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Bristol Sport To Release Stadium Fly-Through Video


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What is all this Willem stuff and where did it come from? (don't say Holland!)


(Not being controversial - I honestly have zero idea what the "connection" is between our two clubs!)


A small number of each other's fans got friendly and went to a few games.  The groups got larger and keep going.  City banners and chants have been seen at Wilhelm including for Mark Divvy Saunders.


It's no more formal than that but such is how these connections start,

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Just a quick point re: complaints about internal concourse etc.


Could it not possibly be that the disclaimer ("Please note that the video is for illustrative purposes only and may not necessarily reflect the final build and fit-out") is referring to the fact that it is open for discussion, and will not be finalised until a constructive consultation process on it has taken place (bearing in mind they're not about to start bringing in the painters & decorators next week or anything), as opposed to some conspiracy cop-out along the lines of "it may not look very good in reality"..?


Apologies if I've misinterpreted any of the comments about their disclaimer, but I'm pretty sure there have been insinuations that it "sounds dodgy", as it were.


Fact is, when assessing the internal decor, bear that disclaimer in mind and maybe try and view it in a positive light.


(This is obviously in no way directed to those people who have put forward constructive ideas about such issues, and will be putting them in front of the club, I'm sure.)


Not complaints and i'm aware of ("Please note that the video is for illustrative purposes only and may not necessarily reflect the final build and fit-out") Just giving out some ideas and suggestions as this thread was spinning in to the usual argument, score pointing fest.

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Jon Lansdown promised: 


............to ensure we represent the history and heritage of the club as fans would like.

As I have said before, I can't get too excited about what a stadium looks like, it's what we are allowed to do that will dictate the atmosphere.


But, if JL really did say the above, it has to be said, there is not too much evidence of it from the released video.  Having said that, these images are not final, I am optimistic that the promises will be fulfilled.

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Not complaints and i'm aware of ("Please note that the video is for illustrative purposes only and may not necessarily reflect the final build and fit-out") Just giving out some ideas and suggestions as this thread was spinning in to the usual argument, score pointing fest.


(This is obviously in no way directed to those people who have put forward constructive ideas about such issues, and will be putting them in front of the club, I'm sure.)



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That video looks absolutely brilliant. In no way is it a waste of money. Even if we sell zero corporate seats or boxes from it, providing all the fans with a very tangible vision of what we can look forward to is benefit enough. Only a few months ago all the Bristol Sport whingers and moaners were saying communication was terrible and we didn't even know what the colour of the seats was going to be (even then anyone with two brain cells to knock together knew they were red) and now BS have come out with the best 'communication' I have ever seen from them (or just about anyone I can actually think of). It is brilliant and reminds of why we are putting up with the odd hindrance this season and next; it will be worth it in the end! The Bristol Sport project will also be worth it in the long run, in my opinion.

The fears of losing our identity and being racked with others' debts are wide of the mark and here is why. We all know the major sports brands (Adidas, Puma et al) rip off the lower clubs massively but by supplying the kits ourselves we save this money. It is probably not cost-effective to do this for just BCFC, bring in the rugby club and perhaps the other clubs in the stable and it starts paying for itself. Additionally we get shirts of our choice (with a unique identity one might say). Those same fans whinging about BS are the ones that wanted the Purple and Lime to return to show the club listened to the fans' wishes. Without BS there is no way we would have had that kit. Bristol Sport have provided us with a very unique identity right there, and saved us money in the process. Bravo!

As many others have pointed out we need to more than double our home attendance over the next 18 months so the stadium starts paying for itself (and the rugby club need to triple theirs). We can't do that by getting 12,000 'ultras'. The club has to attract a different kind of fan. Providing the club allow for us Eastenders to have somewhere to sing and shout and cheer on the team in our inimitable way that will be fine but we can't expect the club to defy the powers that be and introduce safe standing, alcohol in our seats, flares on the terraces and anything we might want. I'd wager most of the fans who enjoy that sort of thing already go as regularly as they can to watch City or NLBR (poor sods). Therefore, we have to attract new fans and that is primarily going to come in the form of families. Families who now are interested in sport in the region but unlikely to be interested in the dark days of football hooliganism, with which the word 'ultra' has become linked through European hooligans nowadays. Most casual observers of the game won't be familiar with differences. Those fans, you might think would be part of 8 million that watched us against WHU on MOTD. Seeing a flag with Ultras emblazoned on it smack in the middle of the screen is not going to help the club. Without going into all over again, I'm sure if it was behind the standing section in the Williams the club would have had no issue. Anyway, it is just a flag.

