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Noseybonk was Jigsaw for whoever asked. There's a clip of him on YouTube running around Bristol.

Whizzer & Chips comic a great shout - ditto Sparky and the fighting cat and dog duo, "Puss and Boots."

SIMOD (of the sub-standard sports shoe and cup fame)

Quosh carton drinks

BBC Schools progs with the disappearing dot clocks and shows like Music Time, Look and Read (Wordy), Watch (Louise Hall-Taylor <3 ) and ZigZag

Britain's answer to the Marvel Universe - SuperGran, SuperTed and Bananaman

Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks - I never did finish The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, the Forest of Doom, The Citadel of Chaos or the Island of the Lizard King without cheating.

Godzilla cartoon where the humans could summon him with what looked like a proto-smartphone

Bow Wow Wow going wild in the country

Happy Eater

Calculator watches

Daley Thompson's Decathlon and Jet Set Willy for the Amstrad CPC 464

Dandy & Beano Summer Specials

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OK skip the first four and a half mins of this un and we get to some good old football related skills from the Good Old Days... Followed closely by some good old fashioned Wayne King (honest, I kid u not :) ) no idea what comes after the Wayne King bit, some if you will probably fall asleep before it finishes.

I'll watch the footballing bit, then perhaps a little Wayne King before fast forwarding in the time honoured tradition of hoping to find the next good bit on the video.. ;)


*psst, 22mins in more Wayne King for some ?

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Do you remember Subbuteo Rugby ?

Yup we had that... And the Cricket version. I only found out about 5 years ago, at a family Christmas that one of my bro's, who gave me Man City Subuteo team as a present pinched it in Woolies... Absolutely disgraceful... And i cannot even take the box back now as they are bust.

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..once a door always a door surely? .... except when its ajar of course... boom boom!

(another defunct brand - Basil Brush ! )

Haha. Good one..... In fact, Paps is one of a series of former names for that place:

Syndicate (still?)



Top Rank....... any others?

And for good measure.... Busbys and Studio....

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Pick and Mix at Woolies... And, also pick 'n' mix, those caramel covered chocolate biscuits too.... They were totally lush and why oh why did they stop making them?

And broken biscuits - can't remember the price but they were dead cheap.

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Wimbledon FC. The Crazy Gang.


They still are crazy - the fans anyway.  My mate is a womble fan and I once went to a match at Millwall with him.  The wombles were chanting "your just a bunch of pikies".  I'm not sure how we got out alive.

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There was a barbers just up from the roundhouse on North Street that used to sell old copies of Club International, penthouse etc, with the covers cut off. He would sell them to us kids for 10 or 20p. As I remember we used to ask for the "contents" magazines, because thats what we used to see as the front cover.  I would imagine that would get him a few years inside these days!


What about Jubbly's? They were a strange pyramid shaped frozen orange drink. We used to buy them in "Grahams" or Smith and Hopewells as it was actually called.

Jubbl'ys were great so were Jamboree bags, I think they were 3d and had lot's of differents sweets in them.  Also fruit salads and Black jacks, 4 for a penny.  It;s no wonder i have dentures now.

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Noseybonk was Jigsaw for whoever asked. There's a clip of him on YouTube running around Bristol.

Whizzer & Chips comic a great shout - ditto Sparky and the fighting cat and dog duo, "Puss and Boots."

SIMOD (of the sub-standard sports shoe and cup fame)

Quosh carton drinks

BBC Schools progs with the disappearing dot clocks and shows like Music Time, Look and Read (Wordy), Watch (Louise Hall-Taylor <3 ) and ZigZag

Britain's answer to the Marvel Universe - SuperGran, SuperTed and Bananaman

Fighting Fantasy Gamebooks - I never did finish The Warlock of Firetop Mountain, the Forest of Doom, The Citadel of Chaos or the Island of the Lizard King without cheating.

Godzilla cartoon where the humans could summon him with what looked like a proto-smartphone

Bow Wow Wow going wild in the country

Happy Eater

Calculator watches

Daley Thompson's Decathlon and Jet Set Willy for the Amstrad CPC 464

Dandy & Beano Summer Specials

Blimey thats my childhood pretty much.

Terrahawks and the Pink Panther Show on school holiday mornings then Pebble Mill at One then no TV on BBC in the afternoon.

The GWR Radio Christmas Appeal weekend were there auctioning things for charity all weekend.

Sunday mornings having Ideal condensed milk on your cornflakes because we ran out of milk and shops didn't open on Sundays.

Bit a Bully, Muppet Show, Antiques Roadshow at tea round nans on a Sunday.

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If were going down the drinks route try :


Worthington E

Smiles Best

Smiles BA


Ushers Best

Nursery Brewery

Original Blackthorn :(

Wickwar Mr Perritts (grrrr)

Matthews (now Dawkins)

Hopback Summer Lighting (in Bristol anyway)

Bath Ales Festivity (9 months a year)

...any others?

Double Diamond

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