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15 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

No one is claiming we play beautiful free-flowing football but to say we play a more attractive style than yourselves is hardly the most outrageous claim is it.  I think we are all happy to recognise what an effective job Warnock has done for you - even if we don't like the way he's gone about it.  Some of us would have welcomed him on a short term basis here precisely because we were aware of the immediate impact he is capable of having, as you have proved.  But I don't think anyone wanted him long term and there was certainly no "pleading on our knees" when we WERE in your situation not so long ago. 

I agree that the people saying they'd rather be relegated are probably kidding themselves.  With our off-field development it would be the most catastrophic relegation in our history.  Warnock is not so terrible as to prefer that option in my opinion, particularly as a short term fix.  However rather than accusing us of having our heads in our backsides, you would do well to at least acknowledge the blatant play-acting and gamesmanship of your side last night.  Frankly, an injury time-out of 7 minutes (based on the added time, but I suspect longer in reality) only for the player to return to the pitch unharmed was nothing short of disgraceful - and there is no defence for it.

I think he was really shaken up ChippenhamRed. Everyone thought he was out for the season. He hurt his neck according to NW and didnt want to carry on. I dont think he was play acting in that particular incident but I do think we managed the rest of the game. Still, I cant know for sure but our own fans and manager thought it was serious

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3 minutes ago, IAN said:

I think he was really shaken up ChippenhamRed. Everyone thought he was out for the season. He hurt his neck according to NW and didnt want to carry on. I dont think he was play acting in that particular incident but I do think we managed the rest of the game. Still, I cant know for sure but our own fans and manager thought it was serious

If your manager thought it was serious, how come he didn't have a sub warmed up and ready to come on?? He had 7+ minutes to do it....

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4 minutes ago, IAN said:

I think he was really shaken up ChippenhamRed. Everyone thought he was out for the season. He hurt his neck according to NW and didnt want to carry on. I dont think he was play acting in that particular incident but I do think we managed the rest of the game. Still, I cant know for sure but our own fans and manager thought it was serious

So serious that they didn't have a substitute warming up, very few of his colleagues seemed interested, and he was permitted to rejoin the field of play by qualified medics a few minutes later.

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20 minutes ago, IAN said:

Ive just watched the interview on Player (please log in and see) and he is very complimentary about the club (very) and LJ. 

As Rotherham fans we are delighted with him. He combines strength with exceptional motivation for our lads. Im sure that he more or less managers the game and like he has in other situations he will utilise what he has-all good managers perhaps do this.

We dont really think we are anything at this level and dont have the money to attract great footballers of the skilful type. Dont need then however because we just want to stay in this league. Its a great league and I think we are realistic enough to be happy with staying up for as long as...

It was a frustrating night for you guys but when you come up against a team who makes it difficult then its part of the rub. Playing against difficult opponents who do everything to upset your game is part of the challenge of a season and a match.

Great stadium and crowd and looks like you are really going to get stronger over the next few years-Its going to be a difficult place for opponents (you guys dont half get mad and show it) to come when its rocjing and got momentum.

enjoy the football.

Good luck for the last 6.




Well said, sir! There's a fair bit of history here with NW, so that's worth bearing in mind when browsing the opinions on here about your manager. All part of the fun

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17 minutes ago, IAN said:

Ive just watched the interview on Player (please log in and see) and he is very complimentary about the club (very) and LJ. 

As Rotherham fans we are delighted with him. He combines strength with exceptional motivation for our lads. Im sure that he more or less managers the game and like he has in other situations he will utilise what he has-all good managers perhaps do this.

We dont really think we are anything at this level and dont have the money to attract great footballers of the skilful type. Dont need then however because we just want to stay in this league. Its a great league and I think we are realistic enough to be happy with staying up for as long as...

It was a frustrating night for you guys but when you come up against a team who makes it difficult then its part of the rub. Playing against difficult opponents who do everything to upset your game is part of the challenge of a season and a match.

Great stadium and crowd and looks like you are really going to get stronger over the next few years-Its going to be a difficult place for opponents (you guys dont half get mad and show it) to come when its rocjing and got momentum.

enjoy the football.

Good luck for the last 6.




All fair points. I don't buy Warnock's act but he's got results for you. Thanks for your kind thoughts and good luck. Especially on Saturday!

I think we can all unite against your next opponents.

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4 hours ago, Miller28 said:

Been having a right laugh at this! After 40 games of the season, you are ONE POINT above us, with a goal difference of -5 on us, yet you make out you play the most beautiful, free-flowing football in comparison to our 'anti-football'. Get your heads out of your backsides lads. If you were in our situation 7-8 games ago, you'd have been on your knees pleading with Neil Warnock to manage your club, knowing he'd be the best man for the job in keeping you up. Any of you claiming you'd rather be relegated than have him in charge is talking utter rubbish.

How you take your time to come on our forum to tell us that you disagree with our opinions. It's known how warnock plays and dont see any city fans really doubting his skills in keeping a team up. 

