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Sir Geoff

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Everything posted by Sir Geoff

  1. Imo it is not fair to compare NP with Cooper. Surely if a fair comparison is to be made it should be with Houghton, whom a huge majority on here wanted to be appointed after LJ. Fwiw Swansea fans never took to Cooper (possibly because of his tenuous Cardiff links, but it I think it went deeper than that)
  2. Richard Gould asked him (as per interview with Scott on 3 peeps podcast).
  3. Think you might have nailed it Sherlock. DaSilva and Pring interchangeable. If Williams doesn't start (which I think he will) the Martin or Wells come in and Weimann drops in behind the front two
  4. Terrible game. Fam his usual anonymous self.
  5. Funny...the Forest fans were singing, " your'e effing sh*t" for long periods and no mention on dear old beeb.
  6. The thing bothers me is this sort of nonsense gets a wider audience on larger social media platforms and leads to mass unrest ( WBA away). Thus ruining all the good work that is being done to turn 2 horrendous years decline around.
  7. Just about the first thing he said
  8. Unbelievable. So what is the alternative ? No mention of that. And no mention of guaranteed improvement with a new nan at the helm. Wow indeed.
  9. Last Mondays, Monday Night Club on 5 live (available at all good podcast platforms or Spotify) featuring Micah Richards, Chris Sutton, Mark Chapman and guest Martin o Neil was brilliant. Real funny. Also featured a good interview with Liam Rosenior.
  10. Just as well someone missed the goal, cos those keepers weren't even close to saving one. Well done 'Boro.
  11. Steve Gibson has been seeking arbitration with Quantuma since they were appointed and even before that with MM. Apparently Gibson has heard nothing from Quantuma since his approach to them back at the beginning (September ?). This is ALL on them.
  12. Punctuation ? Finishing a sentence ?
  13. Bringing Ginger Baker in for a while must have helped.
  14. Could be a decent local Lags Eleven (remember the Beano) in 12 months time, Mendy, Giggs, Greenwood.
  15. All the above plus Hereford home Freight Rover Semi Final 3-2 aet.
  16. I was thinking this yesterday but was unsure of the time lines. Seemed an odd one that he 'asked' to be left out of the Autumn internationals.
  17. The one 's without are probably the lucky ones if the dreary COD and Weimann songs are the benchmark.
  18. https://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/av/football/60192918
  19. Scott should have a rest soon, played quite a few consecutive games for such a young player. So leave Martin in but replace Odowda with Pring and if Atkinson isn't fit then Vyner comes in to the back 3 imo.
  20. Absolutely correct. Lump balls up to him at head height and expect him to fight for first and second balls is a waste of his talent. Now we are playing football we are all seeing what a very good footballer and goal scorer he is.
  21. I hope he's being eased in ready for a full 90 against Reading at home, which would be a far more significant 3 points (if we win than today imo).
  22. Fell out with senior players, refused to play Rudiger and would have sold him last January if he was still manager. Worst points per game record of any modern day Chelsea manager.
  23. Think I heard on 5 Live a week or so ago that Burnley have 10 or more players out of contract this summer (which may help if relegated). Can see them dropping further rather than bouncing back due to the levereged loan and likelihood (imo) that the owners jump ship as they owe nothing, it's all on the club.
  24. Over 3/1. Looks like the bookies haven't watched us play. I was expecting 11/10. Looks a value bet (and we are due an away win).
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