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The Fall out...


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This has got to be the most 'sensationalist' journalism I've read for a while...and whilst reading this forum it seems certain fans are getting sucked into it as well.

Lets clear this up shall we...and not create a mountain out of a mole hill.

Arguments and fall outs happen with coach's and managers nearly every week in Football, it's normal.

Yes...heated words were exchanged, and Tomlin was bang out of order in how he went about venting his frustrations.

Yes, certain players felt they needed to call a 'meeting' to discuss how things could be improved, and how everyone could voice their opinions in an adult fashion and without fear of reprisal.

It was done with LJ, MA and certain players. They had 'Clear the air talks'.

Everyone is still fighting to win for this Club and everyone is training and getting on.

Tomlin wasn't dropped last night...if he had fallen out with LJ that badly, he wouldn't even be on the bench.

Yesterday's team was purely tactical and a chance for some others to get a game.

And even if Tomlin is on the bench on Saturday...it doesn't mean he's out of favour. We need a team of fighters right now...to stop the rot. Once that's done and confidence is higher, then Tomlin is the type of player that would flourish when the going is good.

If there was continual fall out with any players...they wouldn't be near the first team squad...let alone bench.

So ignore the crap the Post are printing...it's very poor journalism.


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if, as stated in another thread, players and staff read this forum then maybe we should all stop speculating and taking sides until true facts are known.

i am sure that trying to place the blame does no one any good.

maybe we need to be what we claim to be i.e. supporters and stop trying to be judge and jury

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Hmmmm.......Tomlin could fall out with himself in an empty room and he fell out with Eddie Howe at B'muff so rows with managers isn't a new Tomlin trait.

Question is - how does any manager deal with such a situation? Obviously the manager can't be seen to buckle or show weakness so the only weapon he has to drop the player. Eddie Howe did exactly that which pissed off Tomlin no end.

No doubt that Tomlin is a very talented footballer and he knows that himself but he can't seem to keep his mouth shut. He's been just the same with referees. Maybe he has a problem with authority figures.

Im not sure Tomlin has the cognitive ability to realise that his gobbling off that gets him either suspended or dropped from the team otherwise he'd have curtailed  it by now.

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33 minutes ago, spudski said:


This has got to be the most 'sensationalist' journalism I've read for a while...and whilst reading this forum it seems certain fans are getting sucked into it as well.

Lets clear this up shall we...and not create a mountain out of a mole hill.

Arguments and fall outs happen with coach's and managers nearly every week in Football, it's normal.

Yes...heated words were exchanged, and Tomlin was bang out of order in how he went about venting his frustrations.

Yes, certain players felt they needed to call a 'meeting' to discuss how things could be improved, and how everyone could voice their opinions in an adult fashion and without fear of reprisal.

It was done with LJ, MA and certain players. They had 'Clear the air talks'.

Everyone is still fighting to win for this Club and everyone is training and getting on.

Tomlin wasn't dropped last night...if he had fallen out with LJ that badly, he wouldn't even be on the bench.

Yesterday's team was purely tactical and a chance for some others to get a game.

And even if Tomlin is on the bench on Saturday...it doesn't mean he's out of favour. We need a team of fighters right now...to stop the rot. Once that's done and confidence is higher, then Tomlin is the type of player that would flourish when the going is good.

If there was continual fall out with any players...they wouldn't be near the first team squad...let alone bench.

So ignore the crap the Post are printing...it's very poor journalism.


I'm taking it you have inside information that this is what has happened? If so, it's great to hear that this is the reality of what's been happening and sounds a mature and positive way to deal with the situation. 

I'm sure there are a number on here that will still hope for the more dramatic view of things but this is good news for me. 


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Irrespective of any discussions that may or may not have taken place, I don't think last night was a situation that suited putting him in the team.