On the topic of the WHU game two other points come to mind: bubbles and scarves. With the bubbles, the club looked at the possibility of getting them to come along to add to the atmosphere and make it better. Personally I don't see much wrong with it, especially as we need to attract more away fans in the coming years to sell-out the entire Atyeo. The counter argument of making AG into a fortress and giving nothing to your opponents whilst appearing attractive is flawed. There were just over 10k City fans in there that day in three stands. It wasn't going to be a fortress and allowing the WHU fans to look at their pretty bubbles (or whatever they do with them) wouldn't have affected the atmosphere of that day. The club didn't handle the PR side of it well but so what, it wasn't like they suggested us playing in the 'famous' blue and white quarters. They thought about an idea and changed their minds - calm down.

As for the scarves, I personally thought it was a great idea. I know some people cry themselves to sleep at night at the thought of getting a free scarf from the club with our kit supplier's name/logo on it but I thought it was brilliant. The prominence of the BS logo and 'branding' is a good thing. BS makes us different from other clubs, it gives us far greater opportunities (the kit, the bus etc.). If we continue in the direction of sharing with the other clubs it will surely be a good thing. if we share the training facilities that will cut costs, and in the days of every-stricter financial rules that can only be good.

The only way sport in Bristol is going to progress is by sharing overheads so by combining our advertising and marketing and even getting the fans from the different teams in the stable to support each other the benefits start to rack up. At the minute there just aren't enough fans to make it work so we need to advertise more. This means the BS name and logo appears all over the place, perhaps where it shouldn't be in the eyes of some, but it is new. Many people out in the big wide world away from BS3 haven't heard of Bristol Sport. Some people still call us 'Bristol' as they're not aware there used to be two teams, and some even more misguided northern folk have been known to think we're R*vers. If 7 or 8 decades of Football League rivalry isn't enough for football fans to learn our name then who knows how long it will take for other people to get the hang of the BS thing. We need to spread the word and spread it quickly, hence its prominence.

And another reason for seeing that logo everywhere is that given the construction site something had to go up to keep the ball hitting the Shedman with every wayward shot, so they took the opportunity to do a bit of branding. They didn't tear down any uniquely BCFC badges and put the BS one up instead (admittedly the took the glorious East End down but I think it had had its place and its replacement is better placed for the journey ahead, although the four seats the old stand are still proudly at home!). They're building us a new home (which we aren't renting) and are promoting all their clubs in order that the new ground is full. People fear the architecture will make it soulless. If the current attendances are in the new ground it will be soulless even with the best acoustics this side of Royal Albert Hall; we need to get more people through the turnstiles.

We need more fans. Some will come through the football, but unless we get back to back promotions we won't get close to selling out when the new ground is finished without taking proactive steps. For now this means seeing Bristol Sport advertised everywhere, it means rugby fans and basketball fans getting ticket priority. We need them just as much as they need us. And if this means through my ST I can watch a rugby game for free or at a discount every now and again then so much the better. BS's basic plan is clearly to get everyone in Bristol who likes sport going to AG every weekend regardless of which team is playing. This extra income will allow us all to be successful.

Today's fly-through video is another example of the excellent job the club are doing at the minute and is another aspect to get excited about. Bristol Sport are taking us on an exciting journey. The journey may have some pot-holes and small deviations along the way, but we're heading in the right direction. In the grand scheme the PR hiccoughs are nothing compared to the other benefits we stand to gain, so let's put away the petty and unreasoned arguments and look forward to our new home and unique identity.

Spot on!

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As I have said before, I can't get too excited about what a stadium looks like, it's what we are allowed to do that will dictate the atmosphere.


But, if JL really did say the above, it has to be said, there is not too much evidence of it from the released video.  Having said that, these images are not final, I am optimistic that the promises will be fulfilled.


The quote is from Feb 2013. However Mr Billingham has pointed out that he was not in his role at that point. 


Via the interior of the Dolman Mr Billingham, and Bristol Sport have again an opportunity to help define what Bristol City FC now is.  

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Doesn't it state on the BCFC site that the video is  "for illustrative purposes only and may not necessarily reflect the final build and fit-out"?


