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Everything posted by PHILINFRANCE

  1. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t have been too disappointed had NB left, subject to finding a comparable/better replacement. Therein, however, lies the conundrum for, despite his (alleged) propensity to injury and accompanying absences - check the data - Nathan Baker is a pretty accomplished centre back, especially at our level. I am not sure who might have been available for the price.
  2. Hindsight is a wonderful ability. Not so many years ago, we had an absolutely fantastic (in my opinion) centre back playing for us on loan. He was a young man, far away from home, lonely, bored and, apparently, with no helpful, comforting hand given to him by the club, was led astray. I wonder whether, if we had made just a little more effort at the time, we might have a top class player in our team, a player in his peak playing years, one Stephen Caulker.
  3. Without NB we would be one CB less, and Cundy appears to be still unavailable. Atkinson has been injured recently and TM is on loan to Hearts so, unless I am mistaken, that leaves us with just Kalas and Viner. What would we do in the event of another injury?
  4. They should have telephoned Colin for some technical advice; he has previous experience of such a situation.
  5. An ex-Wednesday man, whose family were Sheffield United fans.
  6. So salaries are a bit more than £12M, then ?.
  7. Out of curiosity, where is he based? I know he played for West Ham recently, but assumed he would have been based in or around Newcastle.
  8. Whilst, given his recent injury record, it was understandable that KS was released, what was incomprehensible and quite unforgivable was the fact that, instead of a Club statement confirming he was being released and thanking him for his contribution, KS was obliged to release his own statement on social media.
  9. As does the ‘What ifs/if only’. I can’t help thinking how the table would look had we beaten Forest and Coventry (and Blackpool, Luton and Swansea)!
  10. Weren’t City giving away a free children’s shirt with a child’s season ticket?
  11. You should be more annoyed that Portugal didn’t beat Serbia in their final qualifying match.
  12. As @BS4 on Tour... posted earlier, there are plenty of nice places to live within easy commuting distance of the training ground. I suspect it has more to do with her perception of the weather in Manchester and Northern England generally and, of course, the current storm won’t have helped ?.
  13. I bought it a few days later - fellow school friends agreed with me that it was a good ‘song’. It was quite difficult back then, as they were all in to Led Zep, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple etc., which was really not my sort of music - I was more Bob Dylan, Moody Blues. A wonderful album, though, and I really liked Lady Eleanor, as someone mentioned earlier.
  14. I suspect the Stoke fan was being somewhat sarcastic/facetious. I certainly was ?.
  15. They appreciate their players' tactical knowledge, though. 'clever by Allen, adds 30 seconds doesn't it........'
  16. Is that a Bristolian/West Country term? I only ask, as I have been pulled up on it on several occasions over the years.
  17. I understand, and I am pleased for you. As @BigTone says, if it weren't for security checks he'd have no sex life at all.
  18. I can only assume his 4.5 year contract is similar to that of Alan Pardew at Newcastle, who I believe had an 8 year contract, but this contained a clause limiting any payoff to one year's salary.
  19. I read that Mrs Z doesn't want to live in Manchester.
  20. I've forgotten his name (begins with an F?), but was he the Liverpool fan?
  21. That sounds interesting. I have just looked for it - unsuccessfully. If you would provide a link, I might try to watch it later in the week. Thanks in Advance.
  22. It’s interesting, isn’t it? LJ was clearly a favourite of Steve Lansdown, but, whilst I loved and admired some of the football his team played - especially during that wonderful cup run, I found it very difficult to warm to him as a person, and, of course, I wasn’t alone. Steve C, however, seemed almost to be despised by SL, and whilst his football was played in a lower division, it was extremely enjoyable to watch and, of course, he was successful (until he got promoted). SC was, of course, adored by a large proportion of the fan base, even though he had what might best be described as a somewhat brash character. Perhaps, as you say, it is down to the jargon or, in SC’s case, the lack of it.
  23. My reply about Alex Scott was, of course, facetious, but I have just had another look at your clip, and you are quite correct. I was watching on a mobile phone, but for some reason I thought it was Weimann.
  24. Why is that? Has she been helping him tactically or giving him dancing/ballet lessons?
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