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It May Not Be Such A Good Summer! Latest Gas News!

Philly The Kid

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Any chance they might go to the FL over Steve Lansdown's decision to fund us rather than them on the basis that Bath was "too far away" when his son wanted to go and watch local football?

I mean if really is so unfair, isn't it? They could have taken their rightful place at the top end of English football by now...

I expect their friends in the media (Radio Bristol, whose reporter called it "an interesting development" and their endless bloggers in the Gas post) to be all over this.

Classless, graceless losers.

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Don't they say there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I'd argue that in this case. It's all over the Internet and local tv reported last night. This morning I've heard it on Radio5. From comments I've heard there is little support for them over this action from other fans, and even from their own fans, and rightly so. I don't know if I would be more horrified or embarrassed if it was happening to us.

I think this action has caused as much damage and upset as relegation itself between the board and the fans.

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Don't they say there is no such thing as bad publicity, but I'd argue that in this case. It's all over the Internet and local tv reported last night. This morning I've heard it on Radio5. From comments I've heard there is little support for them over this action from other fans, and even from their own fans, and rightly so. I don't know if I would be more horrified or embarrassed if it was happening to us.

I think this action has caused as much damage and upset as relegation itself between the board and the fans.

If our club were to do something like this I would of hoped we wouldn't be doing it in public, anyway I think we may have a bit more class then that,

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its a bit of a red herring the 4 years thing as it relates to a sell on clause that was paid to a 3rd party last year ... the key will be the talk of 4 other players being involved .. as i said the more i find out about it the more i think its the agent on a revenge mission and has found the perfect idiots who will play along (our board)

I see what you're saying about the players involvement last season, thus making the 4 years ago part a bit of a red herring. Having said that, I still don't think there is a large enough link to LAST SEASON in particular to warrant them demoting WWFC and reinstating you.

If they are guilty, it's more of a general breach of rules and as i have already stated I would expect any punishment to effect them next season. Can't in a million years see Rovers getting anything from this.

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then as a club you should of dine this behind closed doors and not go public with it with a poorly written statment, it just shows that you are desprate to stay up which in turn brings the whole of football against you on this,


Higgs should be banned from running a club he is a complete tool with no class........perfect fit for the gas really


if you read my post... i said exactly that... they are quite right to look into it but should have kept quite till the process had been seen to an end

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I see what you're saying about the players involvement last season, thus making the 4 years ago part a bit of a red herring. Having said that, I still don't think there is a large enough link to LAST SEASON in particular to warrant them demoting WWFC and reinstating you.

If they are guilty, it's more of a general breach of rules and as i have already stated I would expect any punishment to effect them next season. Can't in a million years see Rovers getting anything from this.

they have already been found guilty and already been fined 10k after wycombe themselfs brought it to the attention of the FA

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I see what you're saying about the players involvement last season, thus making the 4 years ago part a bit of a red herring. Having said that, I still don't think there is a large enough link to LAST SEASON in particular to warrant them demoting WWFC and reinstating you.

If they are guilty, it's more of a general breach of rules and as i have already stated I would expect any punishment to effect them next season. Can't in a million years see Rovers getting anything from this.



me neither... the only possible is a bit of compo at best... but if Wycombe have cheated its right they get punished, why should clubs be allowed to ignore rules whilst others comply ...



anyway you lot no more more about agents and dodgy dealings.. so i tend to agree with what you say!! ;)  ;)  ;) http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Bristol-City-fined-15-000-Showumni-deal/story-11240736-detail/story.html

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Can't in a million years see Rovers getting anything from this.

One last bitter attempt to get Wycombe Wanderers in the sh1t on behalf of a football agent with the hump. Even if they were somehow successful in getting WWFC relegated and themselves reinstated they would look like the biggest bunch of crying c u nxt tues to ever grace the Football League. They wouldn't care though "cos we cud give they shidheads stick utg cos we stayed up utg and Lansdown will be crying utg..."

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The Phillips deal went through 4 years ago BUT Wycombe received a hefty fee from that deal LAST season, meaning they could strengthen their squad, thus gaining an advantage over Bristol Rovers.


This could get interesting.

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me neither... the only possible is a bit of compo at best... but if Wycombe have cheated its right they get punished, why should clubs be allowed to ignore rules whilst others comply ...



anyway you lot no more more about agents and dodgy dealings.. so i tend to agree with what you say!! ;)  ;)  ;) http://www.bristolpost.co.uk/Bristol-City-fined-15-000-Showumni-deal/story-11240736-detail/story.html

and look what happened, we got fined 15k 5 of which was suspended, no points deduction no relegation no compo to other clubs, just a fine which is what wycombe have already had,

Higgs is trying to deflect attention away from somthing again me thinks all is not well with UWE, i mean the EH claim has been thrown out and the diggers still haven't moved in......

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Yes. For their Premier League fans and because they're so well placed to have sugar daddy take over.

And because they are the most underachieving club in the country when comparing average attendances with the rest of the country.


Oh, and because they have the largest away following in the country.  You know, the one that couldn't sell its allocation for their six pointer relegation  battle against Wycombe.  That largest away following in the country.

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The legal letter is nothing but a grand fishing trip - we think we might know something but can't allege anything in case you sue us and our client but you have until 5 pm today to tell us if you do know anything and then we might take action. All p*ss and (expensive) wind.

Meanwhile over on the NL NH4 forum they are now banging on about a class action with the other 22 clubs.

To quote another poster


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do you think this desprate attempt to get reinstated is because the gas don't meet the strict finacal rules for the conference (clubs being in debt is a massive no no) and may well start out in the conference south because they don't meet the requirements?

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Just out of interest how would we of felt if we tried something like this when relegated from the Championship?

Me personally I'd be gutted, but you are relegated because one club made a mistake 4 years ago you are relegated over the other 44 games in the season where you didn't get enough points,

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