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O Dear. Cotts loses it with our own supporters...


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9 minutes ago, NickJ said:

OK by definition it's a rumour, to you. But to me it's not as I know more specifically than what I'm saying.

Nevertheless you are incorrect, because SL has not specifically contradicted it. If you think I'm wrong, can you tell me where SL has said, "no, it is not true that deals were agreed last summer but I pulled the plug on them because I had a bad feeling about the deals which the club has made over the past couple of years".

Nick, my post that you said was incorrect was quoting Lansdown as saying wages weren't the reason those players didn't join. Are you suggesting they were or just using a rumour to muddy the waters? Do you think any of those players were credible targets this club should have been spending almost all its time on? Are you seriously still defending the farcical summer and increasingly ridiculous January transfer window? It's starting to look like you're defending a position rather than giving an opinion. 

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Very poor video, poor in quality. The video is not clear on what has happened and has left many people to simply guess. Presumably the video was shared for a bit of attention seeking, likes etc..

Cotterill does not appear to have been given any benefit of doubt either. Not completely professional I know but I'm saying it's just his passion and emotion.



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The way he reacted was a disgrace. What people forget is that Cott is a professional. This 'he has every right to have a pop back' attitude because he gets so much stick argument does not hold water. He is a professional. I am a social worker. If I reacted to every abuse that got said to me in that way I'd be out of a career, let alone job. It is not excusable and is another reason why he must go. He's lost it.

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Read some utter shit on this thread. Cotterill haters jumping on hobby horses. Cotterill supporters defending utter garbage performances. SL haters blaming him. SL supporters, supporting him and those in two camps They are really interesting. 

As a football club we effed up in the summer, plenty of blame to go around. Our team is largely ass in front of goal and at the back except when they have a huge away following when they turn up a bit more, but still throw away stupid goals. 

We have no fit keeper on the books that anyone has confidence in. (Wrongly. I would have played Max). Wes gets hardly anytime and then is expected to work miracles in 15 minutes as is Reid who puts in a cross that our centre forwArd manages to hit the post from. 

We are now an effing basket case club with effing basket cases posting dross on a sad little forum. 

Ok now that's off my chest.

Something has to change quickly that shakes everything up and gives the supporters and players a lift. It seems we can't sign decent players and has been stated SL SAYS HE WILL SPEND. Just find me something to spend on. 

If Cotterill is a barrier to what we need then fire him! If Coterrill is the bloke to take us forward for god sake get who we need in NOW or employ someone who can!! Has Moyes got a job yet?


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1 hour ago, billywedlock said:


I'm confused why you are saying bless. I quoted a comment saying we sold him for free. I said no we didn't because we sold him for a fee. It isn't really rocket science.

However this article made me chuckle, the right decision Cotts said at the time!!



Edit: just seen it was your comment I quoted in the first place, bless, someone doesn't like being wrong now do they?!

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5 hours ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Exactly. "Fickle" would be turning on him at the first sign of trouble. He has held on to the support of the majority of the fanbase until about now I'd say, despite an indefensible return of 4 wins in 28. I would say that is the exact opposite of fickle.

There was someone who had turned on him from after the Sheffield Wednesday game, can't remember the name, but they said it themself in a debate I was having with them on here. We do have some very fickle fans, just look at how many have changed their mind back and forth this season. 

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5 hours ago, RalphMilnesLeftFoot said:

Failing to see the brouhaha. Manager shows passion, which has been called for a zillion times. Now using it as a crux to berate him.


Im still not sure what so many of our 'fans' were expecting thiseason as if we had some divine right to be amazing.

We lost tonight c'est la vie. 

The clamour for instant results on here is sickening, we have to earn them, not be given them, especially as was always likely we'd struggle on promotion.

Who next to be torn to shreds by the rabidmob? 

"Instant results"?

It's January, not August.

"Divine right to be amazing"?

You think expecting more than 4 wins in 28 games after accruing 96 points last term and having an entire summer to assemble a squad is setting the bar at "amazing"?

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8 hours ago, ReggyRed said:

Don't blame him to be honest, I would be frustrated if I was him! After everything he and this group of players did for us last season, everyone is calling for his head and abusing the players after a bad half a season! Very fickle...