Yes. And given the previous rhetoric that design does not reflect what has been said prevously already.There is an obvious inconsistency present.


Would it be preferable to ignore this and settle for run of the mill? Of course not. That also has an obvious financial detrimental effect. As pointed out face to face to the head of Bristol Sport they have to get people down the hill etc to fill that concourse before kick off. Run of the mill should not be acceptable.

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What is all this Willem stuff and where did it come from? (don't say Holland!)

(Not being controversial - I honestly have zero idea what the "connection" is between our two clubs!)

I'm glad somebody has asked this. What is the connection between the two clubs? Or is it just a friendship type link between a small group of our fans and theirs?

Just seen the answer in a post after the original post.

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I'm glad somebody has asked this. What is the connection between the two clubs? Or is it just a friendship type link between a small group of our fans and theirs?

Just seen the answer in a post after the original post.


Google Doing the 116 Bristol City. The link is one of the biggest of its kind in the UK.


Experiencing clubs like Willem II is an education.


Here the DEH is underused matchday by fans In Tilburg their equivalent is packed, colourful and noisy. The ideas there and at other Dutch clubs can be of benefit to clubs like BCFC also



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Thread hijacked.

So predictable.

Same few people.

To get back on track;

****in great video, ****in great stadium on the way, all positive on and off the pitch - and the vast majority of the true City support will be in agreement.

The rest ? Put up or shut up.

It does get rather ******* boring all this pointless moaning, some people are never ******* happy!!

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Think the video is really exciting and can't believe our club will have a ground like that. How anybody can look at the 2 pics that WTFIGO put on and say they would prefer the top one is beyond me. BRISTOL86, I tend to agree with you that it would look better uniform all the way round but despite that still looks great. I don't think it would look like a bowl were the Ateyo able to be made like the old East End. It would just look a bit tidier.

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Not strictly the case as from the first fans parliament meeting which involved a stadium fans consultation group, the architects said fly through videos were part of the design package as were any images. When this video did not surface then the fans asked why at meetings.

Only because they thought it would reveal evidence of the "blue seat" conspiracy.


Change is to was and you open a can of dendrobaena. Perhaps it is better not explored.

So was Harry Dolman, he really destroyed the club didn't he?

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So was Harry Dolman, he really destroyed the club didn't he?


Which is not the point.


We all have a different relationship with Bristol City.


To some its identity is a precious thing. The people who run BCFC now do not have the same experiences as some are not fans, and will not have seen the club in 76, 82 and on.


Some have realtinships with other clubs !!!


In the recent past a club Director decided he did not like some of the pictures in the Williams, and asked for them to be thrown out . Club employees informed locals and parts of BCFC's history were rescused and are now displayed in haunts in the BS Community. A case of fans v Director having differing views on what aspects of the FC are important.


And ..


The Dolman Concourse displays a lack of emapthy for the tradition, culture and history of BCFC. 

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Which is not the point.

We all have a different relationship with Bristol City.

To some its identity is a precious thing. The people who run BCFC now do not have the same experiences as some are not fans, and will not have seen the club in 76, 82 and on.

Some have realtinships with other clubs !!!

In the recent past a club Director decided he did not like some of the pictures in the Williams, and asked for them to be thrown out . Club employees informed locals and parts of BCFC's history were rescused and are now displayed in haunts in the BS Community. A case of fans v Director having differing views on what aspects of the FC are important.

And ..

The Dolman Concourse displays a lack of emapthy for the tradition, culture and history of BCFC.

Who gives a toss about the bloody concourse, were not decorating your bloody house, do you want a say on how the toilets will look also? All I give a shit about quite frankly is how the ground looks like on the business end by the pitch and I'm pretty impressed...

If you want to fit out the concourses I suggest you chip some money in my son!!

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You barely attend matches at Ashton Gate .. 

I'm with you on this.  It really does my nut in that impassioned, fervent Bristol City fans who don't attend feel they have an opinion.

I'd go further and have a points system.  The higher the points the more valid your opinion.


Scoring System

Used to "sit" in the EastEnd +100pts; sit anywhere else -10pts

Sit in the Dolman, Williams or Atyeo stands -10pts; sit anywhere else +100pts

Stand during games in any seat +100pts; sit in your designated seat -10pts

Know where Willem is +100pts; don't know -10pts

Met with the head of BS +100pts; wouldn't know him from Adam -10pts

Slightly anal concerning the "history" of BCFC +100pts; just enjoy the game -10pts

Know BS to be the death knell of BCFC (despite all evidence to the contrary) +100pts; love the new stadium video -10pts


I've got you down as >+500pts and cynic as not even in positive figures.  I'm surprised he's allowed on OTIB.

