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Everything posted by ralphindevon

  1. Yeah I did take it to mean it can get a bit rowdy in away ends, maybe I was wrong. I still think in the family stand anyone should be welcome. I think the OP’s mistake was to come on here and announce it and not just do it. Who is going to care if his 10 year old son gives a little cheer? I’ve been in loads of home ends watching us play away. The only time I got sussed was at Newcastle where I was struggling to understand the very talkative Geordie sat next to me but he was fine when he found out. I always enjoy a chat with opposition fans in the pub or even sat in the ground like often happens in the Heineken lounge.
  2. ATM I’m pretty sure the Elizabethan line will be fine on that Sunday. I did that journey back in the summer and it’s very quick and very easy. The E. Line station is on the right hand side of Paddington as you get off the train then it’s just 19 minutes to Stratford. We’ll know exactly what’s going on in the days leading up to the match, if anything changes and the EL is out of action we’ll put alternative options here then.
  3. Engineering work, trains going via Westbury and Newbury not Swindon.
  4. Ha, someone’s been drinking for too long is more like the truth. Edited
  5. Can’t believe a couple of the replies on this. its a father and son wanting to sit in the family stand because away ends can get a bit lively. Of course you can go in the family stand, absolutely no problem at all this is 2023/24 not 1979. The same rules apply anywhere inside or outside the ground where you wouldn’t want to take the mickey if/when you score but I say welcome and enjoy the game. The Leeds father son incident was different in that we’ve had loads of problems with Leeds fans in the home end taking liberties.
  6. It certainly was for many years as far as “best supported leagues” goes. Not sure if it still is.
  7. Oh no, that’s just so tragic. Condolences to his family and friends. RIP fellow red
  8. well I’m still not over 60…….for a few months…… so who knows? But no, we maybe get a pot hole repaired in our road if we’re lucky but that’s about it.
  9. Would Nige have been given a fee for keeping quiet and not spilling the beans on what it’s like being Bristol City manager and working for the Lansdowns?
  10. If I could chose a kick off time it would be 2pm. 12.30 is just rubbish, not enough time for catching up with friends for a drink and usually a crap atmosphere. 3pm is ok but it gets you home a bit late if you’re off out that evening. Having said that besides the occasional Sunday, it’s never going to be 2pm.
  11. As you’ve already pointed out, none of us can have anything that lucky or we wouldn’t have been playing in the same 2 divisions for nearly 40 years. Having said that, if I’ve got something new, maybe from the club shop, wear it and we win, you can guarantee that’s my latest lucky item. Of course it rarely lasts. The season before last, I think, I did wear the same polo shirt to all 5 away games I went to, we won all 5. First away game the following season, defeat!
  12. When I lived near Carcassonne it was 4 bottles of wine for everyone over 60. As we lived in the biggest wine growing area in the world, the Languedoc-Roussillon region produced more wine than the whole of Australia, I don’t suppose it costs the Mairie very much, probably just getting rid of the stock that needs drinking soon.
  13. Always worth mentioning, I’m never anywhere near Melksham but I’m sure others on here are. The Moroccan lamb sounds lush, right up my street.
  14. Anyone going out for Christmas lunch/dinner on Monday? I'd love to hear some reviews if you are.
  15. Really enjoyed that last night, when thing's are going well it always feels better under lights. I'm now pleased the Leeds game has moved to Friday, definitely due a win against them. It does feel like we're going to get a penalty most games right now. Great to get that jinx off our backs
  16. I’m pretty sure they’d made their minds up some time ago that they wouldn’t be renewing his contract, so yes, I’m sure Manning was on the list way before he was appointed.
  17. Yeah, I’ve never been to a senior reds lunch, though sadly I do qulaify, but I remember when Steve L used to do a Q&A at an away ground every year it was very much something that he didn’t want reporting and I think banned all media attending. I'm not sure if this is similar but I don’t recall any other of their meetings getting a comprehensive report. Perhaps regulars can shed more light
  18. I’m happy with Galley’s report. This is Jon Lansdown we’re talking about, I don’t think he would have given long complex answers.
  19. Are you expecting the answers to be quite different to what @Galley is our king has told us?
  20. His mum is a regular customer where I work, usually sporting Villa training wear. I’m sure she’ll be as proud of him as she always is. Though she’s quick to bring him down to earth if he ever shows any signs of getting above his station. Lovely lady with a lovely son.
  21. Sorry if it came across like that but I can't understand why you can't see what everyone else can. And no you won't be able to find a picture of a packed stand in a recent league game because there hasn't been one. I've got one from the Man City game and it's not looked like that since, yet it's sold out most games. Anyway, happy to agree to disagree
  22. Not on UK tv or Robins tv but may be shown on certain foreign channels.
  23. I PM’d Lenred with a similar photo but even closer, you can clearly pick out one section where there’s 10 empty seats with 6 empty just behind, easily enough to sit a football team, as well as loads of other spots with 5 /6 seats empty. I’m not sure why he’s so defensive towards the South Stand, it’s plain to see and like it most games.
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