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Trouble After?


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are car was parked at tht cross rd the 6 lads tht got started i knew and they did nothing then all you seen was about 30-40 forest wlkin up rd shout and it was kids about 14-15 in shirts from tht amici bar tht had the chairs then they stared throwin them at the 6 lads from bristol then someone told the boiz and they came a dun forets over bigtime sum bloke came up 2 me and asked if i was bristol i sed yh he sed "you boiz dumped us today" he had a chip paper on his cut to the back of the head



Incidents such as the one yesterday make me question going to games and posts like this make me question coming on this message board.

We came across a 12-year-old Forest fan scared witless because he had been separated from his dad and chased by a bunch of 'CITY BOIZ'. And then some imbecile comes on here and posts this garbage

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Incidents such as the one yesterday make me question going to games and posts like this make me question coming on this message board.

We came across a 12-year-old Forest fan scared witless because he had been separated from his dad and chased by a bunch of 'CITY BOIZ'. And then some imbecile comes on here and posts this garbage

I think it will be better if you ignore posts like these as the vast majority of people on here have condoned the actions of a mindless few. Also this poster is a burberry wearing kid (as shown by his pic).

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Incidents such as the one yesterday make me question going to games and posts like this make me question coming on this message board.

We came across a 12-year-old Forest fan scared witless because he had been separated from his dad and chased by a bunch of 'CITY BOIZ'. And then some imbecile comes on here and posts this garbage

If you have a look at this fools profile you'll see what a fake burberry arse this 'motty' is. I would suggest a mass use of the ignore button untill he grows up a bit.

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Your only saying that because you know yesterdays mayhem in Notts is damaging to the EE petition.

I'm only saying that because I believe, with the other half of the post that you cut, it to be true.

The vast majorety of Club's and their supporters visiting Ashton Gate this season have no appeal to these people so this has nothing to do with the East End.

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The Amici bar before the game had some Forest fans giving abuse out to City fans walking past.

I Witnessed this first hand.

This is no excuse for the damage by 'City' fans but trouble after the game was a imo always going to happen.

Reading the forest forum it seems the Police may of let things happen to enforce a closure of pubs after Forest games.

It seemed to me that the Police concentrated on the so called City fans in the car park but were very poor keeping any Forest idiot away from Radcliffe Road.

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Well done to them. Nobody likes bullies and I would have stuck up for myself if it was me. Don't knock them for looking after themselves.

Indeed, nobody likes bullies - a teenage lad (a bully) within a group of young Nottingham lads shouted after my 12 year old son "f* *k off to yer own end you Bristol b*stard". This was before the game as we were looking for the correct Bridgford 'away' entrance and were passing the 'home' end upper Bridgford tier entrance. I was thinking of remonstrating with the idiot but I let it ride, seems that Forest were looking for trouble throughout the game as well and I witnessed a pie thrown down at us from the top tier and coins when they scored.

I certainly wouldn't knock any of our lads for looking after themselves given the sheer intimidation many City fans received from some of the Nottingham Forest 'supporters'. What were the City lads supposed to do? Be 'legally, politically and socially correct' and let the Forest idiots beat them up ????!!!!!!

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The Amici bar before the game had some Forest fans giving abuse out to City fans walking past.

I Witnessed this first hand.

This is no excuse for the damage by 'City' fans but trouble after the game was a imo always going to happen.

Reading the forest forum it seems the Police may of let things happen to enforce a closure of pubs after Forest games.

It seemed to me that the Police concentrated on the so called City fans in the car park but were very poor keeping any Forest idiot away from Radcliffe Road.

What's the Forest forum called?

Cheers in advance. :)

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I walked past the Amici bar at around 14:20hrs enroute to the match, no fans were outside, just 3 Bouncers, but i turned into Colwick Rd, and all the bars/pubs there had Home fans shouting and barracking everyone who went by, but especially City fans who were wearing team colours.

Didn't see any Police until i passed 2 Horse Officers on Orston Rd.

What really made me laugh was page 49 of the Official Forest Program.

I quote;

Following serious allegations at recent games that some items, including coin, have been thrown from the Upper Tier, onto supporters seated below.

THEREFORE, it has been decided to withdraw ALL match day ticket sales for the seats in the FRONT 10 rows of the Bridgford Upper Tier until further notice!!

Didn't see much evidence of the front 10 rows being EMPTY yesterday!!.

Surprised if any City fan sat underneath got away without being gobbed on, spat at, or had the odd coin dropped on them.


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This was before the game as we were looking for the correct Bridgford 'away' entrance and were passing the 'home' end upper Bridgford tier entrance.

I always end up going to the "Home" end of the Bridgford Stand.

