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Posts posted by Robbored

  1. 42 minutes ago, BobBobSuperBob said:

    Those bowls away fixtures sound a bit naughty 

    I'd stick to football from now on



    I've seen blokes rip their hats off and stamp on them....but usually their anger is verbal and channeled at their team mates .

    You get called a "jammy bastard" when you play a clever shot.....:whistle:

  2. This thread has turned into a trip down memory lane for some of us.

    Now if there ever trouble between football fans I tend to take a dim view of it before I remember that I was exactly the same back in the old days.

    As Clint Eastwood said in The Unforgiven " I ain't like that no more" - thankfully.

  3. 4 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

    My memory is slightly different to yours. We first went to Swindon in '69, As far as I am aware from then until the segregation came in, when we "took" the Town end, it STAYED "took" !:cool:

    It was around 45 years ago Slarti. Age can play tricks with yer memory. I don't remember ever holding the Town End but that doesn't mean City didn't it do.

  4. 12 minutes ago, harrys said:

    Swindon is such an irrelevant club and Town that I feel it's impossible to have any hatred for them, maybe it's just because I can remember the fun days we had on the Town End back in the 70's

    If you were there back in the 70s then youll know just how much trouble there was between fans, made worse by the violence dished out by the Wiltshire Police. What a bunch of thugs they were.

    I and a load of lads went to the County Ground  every time we played there and "took" the Town End many times but never able to hold it for long. That's where I got such a kicking I ended up in hospital with badly bruised ribs and a fracture.

    I hasten to add that I was a teenager back then and getting into punch ups was part of the "fun". 

    Thankfully I grew out of that pretty quickly.

  5. 52 minutes ago, harrys said:

     Sorry, what I found strange about your comment was that you had a bigger dislike for Swindon and Cardiff than Rovers, personally I feel totally indifferent towards the two of them whereas Rovers, apart from being totally Reprehensible are also   pathological liars

    As I posted earlier in this thread, each to their own.

    I have solid, historical reasons for greatly disliking Swindon and Cardiff but no historical or current reasons for feeling the same towards the Gas.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Hartcliffe red said:


    Yeah, really.

    Swindon because it's a shit hole of a place full of inbreds who think that Swindon Town FC are the greatest team in the West......:facepalm:  There's a great amount of history between the fans going back to the 70s and the only place I ever got a real kicking and then arrested before being taken to PMH to get treated for a busted rib. 

    Cardiff because it's Cardiff! It's actually a nice City despite being full of taffies. The amount of grief they've caused us on and off the pitch over decades is immense. They're as close as I've ever got to hating a football club and now that Colin is there it's even closer.

  7. 29 minutes ago, Malago said:

    Because it's great fun having a laugh at the sags.  Losing their league status, getting knocked out of the cup in successive years by Chesham and Barrow, coming out with belters like "championship ready" and "off the field comparable to Brighton", what's not to like.

    In addition the UWE fiasco and the lack of investment in the team are all about to come to a head.  I for one am rubbing my hands in anticipation at the pantomime that is about to unfold.

    Of course events at AG take priority, but as a sideshow it's hard to beat the entertainment provided by the gas soap opera.


    Each to their own I guess.

    Im only too happy to engage in a bit of friendly banter with my gashead mates but they know that I have the high ground so they tend to change the subject. When they get cocky as they regularly  do I mention the tented village they play on and ask them what division they're in these days.

    I have a far greater dislike for Swindon and Cardiff than I do the Rovers.

  8. 3 minutes ago, slartibartfast said:

    I notice under your user name you have a little diatribe ending.......the voice of reason, the SAGE.

    I think it's miss spelled, should it not be ....the SAGS ?


    I wouldn't have that you, a respected and long standing poster would resort to such a cheap and very tired jibe.

  9. 1 hour ago, RedM said:

    @Robbored, he's got a point. Most threads I can easily deduce what they might contain by the title, although in NTTDS case they can be more challenging to guess!

    I very rarely read threads with any suggestion that they are gas related but obviously can't avoid seeing the thread title. 

    I just don't get why some posters find it necessary to harp on about the Rovers. They aren't even in our league ffs. If they were then it would be understandable to see such posts because they'd be rivals.


  10. 5 minutes ago, RedM said:

    I did merge it yes, once it started to go off at a tangent (funny photos) it may as well be lumped in together with the rest.

    How's this for an idea? - create a Bristol Rovers sub forum similar to the transfer one.

    Then most of us wouldn't have to put up the boring gashead topics.

  11. 10 minutes ago, MichaelRobartes said:

     it seems to be the popular model now that you have a DoR then a head coach and the rest of the coaching team. Some clubs will have no DoR though, in which case the head coach is in charge. 

    Eddie Jones would my choice. I'm sure SL could afford him.......:whistle:

  12. 45 minutes ago, Tomarse said:

    I'm going to that game.. ahaha :facepalm:

    Having been to every PL game at AG and witnessed the "boys against men" early in the season Bristol are definitely improving. Although they lost to both Bath and Leicester their performances were very competitive in both, they held their own and managed a bonus losing point against two top sides.

    The knowledgeable guys all around me are a little more optimistic about staying up.

  13. I left early. It was fcking dreadful. I couldn't watch anymore shite.

    Got home and caught the last few mins of Exeter v Bath on Sky. Now that we a proper game of Premier rugby with Bath 4 points down at the 80mins and they pushed the Chiefs back on got over in the corner after several collapsed scrums. I should have stayed home and watched that.....

    Bristol had no idea and the guys around me were going nuts at the performance.

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