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Fredericks Gone

South Bristol Red

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Perhaps the fact that people get mullered on here if they are not 'in the everything's all right' camp is a starter

IMO you don't even need to have any inside knowledge to have an educated guess at any reason(s) for current problems

99% of the forum has been in panic mode all summer, some starting before the transfer window opened, so it isn't people "getting mullered unless they are in the everything's all right camp"

Edit- removed part of post, tiredness and frustration got the better of me

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What when people then get vilified for not revealing their sources and 'bulls***t' is then called

No chance

Where I get what I get good accurate information there is then a danger that you are endangering the livelihood of those who have provided it and I'm not and never will be prepared to do that

To give you a simple example - in the late 80s 90s I could have given information that would have been on the nail - %100 but would have quickly shot myself in the foot and very quickly wouldn't have any knowledge at all

On this - I have to be honest I don't think you need to know any inside knowledge or info to work out the possible scenarios

It's a catch 22 mate...I try to put 'snippets' out their...but get told I have an agenda and am shot down nearly everyday.

I know other people who are privy to stuff...but they daren't put it on here...so it stays via email, text , calls etc.

Sometimes you want to scream from the roof tops...but you can't.

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What with my opinion ?

Without being rude , everyone can make their own minds up can't they ?

Perish the thought that anyone posts anything negative about our manager on here

Everyone can make their own mind up, and nothing wrong with negative opinions. I just wondered what your opinion was, because you alluded to the fact that it was based on something more than what the average fan might glean from interviews etc, but you didn't actually say what it was. So it came across as some vague insinuations.

It's a view on Cotts. Fair enough. My opinion on the summer's transfer dealings - not been ideal, could be because of a mismatch in strategy and expectations between the handful of people who make the decisions, could be a difficult market and struggles in acclimatising to the Championship, could be down to a problem with one person. I don't know but I hope we get a few decent players in asap and don't get fleeced doing so.

As for Cotts, he has a great season last year. He can be a bit spiky but has a winning mentality and in the absence of insider knowledge I will cut him some slack for now.

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What is your opinion though?

I'll give you 3 simple PERSONAL OPINIONS as a easy start

1. Am I grateful for what the club steered by SC did last season - absolutely Yes

2. Do I 'take to' Steve Cotterill as a person - No I don't - I think he's arrogant and rude a lot of the time ( as many will tell me - It doesn't really matter whether I do or not but it certainly matters to players who are at the club or we are trying to sign)

3. Would I rush to sign for SC - Probably not , certainly there are managers who come across far better than he does (Have a look at Andre Gray and Joey Bartons comments about Dyche)

Cue the abuse

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Very odd. Can't settle in Bristol, but presumably settled in god awful Middlesbrough last year?

Who's to say it's a 'can't settle' thing? Maybe he has a family member severely ill or something?

Cotts was very calm and collected whilst talking about it on the radio - made it sound like he 100% understood his reasons which to me says family issues but just guessing.

Can't imagine it being a homesickness thing as he spent all of last season at Boro

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are you drunk, or knowingly spouting crap here? 99% of the forum has been in panic mode all summer, some starting before the transfer window opened, so quite clearly it isn't people "getting mullered unless they are in the everything's all right camp"

Drunk - No

stupid - Def not

Your great post is extremely informative and helpful

No - I'm not a gas head - watched City over 50 years and approaching 1200 games, and have had more 'involvement' with pro football than most on here I'd suggest

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Put yourself in this position. You are from the big smoke and you get a job in a City that your big smoke brethren consider is full of yokels with odd habits. Then a rather disturbed young colleague, having had a drink, picks you up and throws you in a river in Devon. I put it to you that you wouldn't be able to return to the big smoke quick enough once you'd been fished out of the River. The inept performance v Leeds was shell shock, that's if there were shells in that Devon river.

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Put yourself in this position. You are from the big smoke and you get a job in a City that your big smoke brethren consider is full of yokels with odd habits. Then a rather disturbed young colleague, having had a drink, picks you up and throws you in a river in Devon. I put it to you that you wouldn't be able to return to the big smoke quick enough once you'd been fished out of the River. The inept performance v Leeds was shell shock, that's if there were shells in that Devon river.


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Drunk - No

stupid - Def not

Your great post is extremely informative and helpful

No - I'm not a gas head - watched City over 50 years and approaching 1200 games, and have had more 'involvement' with pro football than most on here I'd suggest

I wasn't suggesting anything to do with rovers at all, not calling you stupid, I have however edited the post as it was unreasonable, and has tried to edit before you responded because I realised this
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No you don't have a source. You got it from Twitter. Not interested in people like you who pretend for the sake of feeling important.


 I had the pleasure of meeting Robin TBW last season when I gave him a spare ticket and he is definitely not what you imply.


IMO your post is unwarranted and just plain rude- must be a london thing?

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Drunk - No

stupid - Def not

Your great post is extremely informative and helpful

No - I'm not a gas head - watched City over 50 years and approaching 1200 games, and have had more 'involvement' with pro football than most on here I'd suggest


I was wondering when someone would accuse you of being a Sag...


