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General Election 2015 Match Day Thread (Merged)


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Fair enough Es. I didn't get your implication. It's been a long night for us working....


Bottom line IMO.


As with most labour voters on this thread, you have to have better policies than just hating the tories, that assumes what Kinnock alluded to the electorate being deluded, which is arrogance beyond belief.


Anyway i've spoken to Dave and he has ripped up the warrant for my arrest that has kept me in hiding, so i'm back next week for 10 days.

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I doubt the lib dems will bounce back ether I think thats it for them as a party


Dunno about that Monk. The Liberals held 5 seats in the early '50s and they are still here. They still got more than 2 million votes.


It may mean they would never again risk coalition with a right-wing party again.

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Bottom line IMO.


As with most labour voters on this thread, you have to have better policies than just hating the tories, that assumes what Kinnock alluded to the electorate being deluded, which is arrogance beyond belief.


Anyway i've spoken to Dave and he has ripped up the warrant for my arrest that has kept me in hiding, so i'm back next week for 10 days.


What do you reckon an EU exit would do for folks like you and Philip?  Make much difference or not?


Will we see the repatriation of 3 million pensioners and resting bank robbers from the Costa Del Sol if they can't use the native health service??

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This election demonstrates it is the people who need to re-connect with the politicians and what exactly they want, not the other way round. No use in saying Labour need to do this or that as they've been hilariously pulled by those in the center-right and left. No use in disrespecting politicians to the point where you elect college graduates instead, because "They don't do nuffin for us anymore". The polling suggests the British public are as dishonest as the politicians.

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What do you reckon an EU exit would do for folks like you and Philip?  Make much difference or not?


Will we see the repatriation of 3 million pensioners and resting bank robbers from the Costa Del Sol if they can't use the native health service??


Excellent point, I think that most intelligent French people realise that the loss of the Brit disposable income would do huge harm to the French economy, especially here in Brittany. 30 years ago Brittany was dying on it's arse, 35k drive in some cases for a supermarket and 50k for DIY stores, in the 13 years I have been here even the more remote areas there is usually one of these within a very easy commute, all bringing more employment, the use of French artisans, buying French goods, would all be harmed incredibly, basically Brittany WOULD probably die on it's arse.


But who knows it's an unknown.

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I hope farage stays on, he is a good, its just his party are absoulte morons and whack jobs


I wonder if he loses Thanet South - as is predicted - he'll stand down but play some lion in waiting role in his party until the next election.


Of course, if we leave the EU you wonder what future there is for UKIP.

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I wonder if he loses Thanet South - as is predicted - he'll stand down but play some lion in waiting role in his party until the next election.


Of course, if we leave the EU you wonder what future there is for UKIP.

they will go back to being tory back benchers,

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Well Done David Cameron.  For anyone feeling bad for the left wing loony bin, imagine this.  SNP have the same 56 seats, but conservatives and Labour are relatively equal on 280 or 260.

For all the Guardian tosspots will scream "scare tactics" (ignoring the ironic negativity of their go to claim the Tories will ruin the NHS), the UK is in a fragile state but it would have been so much worse without the Conservatives.  

England, Faith Restored. 

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Fair enough Es. I didn't get your implication. It's been a long night for us working....


John Reid just reiterated that he felt the party shifted to far away from what got them elected 3 times and also said the party took too long to elect a new leader but never had the debate about what went wrong under Brown and eat my kilt Campbell agreed.

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Well Done David Cameron.  For anyone feeling bad for the left wing loony bin, imagine this.  SNP have the same 56 seats, but conservatives and Labour are relatively equal on 280 or 260.

For all the Guardian tosspots will scream "scare tactics" (ignoring the ironic negativity of their go to claim the Tories will ruin the NHS), the UK is in a fragile state but it would have been so much worse without the Conservatives.  

England, Faith Restored. 



The hypocracy is just unbelievable. Dawn Primarolo has just been droning on about these so called "scare tactics".


Do they not realise that people are quite capable of making their own decisions ? They don't necessarily follow the instructions of the paper they read. I read the Express and I didn't vote UKIP.


England has just voted overwhelmingly Conservative.

Janette Krankie has been saying over and over again that she wanted Millipede's help "to lock Cameron out of No. 10".


Well England has given it's answer, it will choose it's government, whether she and Salmond like it or not.


Krankie is the cause of these "scare tactics", nobody else.

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John Reid just reiterated that he felt the party shifted to far away from what got them elected 3 times and also said the party took too long to elect a new leader but never had the debate about what went wrong under Brown and eat my kilt Campbell agreed.

labour isn;t the same party I use to vote for, the lost their connection to the working man which is why they lost this election,

They new to connect to the working man again and not just be torys with red ties,

They need a new strong leader and sadly I just don't see that in the current Labour leadership,


I don't much like the leadership of the torys ether but at least with them you know they will stop the counrty becoming bankrupt,


whoever won this is going to be a hard few years because what ever party were leading this country there is only one thing I can garantee and thats more cuts incoming,

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John Reid just reiterated that he felt the party shifted to far away from what got them elected 3 times and also said the party took too long to elect a new leader but never had the debate about what went wrong under Brown and eat my kilt Campbell agreed.


As an ex cabinet minister under Blair he would say that wouldn't he.


I just don't think being a Tory Lite brand is going to convince anyone. 


They do need not to **** about for a year though.

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The hypocracy is just unbelievable. Dawn Primarolo has just been droning on about these so called "scare tactics".


Do they not realise that people are quite capable of making their own decisions ? They don't necessarily follow the instructions of the paper they read. I read the Express and I didn't vote UKIP.


England has just voted overwhelmingly Conservative.

Janette Krankie has been saying over and over again that she wanted Millipede's help "to lock Cameron out of No. 10".


Well England has given it's answer, it will choose it's government, whether she and Salmond like it or not.


Krankie is the cause of these "scare tactics", nobody else.



Blimey! I'd keep that one quiet if I were you....


You'd be better of reading the Beano.

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You mean the Daily Mirage ?


TBH all the papers have been shyte for weeks because of this election. Perhaps the Times (right) and Independent (left) are the only two I have time for.


It's just I am assuming you are under 75, which would make you one of the Express's youngest readers. 

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labour isn;t the same party I use to vote for, the lost their connection to the working man which is why they lost this election,

They new to connect to the working man again and not just be torys with red ties,

They need a new strong leader and sadly I just don't see that in the current Labour leadership,


I don't much like the leadership of the torys ether but at least with them you know they will stop the counrty becoming bankrupt,


whoever won this is going to be a hard few years because what ever party were leading this country there is only one thing I can garantee and thats more cuts incoming,

What does the working "man" want exactly? Whatever it is I'm not sure if it's going to galvanize the left wing or woman's vote it so desperately needs. UKIP seem to fall into that category and where has that got them?

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