I think the general consensus on this forum is that warnock is a cock who plays dirty football to get results I doubt any city fan thinks we play attractive football.

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34 minutes ago, IAN said:

I think he was really shaken up ChippenhamRed. Everyone thought he was out for the season. He hurt his neck according to NW and didnt want to carry on. I dont think he was play acting in that particular incident but I do think we managed the rest of the game. Still, I cant know for sure but our own fans and manager thought it was serious

His long throw-ins certainly didn't suffer for his neck injury...

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To use a cliche, he's like marmite.

I listened to the interview on BBC Bristol this morning and you could tell it was all tongue in cheek and designed to wind-up people. He's succeeded as usual and carries it to the next team he's against. He softens up the opposition before the game even starts and makes the job for his team easier. For that, he's good at his job. The antics of his team however is poor and makes the spectator experience damn right poor.

As to the ref, it was clear he had no control of the game and was a muppet.

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13 hours ago, CITYAREREDANDWHITE said:


Well Colin, I don't speak for all City fans but I can't stand you. A few constructive criticisms for you.

You have a face I want to punch and how I've yet to see evidence to suggest that you don't discourage your players to cheat is beyond words. Then said Lee is inciting the fans and that's wrong... Don't you encourage your fans to get behind the team? Sure you must do...

You slagged off LJ and then bum licked him with "he's a good lad is Lee"... Learn not to be a hypocrite.

We're called Bristol City, not just "Bristol"

I noticed the sarcasm in your voice re our new stands. Hide it better next time.


See you next season. Prat.


Edit: @Dave L any chance we can name the away team's bathroom, The Neil Warnock Bathroom since he is so concerned about hot showers. 

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4 hours ago, Lew-T said:

Apart from the time wasting, like every other team does when they play here by the way... I thought Rotherham were a decent side! Strong, quick and pressed us high up the pitch.

I must have missed every other team bringing a player who feigned injury for the best part of 10 minutes.

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1 hour ago, ChippenhamRed said:

So serious that they didn't have a substitute warming up, very few of his colleagues seemed interested, and he was permitted to rejoin the field of play by qualified medics a few minutes later.

not sure. Maybe he was always going to take his time in making a decision. If you are wanting to manage a game and not on the front foot than I guess you wouldn't warm a sub up and would play it out as much as possible but I dont think that excludes the player being actually hurt. 

I can easily see myself telling everyone to calm down and not rush so as to waste time and equally allow as much time for the player to recover on the pitch. 

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I don't understand why so many think the pleasant banter is the real Colin and that the nasty outbursts are "an act".

As far as I can see he's acting when he's being smiley and far more sincere when he's being nasty.

His list of fallings out with decent people is lengthy, and as far as I'm concerned he is a vile hypocritical creep and one of the most unpleasant people in football.

Anybody who wanted him here should consider their positions.

And yes I would have preferred relegation to having him here. I would stay away if he was our manager.



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Got to admit i find it hard to dislike him after listening to his interview but dislike the tactics he uses where his player is down for 7 minutes then comes off on a stretcher only to come back on.

A lot of instances they lost the ball in an advanced position and their player would go down as if injured to try and stop the game and us attacking.

Just for the record i would have had him as manager if it was a choice of us staying up or down and as soon as he got the job at Rotherham i thought it was between MK and us for the drop.

After all he does have a lot of history when he was at Sheffield United the game against West Brom where Derek Mcwinless was in the battle of Bramal Lane.

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2 hours ago, IAN said:

I think he was really shaken up ChippenhamRed. Everyone thought he was out for the season. He hurt his neck according to NW and didnt want to carry on. I dont think he was play acting in that particular incident but I do think we managed the rest of the game. Still, I cant know for sure but our own fans and manager thought it was serious

What a load of tosh. If it had not been a pre-arranged time wasting tactic, then any physio or doctor should be struck off for allowing a player to continue with a possible neck injury. Cheats do prosper but one day it will come back to bite you.

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17 hours ago, CITYAREREDANDWHITE said:


Just what is going on with his hair ?!

Eyebrows have all but disappeared; and it looks like he has a knocked off Del Boy Trotter syrup glued to his head !

Not sure anybody else has mentioned it; but I did laugh when he walked out to a chorus of boos. He turned round and grinned, then bent over and pointed his arse towards us in the Atyeo.

All part of the game and good fun.

Pulis doesn't react like that, he just ignores it.

Pulis, now there IS an arsehole !!

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9 minutes ago, The Gasbuster said:

Just what is going on with his hair ?!

Eyebrows have all but disappeared; and it looks like he has a Del Boy Trotter syrup glued to his head !

Not sure anybody else has mentioned it; but I did laugh when he walked out to a chorus of boos. He turned round and grinned, then bent over and pointed his arse towards us in the Atyeo.

All part of the game and good fun.

Pulis doesn't react like that, he just ignores it.

Pulis, now there IS an arsehole !!

That's something we can all get on board with!