He's a luxury player who can provide a bit of magic and conjure a goal out of nothing. If our problem was a lack of goals but the defence was solid then we'd need him in the team but it's not. It's the exact opposite. We were 2-0 up against Reading and 2-1 v Cardiff. A mercurial genius who doesn't always put a shift in defensively is hardly likely to fix the situation there (arguably a 3rd goal in both situations might have killed the game, but a solid defence is a better insurance than relying on scoring again).

When this horrible run is behind us and confidence is back in the team, and when the new players are fully settled in, then there will be reasons to select him again. In any game where we need to score and aren't creating chances there will be a reason to select him. Or if he changes his game to better suit the current situation there will be a reason to select him.

Until one of those things happens I think his opportunities will be limited.

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15 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Im not sure Tomlin has the cognitive ability to realise that his gobbling off that gets him either suspended or dropped from the team otherwise he'd have curtailed  it by now.

If Tomlin is gobbling people off when he should be focussing on his football then that is bang out of order.

I'm very sorry.

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19 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Hmmmm.......Tomlin could fall out with himself in an empty room and he fell out with Eddie Howe at B'muff so rows with managers isn't a new Tomlin trait.

Question is - how does any manager deal with such a situation? Obviously the manager can't be seen to buckle or show weakness so the only weapon he has to drop the player. Eddie Howe did exactly that which pissed off Tomlin no end.

No doubt that Tomlin is a very talented footballer and he knows that himself but he can't seem to keep his mouth shut. He's been just the same with referees. Maybe he has a problem with authority figures.

Im not sure Tomlin has the cognitive ability to realise that his gobbling off that gets him either suspended or dropped from the team otherwise he'd have curtailed  it by now.

  • Am I alone in finding the irony of this post bordering on hilarious? A man renowned for his own fall out with a manager judging a player for doing just that, on the basis of heresay!!! Perhaps RR lacks the 'cognitive ability' to see the rank hypocrisy at play here...............It's a good job Gary Johnson didn't 'buckle or show weakness' old boy!!
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I'd be far more concerned if there were no heated words, strong opinions or differences of opinions, when things aren't going well. It shows there is a concern and therefore people care. 

Grown ups, especially talented professionals, argue. That's life. 

Talk, deal with it, pull together and move on. 

Thats how successful people work. It's the whinging cry babies & "door mat" types who never get anywhere in life. 

People aren't happy right now..? Good. Damn right they shouldn't be and I'm glad they are trying to do something about fixing things. 

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I can't quite believe it but I agree with Robbored!

I love watching Tomlin play, he's a fantastic player. He does have a history of this though and I can't say I am that surprised. I think we all knew he can be like this and hasn't changed. 

As much as I'd like to see this turned around you can't have him calling the shots. 

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13 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

I'd be far more concerned if there were no heated words, strong opinions or differences of opinions, when things aren't going well. It shows there is a concern and therefore people care. 

Grown ups, especially talented professionals, argue. That's life. 

Talk, deal with it, pull together and move on. 

Thats how successful people work. It's the whinging cry babies & "door mat" types who never get anywhere in life. 

People aren't happy right now..? Good. Damn right they shouldn't be and I'm glad they are trying to do something about fixing things. 

Totally agree.  How can you have a desire to win, determination and grit without emotion?

And for all of the terrible results before last night, I could see no evidence of a division between players or their commitment to play for Lee Johnson.  If LJ is going to survive in football management, he's going to face this time and again.  Forest will be make or break in my opinion but how much we see of Tomlin in the next few weeks will depend on his attitude.  I hope he gets on with the job he's paid for.

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33 minutes ago, Robbored said:

Hmmmm.......Tomlin could fall out with himself in an empty room and he fell out with Eddie Howe at B'muff so rows with managers isn't a new Tomlin trait.

Question is - how does any manager deal with such a situation? Obviously the manager can't be seen to buckle or show weakness so the only weapon he has to drop the player. Eddie Howe did exactly that which pissed off Tomlin no end.

No doubt that Tomlin is a very talented footballer and he knows that himself but he can't seem to keep his mouth shut. He's been just the same with referees. Maybe he has a problem with authority figures.