All that they did ' for us ' last season counts for nothing if , as seems likely, we fall back into League 1 .


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6 hours ago, CotswoldRed said:

He didn't demonstrate restraint. His actions, though understandable, were of a nature that would get him the sack in almost any other job. 

Yet countless "fans" feel free to hurl 4letter swear words from the safety of their keyboards, so are they to be sacked as well? how many would repeat the same stood in front of him.

If you cant take it you shouldn't give it.

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I don't want Cotts sacked by any stretch, but if you can't handle passionate fans disagreeing with your tactics/selections/whatever during a game without retaliating like that, you're in the wrong job.

People trotting out the 'he's a passionate man...he's stressed...' so what? I'm passionate about the club (a lot more than Steve Cotterill - i'll be here long after he's gone and I was here before) and I'm stressed! I'm still smart enough to know that having angry confrontations with the people who pay my wages isn't going to go down too well.

If you can't walk on by when fans are shouting their opinions at you, then you've lost it. 

Boos from the stands, he turns around and glares. Well, what are you glaring for Steve? We've just watched 45 minutes of football against one of the poorer sides we've seen and we've not managed to create a single shooting opportunity. What are you expecting, to be blown kisses?

We're all passionate, we're all stressed. But confrontations with the fans (especially in the day and age of social media meaning it's everywhere in minutes) is just stupid. You're fighting an uphill struggle as it is, don't tie your own noose as well...

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5 minutes ago, glos old boy said:

Yet countless "fans" feel free to hurl 4letter swear words from the safety of their keyboards, so are they to be sacked as well? how many would repeat the same stood in front of him.

If you cant take it you shouldn't give it.

By that logic it's ok for him to come on the pitch and have a confrontation with Greg Cunningham, yeah? It's ok because he was provoked?

Or if one of our players takes a dislike to a challenge and lamps the opposition player, that's ok? No, he'll get sent off.

Just like Cotts will get sacked if this kind of thing becomes a habit. Like it or not, in his position, you need to have a thick skin. He didn't mind positive opinions when he was lapping up the acclaim last season - he's been around the block long enough to know that there's going to be negative opinions when things aren't going well (and with 4 wins in 28 I think fans have been remarkably patient - most other managers would have lost the fans and been sacked long ago) and if he doesn't have a thick enough skin to walk on by and not rise to it, he's in the wrong job.

As another poster said, any other kind of line of work and that sort of conduct will get you sacked.

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26 minutes ago, glos old boy said:

Yet countless "fans" feel free to hurl 4letter swear words from the safety of their keyboards, so are they to be sacked as well? how many would repeat the same stood in front of him.

If you cant take it you shouldn't give it.

I'm afraid it doesn't work like that. Would be easier if it did. 

If what you are saying is true we'd all be condoning the cashier in Tesco who told the customer to **** off because they were rude when complaining. 

Professionalism has boundaries in football too. It doesn't have to be the way you describe. I'm not sure Alf Ramsay or Bobby Robson needed to behave like a docker. 

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2 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

He's paid huge sums, we pay huge sums to watch.

That may well be so, but we didn't hire him so maybe we should direct any venom elsewhere;

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Oh dear. I think that those defending him need to get their head out the clouds. There is absolutely no excuse for his actions and SC will be waking up this morning regretting it.

We have a situation where a multi millionaire manager has sworn at a fan who presumably spends thousands of pounds a year following the club and is ultimately a paying customer. That in itself is bad enough really.

Its embarrassing, but it also shows to me that his head has gone and is losing control. Why would he react like that if everything was rosey?

WBA had an off day. We have been largely shite all season.

Whilst its honourable to deflect the blame to board, chairman etc I'm afraid we will never be able to prove it so the manager has to take the responsibility. Just part and parcel of football.

If there is any chance of getting Nigel Pearson in we should act now. I'm confident he could get a few players in asap that would give us the best chance of staying up.





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4 minutes ago, Collis1 said:

Oh dear. I think that those defending him need to get their head out the clouds. There is absolutely no excuse for his actions and SC will be waking up this morning regretting it.