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8 hours ago, Thatch35 said:

I don't dislike LJ. He's not (in my opinion) got the experience to take this club where we want to be, without repeating myself 1000's of times. That's my opinion, yours different, no problem with that.

I love reading you repeating yourself Thatch and while you've deservedly taken pelters you've done it well. Its just you're wrong....

Had the debate at work apart from 2 of us being city fans, the rest all support different teams. I've now calmed down as well.
Everyone came to the conclusion that we'd all take warnock to get us out of the mire rather than get relegated.

All i can hope is we're never in that position again as I'd be tempted to just not go rather than watch that anti-football. There's no need or excuse for the feigned injuries or the time wasting of that magnitude. The rest I get. 

As for the comments that we know how his teams play and should have dealt with it I'd accept that if we'd had a ref that hadn't left his manhood in the changing room. He was absolute garbage.



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Colin has always been a devisive manager. A real marmite type. Personally I dislike the way he sends out his teams to spoil the game with their antics but he can be entertaining in his interviews.

That said I'm glad he didn't get the City job. 

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2 hours ago, Robbored said:

Colin has always been a devisive manager. A real marmite type. Personally I dislike the way he sends out his teams to spoil the game with their antics but he can be entertaining in his interviews.

That said I'm glad he didn't get the City job. 

He's definitely very media savvy RR. He's clever at taking all the attention away from his team, and you can imagine that he is very adept at playing the "us against the world" card in the dressing room to motivate his players.

If your team is in a spot ( as Rotherham were/are), then I can well imagine that you will love him as your manager. By the same token, fans of opposition teams will be easily wound up by the colin, as ours were last night.

I can understand why some of our fans would have wanted him here and I suspect he would have achieved a similar turn around with us as he has at Rotherham. However I think that SL was taken a more long term view when appointing LJ, although he's made a pretty good fist of turning our fortunes around. I think it was the right decision, although as always with managerial appointments, only time will tell.



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21 hours ago, billywedlock said:

What are people moaning about. Warnock helped make it a great night of football. Crowd wound up, drama, passion. He is trying to keep Rotherham up, with a team of rejects and misfits, not the loan signings and budget we have. He is making the most of a  pig's ear. If he manages it, that will have been a huge achievement. I have been fortunate to meet him outside of his football persona, and he is very articulate and very likeable. I was one suggesting his name to keep us up, and I am quite sure he would have ( as will LJ I should add) . You all had a great night of football, it got you out of your seat and vocal. Isn't that good in a day when so many things have become anonymous and sterile ? He is not our manager, never will be, but he has always thought City are a club that could go places and achieve things. Personally, I will recall many a drama filled night against Warnock sides, and there are few other managers I can say that about. 

Next game.... 

If you consider that to be a great night of football then you have very different views on what football is about to what I do. The kind of antics I saw from Warnock and his team last night are a big part of the reason I am slowly falling out of love with this game. 

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3 hours ago, billywedlock said:

Ok, well go watch some Prem football then. nothing he did was different to football over the last decades. If that makes you fall out of love with the game, then god knows what the Sky money and the plastic football world does to you. It must make you writhe in your seat, no atmosphere, no passion, no anything. Warnock and his approach is what I miss in football. People with the balls to do something different . The cream will rise as ever, but football today has no passion no desire and no edge. Watch City and Cardiff again. Some say it is a big game, all I saw was a damp squid of a match, no zip passion or fire. I would love to see at AG fast passing movement and intensity, of course I would, but for the majority all I have seen is grey and boring. The sky money is making football change every level, it could be good it could be bad. But what i have seen these last ten years is a huge loss of desire and passion in fans. 

And seeing a player fake an injury for 7 minutes on a weekly basis would only make me lose desire quicker. Warnock set out to ruin the game, the fact Ashton Gate is a library in the most part has nothing to do with him, that's for us as fans to change. I'd say having a clueless referee is what riled the fans more than anything.

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8 hours ago, billywedlock said:

Ok, well go watch some Prem football then. nothing he did was different to football over the last decades. If that makes you fall out of love with the game, then god knows what the Sky money and the plastic football world does to you. It must make you writhe in your seat, no atmosphere, no passion, no anything. Warnock and his approach is what I miss in football. People with the balls to do something different . The cream will rise as ever, but football today has no passion no desire and no edge. Watch City and Cardiff again. Some say it is a big game, all I saw was a damp squid of a match, no zip passion or fire. I would love to see at AG fast passing movement and intensity, of course I would, but for the majority all I have seen is grey and boring. The sky money is making football change every level, it could be good it could be bad. But what i have seen these last ten years is a huge loss of desire and passion in fans. 


Sorry to be Mr. Pedantic, but these misquotes get on my tits!! On Tender Hooks is another...

As you were.

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26 minutes ago, glynriley said:


Sorry to be Mr. Pedantic, but these misquotes get on my tits!! On Tender Hooks is another...

As you were.

A dry squid is not a happy squid. Like a fish out of water

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