For such a "Famous" Club/Ground, the signage is utter bollocks!!


who eva told you tht they was 1,000 city lot is rubbish are car was parked ryt where is hapened it was more like 2,00 city and it was mint seein the forest shoutin o nttingham is full of fight city boiz dun umm horrilbly yesterday

Whats that in English??.


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How do you know those six city "fans" hadn't done something previously that day to light an earlier touch paper?

Making excuses for scumbags who smash up a bar with kids in is completely wrong. By doing so you totally undermine the good work you're doing trying to get the east end opened.

Just because they were apparently outnumbered to start with doesn't mean that they're any less to blame, or in any way excuse the actions of the complete ######s who came along to join in for fun.

There are morons on both sides, true, but don't pretend our shit doesn't stink.

your right i don't, no excuses just going by what i was told that forest were attacking

city fans untill the numbers got even.

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Reading the forest forum it seems the Police may of let things happen to enforce a closure of pubs after Forest games.

The only Police i saw all day, apart from 2 officers on horseback were at our end of the ground, after the game.

100s of the buggers, and the one i asked for directions to the Nottingham Beer Fest was ok, but the on next to him would of arrested me for asking!!.


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I passed that Amici bar on the way to the ground, about 4.50. Some Bloke, late 30's I'd say, jumped out from a rowdy crowd outside and in front of me, a bit of pushing went on and as I passed him, he hit me across the back of the head. I looked around. It hadn't hurt me. I was on my own, I just kept walking. And there were no children outside that so called nice little wine bar!

On the way back after the game, I passed the same bar, along with plenty of other city (and forest) fans, and that's when it all started. Most city fans crossed the road to avoid trouble. As I walked up to the bar, it all started - some big bloke in the bar crowd just yelled 'come on then - let's have it' (I know - that sounds really naff - but I swear it's what he said, I was looking right at him. He was looking well past me, over my shoulder) Then it all got a bit crazy in the road. But again, I saw no children in outside this forest pub. Just young and middle aged men - none wearing football shirts or colours, obviously.

So I think some of what that rivals site said is a little one sided. Didn't like the bit about a city mob attacking a bar full of children - Maybe there were children inside, but I didn't see any. Just some men shouting and throwing stuff. And I wasn't involved on the city side - I was wearing my city shirt for christ sake - with no jacket

There were at least a dozen kids in Amici's when it was being smashed up, but they had been taken out to the back to try and protect them from being hurt. One of them, a 7 year old girl, I am Godfather to.

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It is all rather sad. Why is it that, with a post on a football site, the only word needed is 'trouble' and the hits roll in? Deep down, despite our superficial abhorrence of hooligansim, football supporters still like to prove something over rival fans? On we come with our cheap jibes about egg chasers but maybe we could learn a good deal from their attitude and outlook on what is after all just 'sport'. The most heated rivalry in the land and still the fans can stand cheek by jowl on the terraces, beer in hands, enjoying the game - whether it be Gloucester v Bath, Bath v Bristol or Bristol v Gloucester. At the end of the day, it is all to do with what lies between the ears - ie. brain cells. Bottom line is - the typical 'soccer' fan don't have too many, Brian. Hence, we get taken for a ride .. Your typical rugby fan wouldn't stand for the type of nonsense football supporters are subject to - alcohol bans in grounds, segregation, being bussed into matches, etc. Rugby fans would vote with their feet so these things don't happen for them. OK - getting away from the point - but I don't want to spend my leisure time feeling threatened. Having been the victim of a brain dead football thug once - a Blackburn yob - maybe my attitude is coloured. Soccer violence is all too predictable - a working class culture. And it is precisely that that has led to the abandonment of terracing, the closure of the East End, over priced all seater stadia, pre-booked tickets and everything else that has altered the character of the national game. I am just so relieved that, in the non-league circuit, real football supporters can still enjoy the real game - FC United of Manchester excepted.

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I was sat right on the far left, Row G pretty much next to the "police" and "security" that seperated us from the fans to our left. They were bloody awful, i had a feeling it would kick off afterwards. And the polcie outside were non-existant once you walked aorund the corner from the ground. They were stood outside making sure nothing happened to the coaches, but once we got to the main road, all the trouble kciked off, i'd say it was nearer 20 mins before the 2 police horses turned up rather than 10, it did seem like a long time.

I almost got hit with a chair, which then made me turn around and walk away from the river, but then i bumped into another fight that errupted, I didn't notice any security cameras above the shops, but then again, my mind was on not getting punched by some random bloke so i didn't take too much notice to them. Then i saw what they were doing to that bar, more glass, more chairs, more tables, no police?

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I am just so relieved that, in the non-league circuit, real football supporters can still enjoy the real game - FC United of Manchester excepted.

Apparently, some of the worst football violence is now associated with the non-league game. This doesn't get a lot of publicity but some of these games attract trouble. Of course, there is little effective police presence at non-league games and this allows it to happen.

