighting that night and been able to look him in the eyes again?

For the record i hate fighting and agree 99.9% of the time its un-neccasary the point I'm trying to make is sometimes it is unavoidable and until we know the full stories i don't think we can comment - the players may be in the wrong and i would then aggree they need to be punished.

The players have already been punished by the club which means they were breaking club rules (if not the law). The club cannot fine you two weeks wages just because you got arrested - as you rightly say, they could have been innocent. So, to get fined two weeks wages, at the very least they have breached club discipline otherwise a decent solicitor would take the club to the cleaners. This club's prima donna's have lacked discipline for years. Johnson is sending out a clear message in my eyes - you either have the stomach for the REAL fight (which is on the pitch) which includes the discipline that goes with it or you can go and be a big time charlie elsewhere.

The social side of being a footballer is very simple. You look after your body as an athlete is expected to do and you can have your social life within the confines, rules and parameters of your CONTRACT which in the case of footballers, gives you very good remuneration in return, even at mediocre third division level. All you then have to do when carrying out your social activity is BEHAVE yourself. This means if you go out for a drink, you have a laugh, get drunk perhaps, but not so out of control of your actions that you get involved in a free for all down the centre. If you are being wound up by gasheads, for example, you get in a taxi and DRINK SOMEWHERE ELSE. I'm sorry, S.B.City but the type of hard luck case that happened to you is extremely rare and the majority of people who get arrested by the police for violent disorder or similar are actually "up for it". There are MILLIONS of people in this country who have been totally wasted on numerous occasions in their lifetime and have not spent ONE MINUTE of it down the police station answering questions or asking for their brief to be present.

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I would just like to add a different veiw point. If i were out one night and had a few too many and somehow managed to get into a bit of a fight and was arrested. I would be extremely angry if i lost my job over it! Especially if i hadnt been in any kind of trouble before. I don't think any job should have controll over anyone for 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. I'm assuming this happened before last night because Partridge was watching Wales. Nether the less even if it was thats atleast three nights before our match, not exactly as if these players got hammerd the night before a big match.

Anyway i just wanted to add a slightly different veiwpoint. Maybe we shouldnt all act like these are our puppets and let them have a bit of a social life.

The problem is, the lads could have been down town just having a drink and my guess is a mob of the blue mem boys turn up and wound them up. I know, before you all jump down my throat, they should,nt been there but you can only take so much. What if they were perhaps spat at, beer chucked at them, obsenities about thier family,s etc etc etc, you just don't know, infact none of us know. All i know, i bet its not that serious and their being exploited because of thier status. Gary has shown his strength by a whopping 2 weeks wage fine and not playing next game, but ive got an open mind on all this, and untill charged, and more importantly found guilty of whatever, none of us have the right to condem these lads to anything, perhaps even a little support my fellow red fans please.

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The problem is, the lads could have been down town just having a drink and my guess is a mob of the blue mem boys turn up and wound them up. I know, before you all jump down my throat, they should,nt been there but you can only take so much. What if they were perhaps spat at, beer chucked at them, obsenities about thier family,s etc etc etc, you just don't know, infact none of us know. All i know, i bet its not that serious and their being exploited because of thier status. Gary has shown his strength by a whopping 2 weeks wage fine and not playing next game, but ive got an open mind on all this, and untill charged, and more importantly found guilty of whatever, none of us have the right to condem these lads to anything, perhaps even a little support my fellow red fans please.

I just want to add one thing to this debate.

Does anyone know if any other people apart from our three players were arrested?

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none of us have the right to condem these lads to anything, perhaps even a little support my fellow red fans please.

....OK if this was a one off, but similar has happened many times before. We're struggling at the bottom of poxy Div 3 with highly paid players that Gary Johnson cannot now pick against Tranmere. I've just got to write that I'm sick of continually reading and hearing of BCFC players being involved in drinking and fighting. I thoroughly agree with what Frank and Greebo have just written on this subject and I'll have little sympathy for the players whatever their excuse. :angry:

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If this had happened under Tinnion we'd have had posts on here about how Tinnion can't manage players and get their respect.

Yet this has happened under Gary Johnson, who strikes me as someone every player and fan thinks can manage and who has the respect of everyone.

It makes you wonder, it really does.

If you're allowed to misbehave for so long then you're always going to misbehave untill someone comes down hard on you and thats what's happening now.

City players have gotten away with murder for so long that they think it's ok. It's about time they got a shock

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When we got rid of the likes of Doherty and Coles (for bad attitudes and 'social' problems), Tinman was to blame for not being firm enough, not having the respect of the players, and letting things slide.

Now we have three players 'arrested', even though GJ made a point in his first day as manager about the 'social' side of playing for bcfc not being acceptable, and everyone says fair play to GJ for fining them, and not concidering them for Saturday. would you say these players have lost respect for GJ already?

If we lose on Saturday, because these players are missing, who will get the blame I wonder.

Well In my view....... the players that have been involved should take some if not all of the responsibilty for the actions that Gary has had to take ....... so erm the players that have placed him in this position.

But we will win...... it won't change things though

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They're lads in their mid-twenties, they're bound to have a drink now and again. There is no indication that they had drunk excessively.

It seems likely that they've been pretty stupid, if they instigated the violence then no doubt we will find out about it soon, more likely they failed to walk away which is not always unforgiveable, unprofessional and worthy of condemnation but I wouldn't write them off just yet.

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....OK if this was a one off, but similar has happened many times before. We're struggling at the bottom of poxy Div 3 with highly paid players that Gary Johnson cannot now pick against Tranmere. I've just got to write that I'm sick of continually reading and hearing of BCFC players being involved in drinking and fighting. I thoroughly agree with what Frank and Greebo have just written on this subject and I'll have little sympathy for the players whatever their excuse. :angry:

I think what makes most of us angry is they should know better and be able to avoid these types of confrontations, but after a few Stella's they are just beer monsters like all of them, no self control and they should be setting examples, they are representing the Club.

Johnson must make an example of them by sticking them all on the transfer list harsh but fair, but thats like cutting your nose off to spite your face..we need them in the first team damit!! :grr:

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I think what makes most of us angry is they should know better and be able to avoid these types of confrontations, but after a few Stella's they are just beer monsters like all of them, no self control and they should be setting examples, they are representing the Club.

Johnson must make an example of them by sticking them all on the transfer list harsh but fair, but thats like cutting your nose off to spite your face..we need them in the first team damit!! :grr:

Cant always get what you want; and its not cutting your nose off its about who`s the boss, players or club;

Wake up the club is number ONE ;the players are just passing through :grr:

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Guest ashtonyate

Come on these lads are just the same as most young men they have a few drinks and let there hair down,some times it gets out of control but you can see that most week ends around the centre. football players are no different just because they kick a ball around for a job.There is a load of sanctimonious

twaddle being talk on here.

This is what I posted early on today and i still stand by it

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