We have a situation where a multi millionaire manager has sworn at a fan who presumably spends thousands of pounds a year following the club and is ultimately a paying customer.

Its embarrassing, but it also shows to me that his head has gone and is losing control. Why would he react like that if everything was rosey?

WBA had an off day. We have been largely shite all season.

Whilst its honourable to deflect the blame to board, chairman etc I'm afraid we will never be able to prove it so the manager has to take the responsibility. Just part and parcel of football.

If there is any chance of getting Nigel Pearson in we should act now. I'm confident he could get a few players in asap that would give us the best chance of staying up.





I'd imagine there is no chance of getting Nigel Pearson. 

And every chance lots of people will be underwhelmed with the choice of our next head coach/manager, whenever that happens

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22 minutes ago, glos old boy said:

That may well be so, but we didn't hire him so maybe we should direct any venom elsewhere;

Too many fans - the volatile ones - struggle with this. Who should be getting both barrels? To abuse our own players is thick-as-shit, self-defeating, when they are trying and committed. The players don't pick the team

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11 hours ago, PaulieBS5 said:

Wade Elliott will be the Board's safe pair of hands then until the end of the season...

I liked this because I agree. I don't like it as such, but I can see this happening at some point before the end of the season unless a miracle happens within the next 2 weeks or so, are able to sign a few decent players and win a few games.

We have form for taking the cheap option - see Tinnion and Millen. 

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1 hour ago, RalphMilnesLeftFoot said:

And there's the sense of entitlement. 

" Because I pay money to watch us, we should win"

and not,

" I support the team, club etc, I pay my money to do something I enjoy. Part of the fun is turning up to watch a game of football that the team I adore play. However, I have no idea if they will win, lose or draw. Each game is different and it's about the experience rather than feel like I'm 'owed' a win more often than not."

Football is full of ups and downs and we can't and will not win each and every game. 

As said loads of times this season was likely going to be a struggle, but so many are and have refused to accept that, expecting us to steamroller this division too.

Dont get me wrong I'm not saying everything is peachy and all good. However I'm certainly not as panic filled nor as entitled as some of our fans here or at the gate appear to be.

We are as was expected, will we stay up, noidea, but im certainly not going to cling to being an entitled fan because of what happened last year, when it was blindingly obvious we'd struggle this time around. 


It was only blindingly obvious we'd struggle because the club royally ****** up in the summer.

No other reason. We were in a better position than we've been for years to recruit the right stuff to take us forward.

This mentality of 'we're only little old Bristol City, we're rightly struggling' is what holds us back. 

4 wins in 28 is not good enough, however you dress it up. If we continue at this rate we will be playing third tier football again next season. 

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It's not about the players imo, they are being hammered physically and mentally due to the fact we have NO depth whatsoever.  No team can be 100% every week.

Also we have several that aren't championship standard, thankfully we've also been fairly lucky with injuries.


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3 hours ago, Collis1 said:

Oh dear. I think that those defending him need to get their head out the clouds. There is absolutely no excuse for his actions and SC will be waking up this morning regretting it.

We have a situation where a multi millionaire manager has sworn at a fan who presumably spends thousands of pounds a year following the club and is ultimately a paying customer. That in itself is bad enough really.

Its embarrassing, but it also shows to me that his head has gone and is losing control. Why would he react like that if everything was rosey?

WBA had an off day. We have been largely shite all season.

Whilst its honourable to deflect the blame to board, chairman etc I'm afraid we will never be able to prove it so the manager has to take the responsibility. Just part and parcel of football.

If there is any chance of getting Nigel Pearson in we should act now. I'm confident he could get a few players in asap that would give us the best chance of staying up.





3 hours ago, Jack Dawe said:

I'd imagine there is no chance of getting Nigel Pearson. 

And every chance lots of people will be underwhelmed with the choice of our next head coach/manager, whenever that happens

Pearson seems a somewhat ironic suggestion in light of last nights 'incident'.



Also shows how you shouldn't necessarily write off 'arrogant' passionate managers before the end of the season. He really set Leicester up for the position they're in now. 



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