I think you have posted alot of sense, its basically the same gut feeling I have about the shambolic events of the last 3 months. Surely if you want to pay big cash in transfer fees then you maybe paying top wages to... The club cant be that naive can they? From a personal p.o.v I would of like to seen up and coming talents like Dack and Bradshaw etc coming in, consolidate and build from there.


They seem to go from one extreme to the other at this club and its seems amateur in comparison to the rest of the league... lessons to be learnt.

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Good suggestion made in the pub after the match (aren't all the best suggestions made in the pub after the match?). He was a bit of a know it all, jack the lad, from London who came into the tight knit City dressing room. After one comment too many he was given a thump by a certain player. No substance to support this theory, but it has happened before.

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Good suggestion made in the pub after the match (aren't all the best suggestions made in the pub after the match?). He was a bit of a know it all, jack the lad, from London who came into the tight knit City dressing room. After one comment too many he was given a thump by a certain player. No substance to support this theory, but it has happened before.

Did he have a black eye when he was spotted at Brentford today? ;)

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Good suggestion made in the pub after the match (aren't all the best suggestions made in the pub after the match?). He was a bit of a know it all, jack the lad, from London who came into the tight knit City dressing room. After one comment too many he was given a thump by a certain player. No substance to support this theory, but it has happened before.

In what possible way is that a good suggestion? It's just a complete load of random speculation!

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I'll give you 3 simple PERSONAL OPINIONS as a easy start

1. Am I grateful for what the club steered by SC did last season - absolutely Yes

2. Do I 'take to' Steve Cotterill as a person - No I don't - I think he's arrogant and rude a lot of the time ( as many will tell me - It doesn't really matter whether I do or not but it certainly matters to players who are at the club or we are trying to sign)

3. Would I rush to sign for SC - Probably not , certainly there are managers who come across far better than he does (Have a look at Andre Gray and Joey Bartons comments about Dyche)

Cue the abuse


So has SC had a personality transplant in a year?  He didn't have any problems signing the guys last summer.


The problem this year rests on the shoulders of BCFC as a whole - not just one person.


Every senior official (management and directorial) at BCFC has to take responsibility for the fact we have suffered a miserable recruitment campaign in 2015.


Hopefully we can learn lessons and put this right in January 2016.  I am confident we will be comfortable in the league at this point, and should be able to bring in 2 or 3 decent players.


Fingers crossed.

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So has SC had a personality transplant in a year?  He didn't have any problems signing the guys last summer.

Fair point - but I would suggest for all those players signing for Bristol City was a step up as were the wages - but still a valid point


The problem this year rests on the shoulders of BCFC as a whole - not just one person.- Agree but certain people are more pivotal than others


Every senior official (management and directorial) at BCFC has to take responsibility for the fact we have suffered a miserable recruitment campaign in 2015.

Agree - but see answer above


Hopefully we can learn lessons and put this right in January 2016.  I am confident we will be comfortable in the league at this point, and should be able to bring in 2 or 3 decent players.


Fingers crossed.

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Stirrer ??? Ha ha

Here we go ...., agendas yah yah yah

Have heard various things from various angles - none I'd post on here as unless I can confirm the original source or the degree of the accuracy

What I will say - the info comes from several different directions

I consider what I'm hearing TOGETHER with what I see, hear from the Club and from

People's own mouths and I have a reasoned OPINION and belief based on all

Of that information

If that's ok by you

Time will tell eh

(And I hope ALL I hear is complete tripe and the fact it does tend to fit in with what's happening as a lot of unfortunate coincidences)


That's OK by me Bob as long as you realise that without any 'back -up' which you're - understandably - not willing to give the constant little digs and innuendo in your posts has you coming over as a potential stirrer with no foundation.


All I'll say is it seems very unlikely to me that with his past record of signing good players for this club that SC himself is the over riding reason for our inadequacies in this Summer's transfer market, which is the impression a number of your posts have given me.


You also repeatedly question whether he'll still be here at Christmas and insinuate in this very thread that he may be the catalyst for Ives and Fredericks leaving the club.


All quite worrying stuff for those of us not ITK and as such you should expect such comments to be questioned.

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Albert not a bad replacement though eh ?

As right wing back he'd be a very bad replacement. Can't defend and can't produce a good ball into the box. Has the tricks and skills but not something which we'd need at right back.

I'd be disappointed if we signed him.

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As right wing back he'd be a very bad replacement. Can't defend and can't produce a good ball into the box. Has the tricks and skills but not something which we'd need at right back.

I'd be disappointed if we signed him.

Sounds like you are describing Little.....were you at the game today ? Adomah would have thrived on the ball Little received today. He'll be fine in that position. 

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' All the players we signed this time last year all seemed pretty impressed with him, and he's clearly progressed the careers (and wages) of all of them.'

You actually know that do you Nogbad ??

That's a question , not me insinuating btw




Promotion, and the wage increases that come with it, mean both those things are self evident, and I doubt any player would sign for a manager who didn't make a favourable impression on them.

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A London radio station has stated the reason for his departure is due to a sudden situation regarding his family and he wants to be back closer to them.


In light of this, I think people should be careful what they say, as it appears this has nothing to do with him not wanting to play for us, Cotts or home sick of anything, but something much more personal, and if that's the case, I think it's very good of the club to be so supportive and help him move closer to home.

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