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One Big Story


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"He's buried underneath the patio slabs with that bloke from Brookside," came the reply.

Horrified, Gary, Dolly, Graham, Tom (who had mysteriously reappeared), Coddy, the rabbit, Robins 72, Ron (formerly Ronmeister) and Big Ron all grabbed their shovels and started digging.

Amazingly they found.........

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....shaking his head in disbelief, and accidentally head butting Tom into the hole he'd dug.

Dolly realised that all was lost, and headed for the bus station, where she caught the last bus out of town to.....

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Choosing "heads" it was a ticket to the Carling Cup Final. "But who to support?" She wondered.

"On the one hand it's Manchester Utd, playing in red, or Wigan playing in blue."

Would it be a much despised Manchester Utd? Or wearing a blue and white scarf for Wigan?

Only Dolly could decide...........

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Tom knew nothing about football (he had a Rovers season ticket remember), so he remained silent in his subterranean prison.......

and after 3 weeks of deliberation Dolly thought it would make sense to support Bristol City at the Carling Cup final....


....the answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind. (Blowing in the wind)


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But Dolly put day dreaming to one side,realising that Bristol City would never ever reach any major Cup Final and decided that Tom's indecision ment that she should support neither ManUtd or the mighty Wigan but support football itself - something Tom just couldn't comprehend being a gashead. Dolly put her ticket on ebay and ......

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....whilst she was there put in a bid for a time machine that could transport her back to 1909 so that she could actually see Bristol City in a major Cup final only this time hopefully they would win against Man Utd thus hopefully leading to the swapping around of the entire future fortunes of the two Clubs...


...look at all the people like cows in a herd... (Eels - I like Birds)


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She was accompanied on her journey through time by Edmund Blackadder and his faithful sidekick Baldrick, himself a City supporter who loved digging holes in other peoples' gardens. On one such adventure Baldrick had dug up the patio in a Liverpool housing development and discovered a concussed but still breathing Tom Cruise, together with his mobile phone which had Dolly's number on his speed dial.

Baldrick phoned Dolly for a date before reburying Tom under the patio, and that's how the two of them came to be with Edmund in a time machine hurting through space towards.......

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