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Fc uk FIFA ... wear The POPPY


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On 10/11/2016 at 20:25, cityironman said:

They should be ashamed of themselves. As i said previously, to allow this corrupt organisation to tell us how to honour our war dead is an insult to those that gave the ultimate sacrifice.

Not even a minutes silence before the game is even more shameful.


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On 11/12/2016 at 08:20, Eddie Hitler said:

The poppy doesn't commemorate a specific event though; it is remembering all dead and injured UK soldiers from all conflicts. Anybody foreign who in the ludicrous modern parlance is likely to "take offence" at that is probably going to be offended by our players wearing an England shirt in the first place.

Serbs probably wouldn't have been happy about the Wales had they worn a poppy due to the whole Yugoslav wars in the 90s.


On 11/11/2016 at 18:59, spudski said:

Neither...you are remembering the people, the friends and relatives that have fallen in war, and by showing the poppy you remember them and hope that war never happens again. Whether they have fallen for a cause that is right or wrong is another thing.

I should imagine there are British soldiers who have fought in Wars since ww2 that have been seen as false flag wars since. They have fallen needlessly doing what the Government have asked of them.

Broadly agree.

Hope FIFA see sense and impose no sanctions or anything.

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1 hour ago, Mr Popodopolous said:

Serbs probably wouldn't have been happy about the Wales had they worn a poppy due to the whole Yugoslav wars in the 90s.


Broadly agree.

Hope FIFA see sense and impose no sanctions or anything.

Mate...it's all bullshit and the media stirring. There is an article going back to 2011 wear it states that FIFA overturned there banned ruling about wearing poppies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15637074

FIFA haven't banned it this year. They clearly pointed the FA in the direction of their ruling...there was no need for the FA to ask again.

It's typical media bullshit again.

As for what the Serbs think...so what....let them be offended or unhappy. The poppy means hope for future peace and remembering those who have fallen...nothing else.

There are German citizens that have taken to wearing the poppy too. A show of respect and hope for the future.

The media are doing a fine job in stirring up hatred at the moment...and I feel there is definitely an agenda behind it.

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1 hour ago, spudski said:

Mate...it's all bullshit and the media stirring. There is an article going back to 2011 wear it states that FIFA overturned there banned ruling about wearing poppies. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-15637074

FIFA haven't banned it this year. They clearly pointed the FA in the direction of their ruling...there was no need for the FA to ask again.

It's typical media bullshit again.

As for what the Serbs think...so what....let them be offended or unhappy. The poppy means hope for future peace and remembering those who have fallen...nothing else.

There are German citizens that have taken to wearing the poppy too. A show of respect and hope for the future.

The media are doing a fine job in stirring up hatred at the moment...and I feel there is definitely an agenda behind it.

thats how I looked at it, the rules have been there for ages, and FIFA point us to the rules but won't sanction us for doing it,

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One more point on poppies and it's definitely my last one on it.

Put aside ethics, rememberance and such important things...there is one reason Serbia would have complained, would have objected had Wales worn it- competitive advantage. Think about it, points deducted in that kind of group is a BIG boost to a top 2 finish. You would object on a pretext of rules broken and precedents and Yugoslav wars and well you're in 2nd place with a strong advantage over the competition.

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20 hours ago, phantom said:

Is it just me or does anyone else find it strange this is being done again this weekend?



Yes, I find it very strange, but then I find the whole poppy-obsession thing strange.  Poppies were once worn to show that you had donated to the annual collection of the British Legion, not that you had adopted any moral or political stance on remembrance.  Why is football appointing itself as the conscience of the nation?  If people want to wear poppies then that is fine, but I don't think less of people who don't.  The idea that it is 'a mark of respect for the fallen' that 22 grown men kick around a piece of inflated leather marked with a poppy is a bit odd.  I notice from the photo above that Skybet are actually using this as an opportunity for a bit of cynical marketing!

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Fifa investigates Wales & Northern Ireland FAs over poppy displays

Remembrance is marked on the pitch ahead of Wales v Serbia
Remembrance is marked at Cardiff City Stadium before Wales' game against Serbia

Fifa is investigating the Welsh and Irish Football Associations over poppy displays during World Cup qualifiers.

Fans formed a poppy mosaic before Northern Ireland's 4-0 win over Azerbaijan on 11 November and Wales' 1-1 draw against Serbia on 12 November.

A spokesperson said Fifa is investigating "several incidents of the display of poppy symbols".

The English and Scottish FAs are being investigated after players wore poppies during their Armistice Day qualifier.

Football's rules ban "political, religious or personal messages" on kits, while Fifa ground safety regulations say "the promotion or announcement of political or religious messages" in stadiums is "strictly prohibited".

It adds: "Teams could be fined or deducted points in their qualifying group."

The Irish FA said it "will robustly defend the disciplinary charges". The FAW has yet to comment.

Northern Ireland supporters use cards to create the shape of a poppy
Northern Ireland supporters use cards to create the shape of a poppy before the meeting with Azerbaijan

International Football Association Board (IFAB), which draws up football's rules, states that players cannot wear "political, religious or personal slogans, statements or images".

The IFAB includes members of the four British football associations.

Wales and Northern Ireland players wore black arm bands during the matches under investigation.

England and Scotland players wore black armbands with poppy emblems in their meeting at Wembley on 11 November, after their associations said they would accept "any kind of sanction".

Fifa has said that reports of a ban on wearing poppies were a "distortion of the facts" and that its disciplinary committee acted independently.

Football's governing body said it reminded the four football associations of the rules, although the FAW said Fifa "turned down a request for the Wales national team to wear poppies on their shirts or on armbands".

Fifa recently opened disciplinary proceedings over the Republic of Ireland's use of a logo in March to commemorate the centenary of the Easter Rising.

Wales fans' poppy display at Wales v Serbia
Wales fans create a poppy mosaic
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Fifa has said that reports of a ban on wearing poppies were a "distortion of the facts" and that its disciplinary committee acted independently.

Am I missing something here?

The Disciplinary Committee is part if Fifa isn't it? If so, it has to conform to the Fifa rules and regulations. To act independently means they either went 'rogue" OR they have acted within their remit but do not know the rules? 

Even if the Disciplinary Committee isn't "wholly owned" by Fifa, surely their contract would state what they can or cannot do? 

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On ‎18‎/‎11‎/‎2016 at 09:41, phantom said:

It gets worse !!



How many match's under FIFA regulations have been played, where there has been a minutes silence in memory of people who have lost their lives through 'Terrorist' organisations, as an example? Surely that would come under the same jurisdiction?

Say for example, 'Terrorists' were to explode a bomb at a FIFA event and kill people...under their own rules, they would not be able to acknowledge that fact with a minutes silence at future games.

The world has gone mad...full of 'organisations' like H&S and the FIFA 'commitee', where people have to keep on finding rules and regulations to put in place, to keep their jobs.

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England's fine is actually greater than the one FIFA imposed on Kosovo when their fans repeatedly chanted "kill the Serbs" at their recent qualification game v Croatia!

Personally I find the whole poppy wearing thing totally overboard nowadays (as was shown when furry animals on a kid's TV show had to be seen to be wearing them), but this decision is completely ridiculous.

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50 minutes ago, SARJ said:

Did FIFA ever fine Argentina when their squad posed  on the centre circle with a sign saying Las Malvinas Son Argentinas (the Falklands are Argentine)?

And ROI for our 1916 commemorative jerseys back in March:


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