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Little Things That Annoy You


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When you get a spot at a time when you least need it.

When you cant find a Christmas present that someone really wants, but everywhere is sold out!

OMG NO!!! you don't mean you've been filmed or photographed by the media on days when yer City 'Get Spotted' Shirt was in the wash do ya? how many points would that have been worth? ... blimey sods law eh? :)

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People who assume.

ahh, I'm glad I spotted the avatar, as you live & work in Bournemouth I'm sure you wont mind letting me know who's doing next years Summer Season Show on the pier, of course you'll know this year it was Simmons & Simmons, presumably it'll be no problem at all for you to find out who's booked for 2008... cheers mate.

..... :)

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Gas companies who randomly decide to triple your monthly direct debit to £150 without telling you just because you're not home to their meter readers who only call during office hours and they estimated your usage to be triple what it was the previous year for some unknown reason. And then don't apologise when you call them and sit through 15 minutes of ###### recordings to point out their mistake, and who don't train their dumbass call centre staff on what a complaints policy is.

EDF are a pile of ****. If it wasn't for the nectar points I swear....

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People who go to the supermarket for a chat with their mates, or to just dawdle about, and then stop, leaving their trolley in the middle of the aisle making it nigh on impossible for anyone else to get round.

People who start kissing and cuddling in the supermarket, get a room!!!!

Or people who wont answer the phone when you really need them too!

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Women who say 'I don't care' when they ###### well do care.

Driving intructors who shout at you rather then just pointed out the mistake, then tell you it was a great lesson. Why bloody shout and make it look worse?!

Amazon charging £5 p+p on books. (www.play.com FREE AND FAST DELIVERY)

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lots of love for cyclists out there then :noexpression: of which, contrary to being called saab driver, i am one :winner_third_h4h: i don't jump lights, ride on pavements , i overtake traffic not under and am always courteous :innocent06:

honest!!! and all you car drivers remember most of us ride safely so don't lump us all together.

anyway,even though i'm a cyclist......

1, people who ride at night with no lights....... :noexpression:

2, jump lights, its just annoying everyone and giving the rest of us a bad rep ( see rest of thresd)


people who drive 4x4s in town...why????

block roads pavements zebra crossings park on brows of hills bring traffic to a halt- so their children can walk 20cm less to school

speed in built up areas - morons

park across drop kerbs

don't know how wide their cars are :argh:

racing drivers and tennis players who say " we" when refering to a performance" ( we did a great job out there")

indian call centres ( sorry but its true, as soon as i realise i'm in one i get in a total p i s s )

the voice of the woman who does the travel on five live. :argh:

gotta go to work now.

ooo yeah... Kayleigh by Marillion god i hate that song. :sofa:

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Things that annoy me.

Jeremy Kyle

When i go to get the cloth to wipe the sides down in the kitchen and the wife has left it in the bowl all night and there is about 4 inches of cold dirty dish water in there. There is always a knife in there with butter on it. don't LEAVE THE CLOTH IN THE BOWL!!!

People who fail to indicate when driving.

People who walk there dogs on public land and watch there dogs crap and walk off without picking it up.

When you see English footie fans drinking abroad and when they see the camera on them they always hold up a half drank pint of larger in the air and make the traditional YYEEEEEEAAAAAAA!!!!! noise as if to say look how much i have drank.

When you pick up the Newspaper and the headline is about some Big Brother contestant was seen shopping and at the same time our boys are getting shot and blown up in the middle east which gets the smallest amount of coverage on page 8 under a large picture of wayne rooneys misses.

Sorry i have to go. My eye is twitching

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Things that annoy me.

Jeremy Kyle

When i go to get the cloth to wipe the sides down in the kitchen and the wife has left it in the bowl all night and there is about 4 inches of cold dirty dish water in there. There is always a knife in there with butter on it. don't LEAVE THE CLOTH IN THE BOWL!!!

People who fail to indicate when driving.

People who walk there dogs on public land and watch there dogs crap and walk off without picking it up.

When you see English footie fans drinking abroad and when they see the camera on them they always hold up a half drank pint of larger in the air and make the traditional YYEEEEEEAAAAAAA!!!!! noise as if to say look how much i have drank.

When you pick up the Newspaper and the headline is about some Big Brother contestant was seen shopping and at the same time our boys are getting shot and blown up in the middle east which gets the smallest amount of coverage on page 8 under a large picture of wayne rooneys misses.

Sorry i have to go. My eye is twitching

worms? :)

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Ok so I'm not talking big things, like chavs or granny bashers or falling out with people, but does anyone have any little obssessive things that really bug them.

I'll start, my list so far is

People leaving taps running while theyre rinsing dishes

People going round turning lights on and not turning them off

People who cant park, and park so far away from the kerb they need a taxi to get there

When you go to the cinema with someone and you offer to buy them some sweets or something and they say theyre fine, but then they spend the whole film nicking your sweets...GET YOUR OWN!

People who when theyre preparing a meal, when theyve done something like chop a carrot, then sit there munching on bits of it, while theyre waiting to add the carrot (that one is the thing that drives me most mental for some reason, doesnt have to be carrot, just people picking)

So come on then, I cant be the only one like this, do share!

Living up north ( its grim up there ) in an area that seems set aside for half this nations pensioners ,there seems to have been an upsurge in the scooters they use ( mobility dodgems ) on the road .

Councils spend thousands and thousands of pounds a year putting low level kerbs in for these to help our old and disabled at the ends of roads , and these folk decide to play with the traffic .

You would have thought they' would have been taught when younger not to go onto the road .

They cause jams ( I've seen them at traffic lights ) , they cause concern for drivers and I've even seen someone tie dogs to them as they trudge along .

Do they need a licence to go on the road like other drivers . Prob . not

Bloody dangerous and annoying . No not the pensioners , the scooters . :disapointed2se:

I'm half way and more to being a pensioner and not far off looking for a model myself .

What do you think ?? :disapointed2se:

Go on , go on ...yes go on say I'm aegist :disapointed2se:

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- High School Musical.

- Posh little rich girls.

- People who don't indicate off roundabouts.

- Lorrys who try to overtake three other lorries all at once making everyone else using the outside lane to go round them.

- People who don't move out to the middle lane to let others onto the motorway.

- Kids who play their music out loud off their phone because they can't afford headphones.

- People buying crappy accessories for their crappy cars. Tinting the windows of their Saxo. WHOA!

- Heelys trainers.

- People who walk really slowly in somewhere like say... the mall and you're stuck behind them for ages.


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- People who don't move out to the middle lane to let others onto the motorway.

I hate people who do. It's extremely bad driving.

Changing lanes near junctions is one of the biggest causes of motorway accidents.

All that is necessary is altering your speed properly.

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Frost 2 inches thick!?

thats not ice, dolls, that your windscreen you're trying to remove! :laugh:

Sorry PEDANT! :tongue:

Trust me, ive been away and not driven the car for a few days, went out this morning, and I had one layer of ice that came off easily, and then another layer underneath that just would not budge!

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I hate people who do. It's extremely bad driving.

Changing lanes near junctions is one of the biggest causes of motorway accidents.

All that is necessary is altering your speed properly.

People who slow down on motorways when merging with traffic

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