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Open End Numb Legs

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Everything posted by Open End Numb Legs

  1. Much like a good wicket keeper in cricket, a good goalie makes the team look better than maybe they are. They are both individual positions and mistakes are glaringly obvious. Let's get behind Max when he plays (not literally ) as confidence is a key factor.
  2. *** maybe they were shouting 'why is our ground worse than this?'
  3. I am happy with Max. As for saying what his level is, anyone who saw the West Ham game v Arsenal would wonder how Areola gets that job, he was poor.
  4. Well, I am feeling generous today so first of all, a good win for them last night. Secondly, giving those fans a telling off seems a bit odd - at least they were the ones that were there! Going 2 down won't have helped so the players need to take some blame if they were quiet. As for heavy shirts, that will be the Bristol City stitching on the sleeves, made out of the heaviest thread we could find!
  5. I agree with the sentiment. There is a bit of me though that is excited by seeing how we CAN play, the potential, so last night still means something to me. Apart from the Leeds game, the boss now has something to point at in training, a short collection of good performances, the hint of a blueprint, not just results.
  6. I may be wrong but I would like to think we were more complimentary when we got totally outplayed by Leeds. One of the most one sided 0-1s you are likely to see. This is one down side of a long successful run, it does lead to a skewed view of things. We see it on here after a short successful run!!
  7. Yep, saw a few slips, maybe the pitch was over watered but the surface was sound and flat, not exactly Upton Park in the winters of 1970.
  8. Comment from Saints fan on that site - 'the pitch was a leveller' Err, dont think so!
  9. Surprised we are all talking about City, for those at the game who are yet to see their Sky recordings, the match was of course, all about Southampton!
  10. I think we are entitled to criticise Sky because it felt as though they had set up the programme to be about Southampton from the start. As disappointed as I was after the Leeds game, that win tonight was a cracker and I am glad that Sky chose to show City having a great win and absolutely deserving it.
  11. One area I think we have improved is when regaining possession we have looked to pass forward into space rather than the safer option in the other direction. Whether that is because Southampton were pushed up a bit further than most I am not sure. We looked a threat all game long. Could easily have been 5 goals for us. Meanwhile Sky are STILL droning on and on and on about the team that lost.
  12. Huge problem for the commentators now. They pinned their flag to Southampton and have to find a different theme.
  13. I will stick my neck out and say I would fear more a team trying to get into the playoffs than one comfortably qualifying as a minimum.
  14. Do you think they got her back to earth or is she still drifting in the stratosphere 50 years later?
  15. Their next home game is 24th Feb so time now to pop the next batch in the oven. 240degC for 11 days should do it?
  16. In this case then, Flat Holm, maybe add Steep Holm on a good day. I think they were suggested as new stadium locations in the past so it could become their heart land.
  17. Like the way the pedestrian just stands there! 'Not my problem.....'
  18. Deliberate! Would be funnier if not I admit.
  19. At least the worries of the local residents about huge crowds and traffic congestion with the new stand never came to fruition. Oh the ironing.
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