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Bristol Sport To Release Stadium Fly-Through Video


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Love the new look. Only downside for me is how out of place the Atyeo stand looks. As others have said, I hope there is something planned in the future to develop this.

Also shows how important it is for us to be in at least the championship. We cant have 10k crowds in league 1 or ot will all feel a bit of a waste.

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Only because they thought it would reveal evidence of the "blue seat" conspiracy.




Fair question to ask about the seats as some Bristol rugby fans were asking if they could have blue seats so the question was asked by fans and put to the club at meetings.


As ive said i'm not going to bang on about the business model of Bristol sport others seem to want that challenge although the match day running of some issuess and communication with fans could be improved, nothing that can't be fixed there if both sides are willing..


For what it's worth i like the video and the stadium basic build looks tidy, pretty much what i expected it to look like from the progression of meetings and fan input .


It is now looking like an empty house to move in to and some fans want an area to call home and however small and insignificant that is to others some fans feel it is a big thing, not looking to change the BCFC world just looking for the place to feel like home (Inkeeping with BCFC history and the present) and for me the decor does help, and i'm sure in the corporate Williams stand businesses will have their input to what they would like and that's fine. .

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I think BS could be good for City and all in the BS family.

People get a bit precious over certain things ( and I include myself in that) , the colour of seats for instance. Blue (although meaning less these days) is a problem due to history, but is a big part of the Rugby lot.... difficult, the obvious BS logo's have taken over where BCFC once were, as long as our badges and logo's appear prominently that will have less impact as time goes on .

 I do think the BS branding ( I like that phrase as much as I do franchise in sport) can bring in money, potential advertisers would get access to a wide demographic due to the range of people watching different sports. This could bring in sponsors that would normally steer clear of putting money into football because of how it's been painted over the years. 

What does concern me is is identity, if it's done properly (and remember it is very early days , we don't have a stadium finished yet) BS as an umbrella company can oversee while all of the 'family' members keep their own individual identities . People going to basketball should see City, Bristol rugby and waterpolo (?) etc info and literature or whatever to advertise each part of BS at each others games. It may eventually increase attendances at each game, you never know.

Sports fans are a touchy lot, we live in the past, love tradition and hate change. While all the time wanting to improve and progress. I am of an age I remember when there were two league teams in Bristol and so would not like blue seats, conversely I cannot see many Rugby fans saying , yeah no probs we'll change to red.

As I've said , While  I think BS could eventually be good for all concerned it will take time, and will not come without problems.

One things for sure we will (all , at some time ) moan.

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Congratulations on some of these posts regarding the "erosion if our clubs identity" and the "wasting of money" on the fly through video..

I'm not sure I've ever read so many myopic pieces of ill informed drivel on this board before this thread.

I also lay the blame for done of this b#locks firmly on 2 factors 1) Lee Johnson, obviously and 2) NLBR for offering people no subject whatsoever to discuss because of their complete irrelevance

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Congratulations on some of these posts regarding the "erosion if our clubs identity" and the "wasting of money" on the fly through video..

I'm not sure I've ever read so many myopic pieces of ill informed drivel on this board before this thread.

really? I think you need to get out less :)

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Can I just recommend a few people read this.


This is what it's about. We are a billion miles away and everything going on is to get us just a million away, and then build on it..

Forget the facilities the atmosphere at that place is beyond dire. I really hope we stay a billion miles away from the Emirates to be honest, lets listen to the fans and build something with heart and soul.

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Getting back to the 'fly-thro', I loved it and and certainly wouldn't want to be associated with any of the negativity on here (BS don't own it and BCFC certainly don't rent it) but I remain a little perplexed at the lack of big screens in the ground.  Surely these are an integral part of any modern stadium development, especially so given the TMO requirements of Premiership rugby.  I know 3 screens have been mentioned, but only 1 visible from the pitch, on the roof of the Atyeo, it doesn't appear on the video and has always seemed like a bit of a 'stick-on' afterthought, not even to be ready at the time of the stadium fully opening. 

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Lansdown and Hargreaves didn't make their success by running a financial services business the way financial services had been running for the previous 20/30 years, . They were forward thinking and embraced the future and tried to anticipate what that future would be, so that their company was prepared to take it on. 


This is the key.


And tycoons like Stephen will be aware that in embracing the future you also identify key elements from the past that need to be preserved.


Which is why Nicholas insists on garden sheds and grotto's being featured so prominently at the UWE Stadium 

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