Im not sure Tomlin has the cognitive ability to realise that his gobbling off that gets him either suspended or dropped from the team otherwise he'd have curtailed  it by now.

For his cognitive faculties to work, Tomlin's amygdala needs to control - keep a lid on - his stress response and therefore his emotional state. Tomlin is emotionally weak, his fight/flight response is way too sensitive and ready to fire. Authority figures - bosses, referees - set him off certainly. Therapy could help this lad

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14 minutes ago, Bar BS3 said:

I'd be far more concerned if there were no heated words, strong opinions or differences of opinions, when things aren't going well. It shows there is a concern and therefore people care. 

Grown ups, especially talented professionals, argue. That's life. 

Talk, deal with it, pull together and move on. 

Thats how successful people work. It's the whinging cry babies & "door mat" types who never get anywhere in life. 

People aren't happy right now..? Good. Damn right they shouldn't be and I'm glad they are trying to do something about fixing things. 

Exactly this.

We've probably all had occasions where we've had to work with difficult but talented people.  As a manager,  there are ways of handling such situations.  I think LJ is intelligent enough to know that.

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26 minutes ago, Stortz said:

If Tomlin is gobbling people off when he should be focussing on his football then that is bang out of order.

I'm very sorry.

I hope the team backed LJ when LT was out of order towards Lee. This is where an enforcer comes into play! I.e. A Tony Adams sort of guy who didn't give two F's about pulling certain players back down to planet earth. 

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43 minutes ago, taxidriver999 said:

I have heard from 2 reliable sources that had Lee Tomlin spoke to them as he did to Lee Johnson they would not select him to play again.


The same incident as the rumour about Paul Lambert supposedly saying he'd never seen a player speak to his manager in such a way?

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@spudski without giving a remote hint as to why your version of events is correct and not what is written in that rag, then i'm prone to believe more of the content of what has been written in the rag as too many other stories around that what Tomlin said was bang out of order and completely disrespectful.

I love Tomlin but am failing to see him sit down for a mature chat with anybody.

That said, I hope your version is correct as I hope to see the maverick on the pitch again soon !!


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40 minutes ago, taxidriver999 said:

I have heard from 2 reliable sources that had Lee Tomlin spoke to them as he did to Lee Johnson they would not select him to play again.


A coach that highlights "emotional intelligence" as what separates "the men from the boys" amongst pro football coaches, and who bought a player he acknowledged was a "lovable rogue" and "somewhere between genius and insanity" and that he would need to "keep in check," will have the tools to handle this not uncommon situation.

Either that or he will just ship Tomlin out!

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52 minutes ago, Stortz said:

If Tomlin is gobbling people off when he should be focussing on his football then that is bang out of order.

I'm very sorry.

Like I posted earlier in this thread - I don't think Tomlin is cognitively able to see that his tendency to gob off at authority figures gets him into bother...........:facepalm:

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47 minutes ago, Andy Horsman said:
  • Am I alone in finding the irony of this post bordering on hilarious? A man renowned for his own fall out with a manager judging a player for doing just that, on the basis of heresay!!! Perhaps RR lacks the 'cognitive ability' to see the rank hypocrisy at play here...............It's a good job Gary Johnson didn't 'buckle or show weakness' old boy!!

That's a definite "whoosh" for me AH.      :dunno:

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4 minutes ago, Alan Dicks' Barmy Army said:

Time to put up or shut up Spudski, yeah you've made it clear you have contacts in the game

BUT, there is much more to what you have said above

So why not come out and tell the FULL story if you are so ITK !!

I don't know Spudski personally but what he posted on this thread is just as I heard it and I don't have "contacts" within the club......

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11 minutes ago, Alan Dicks' Barmy Army said:

Time to put up or shut up Spudski, yeah you've made it clear you have contacts in the game

BUT, there is much more to what you have said above

So why not come out and tell the FULL story if you are so ITK !!

I did chortle reading this. You clearly are unaware how off the pulse the EP are about our club if you find them particularly trustworth. 

Edit - misquoted; ref @Neo's post

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