Little effective police presence? Just like Saturdays in Nottingham really.

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Deep down, despite our superficial abhorrence of hooligansim, football supporters still like to prove something over rival fans?

It's not superficial and I and 98% of football fans genuinely don't think that 100 muppets fighting in the street proves anything other than that they are muppets.

I must confess I'm not surprised to read a post from you that criticises people who watch league football and idolises the non league game - in which thuggery is just as if not even more rife but less well reported.

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Passed this bar before the game and outside were dozens of what were obviously forest hooligans (i've followed CITY all over the country and know the type to avoid). They were staring at and trying to intimidate the away fans as they passed!

But what struck me most was the complete lack of any police presence!! I didn't see one. This is a road right next to the ground, leading to the away end where 4500 fans were expected and where in the next half hour all the away fans further down the road drinking in various pubs were going to use. I was amazed this trouble hadn't happened then and not after!!

By the sounds of it there weren't any police there after the game either. You have to ask yoursef why?? There were cctv cameras everywhere and the forest mob should have been easy enough to spot to a trained policeman. And apparently CITY have a reputation for a certain type off following so why didn't all the establishments where forests mob where likely to be have at least one van full of coppers nearby monitoring things, there were plenty enough of them on duty!!

Maybe they let the trouble happen so they could get cctv evidence, otherwise it is mystifying as to how they let it occur. Surely they couldn't really couldn't have been that incompetent!!

The old bill let it happen as they have wanted the Amici close after matches for ages, this way of letting it get smashed up proves it as a point for trouble and therefore justifies the police suspicion.

I would also like to add, please do not comment on issues and matters that you did not witness. It's boring and pathetic and just makes you look foolish. Chinese whispers, what a joke!

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We got up Notts and In Hooters by 12, (nice place) by 130pm place was packed with City singing, I spoke to one of the Hooties and said is it always like this with away fans she replied, "no never, its never this busy either, they are like animals. I replied for "what for singing and friendly banter." I then thought miserable cow I'm joining in now. (thats what a waitress thinks about us just for singing, unless we all ate like animals, i only had curly fries as well..

Then for no apparent reason the place was invaded by approx 10 jumped up , arrogant coppers wandering through trying to intimidate.

Saw no trouble after, but was concerned when having to walk down all these side streets to get from trent bridge end to Bridgford stand, with no Police around and Forest everywhere.

S hite game , cheating ref, poor 1st half, better second,

But me and my 16year old enjoyed them Hooters with a few friends. Need one of them places by Ashton Gate.

Idea turn the Wedlocks into one for us City boys upstairs/downstairs.

Happy days.

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Yes, me and my brother saw it. There was some trouble in the car parks that seemeed unrelated to the riot that was under way in Radcliffe Road by time we got out there. I'm not sure who started it - quite honestly, I don't care - I'm not sure it was City fans who started it because it seemed to be entirely indiscriminate. The police seemed very slow to arrive at the scene - probably because they were too busy sending fans in directions they didn't want to go in. There were metal chairs being thrown around and one place was compeltely destroyed (presumably it was the Amici bar?)

The most striking thing about it was that there were so many kids there - absolutely terrified.

Maybe these "fans" of both sides will realise that there actions reflect badly on their clubs and that kids should be able to go to matches without witnessing grown men behaving like animals.

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that amici was the bar at the bottom of radcliffe road wasnt it.

thats were all there boys were before the game, i mean, would you take kids in there???,just after the game, crazy.

i had a date in bar ###### amici afterwards... fortunately, it took me a while to find it - so got there just as it was being distroyed, rather than being inside with a fitty as it was being destroyed.

absolute madness... but as i've said elsewhere, most people around that area were there for one reason only - and you'd have to be either very stupid, be wearing a football shirt (which is just for kids really, isnt it?) or very very unlucky to be a genuine 'innocent' caught up in football violence.

I just walked through the lot of it looking disinterested - let the nutters kill the nutters i say: if they get seriously hurt then it's just natural selection!

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The old bill let it happen as they have wanted the Amici close after matches for ages, this way of letting it get smashed up proves it as a point for trouble and therefore justifies the police suspicion.

I would also like to add, please do not comment on issues and matters that you did not witness. It's boring and pathetic and just makes you look foolish. Chinese whispers, what a joke!

In that case I'd be interested to know how you can confidently state 'The old bill let it happen as they have wanted the Amici close after matches for ages'.

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My cousin is a Forest fan, he has lived and worked in Nottingham for the last 7 and a half years. He has had a season ticket for the last 3 seasons and drinks in the bar quite regularly before home games, the owner has been asked to close the bar after high profile games on numerous occassions as it has a reputation for attracting the "wrong crowd" on match days, needless to say he hasn't. In fact the pub was open an hour after it was "smashed up".

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