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B.C.F.C. what have we got control over now? anything, our ST sales for example in this stadium are they now to be diluted over the other Sports in our  rented stadium.

How will the incoming/outgoings actually work, and yes I know its all SL and co but what have we, BCFC actually got left.

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B.C.F.C. what have we got control over now? anything, our ST sales for example in this stadium are they now to be diluted over the other Sports in our rented stadium.

How will the incoming/outgoings actually work, and yes I know its all SL and co but what have we, BCFC actually got left.

I hope this is a whoosh moment?

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I'm with you on this. It really does my nut in that impassioned, fervent Bristol City fans who don't attend feel they have an opinion.

I'd go further and have a points system. The higher the points the more valid your opinion.

Scoring System

Used to "sit" in the EastEnd +100pts; sit anywhere else -10pts

Sit in the Dolman, Williams or Atyeo stands -10pts; sit anywhere else +100pts

Stand during games in any seat +100pts; sit in your designated seat -10pts

Know where Willem is +100pts; don't know -10pts

Met with the head of BS +100pts; wouldn't know him from Adam -10pts

Slightly anal concerning the "history" of BCFC +100pts; just enjoy the game -10pts

Know BS to be the death knell of BCFC (despite all evidence to the contrary) +100pts; love the new stadium video -10pts

I've got you down as >+500pts and cynic as not even in positive figures. I'm surprised he's allowed on OTIB.

How do you know how many games Cynic's been too?

For all I know you don't go that often either!!

I actually laughed at your points scoring system, I love the fact you feel Eastenders deserve more points than everyone else in the ground?!? I sit in the Williams because when I got to my ripe old age of 30 I got sick of 15 year old kids spitting and shouting in my ear, gesturing to away fans and acting hard as ****!!

Call me a**** but I think the Dolman and Williams is probally where the more seasoned fans sits, fans that have stood in the East end, stood in the open end and have now moved to a more comfortable spot with a better view to watch the game in their more mature years...

You'll understand one day my son when you grow up!!

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How do you know how many games Cynic's been too?

For all I know you don't go that often either!!

I actually laughed at your points scoring system, I love the fact you feel Eastenders deserve more points than everyone else in the ground?!? I sit in the Williams because when I got to my ripe old age of 30 I got sick of 15 year old kids spitting and shouting in my ear, gesturing to away fans and acting hard as ****!!

Call me a **** but I think the Dolman and Williams is probally where the more seasoned fans sits, fans that have stood in the East end, stood in the open end and have now moved to a more comfortable spot with a better view to watch the game in their more mature years...

You'll understand one day my son when you grow up!!

If it helps I get 40pts (I do have a "bit" of history on BCFC - I particularly like the beer mats with old City programme covers...).


What's your score?

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I'm with you on this.  It really does my nut in that impassioned, fervent Bristol City fans who don't attend feel they have an opinion.

I'd go further and have a points system.  The higher the points the more valid your opinion.


Scoring System

Used to "sit" in the EastEnd +100pts; sit anywhere else -10pts

Sit in the Dolman, Williams or Atyeo stands -10pts; sit anywhere else +100pts

Stand during games in any seat +100pts; sit in your designated seat -10pts

Know where Willem is +100pts; don't know -10pts

Met with the head of BS +100pts; wouldn't know him from Adam -10pts

Slightly anal concerning the "history" of BCFC +100pts; just enjoy the game -10pts

Know BS to be the death knell of BCFC (despite all evidence to the contrary) +100pts; love the new stadium video -10pts


I've got you down as >+500pts and cynic as not even in positive figures.  I'm surprised he's allowed on OTIB.


Well done, but that could be simplified by concentrating on consumers fans who intend attending regularly.


Process such as critical path identify, study and cater for demographics. As pointed out to Bristol Sport need to do with their facilities what the DEH fails to. People need to be flooding in spending crisp notes in the Dolman concourse instead of North - West street.


A vibrant colourful Bristol City themed facility one end of the Dolman concourse would have a good chance of doing the above, and fulfill one or two of Jon Lansdown aims. This can still fit in with the BS concept of the Marketplace within the Dolman.

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