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General Election 2015 Match Day Thread (Merged)


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You'd have got the same year-long campaign of lies, scare stories and smears from the Tories and their media cheerleaders whoever was Labour's leader.

I'm a City fan, I can take disappointment.

It does never cease to amaze me though how the party of the few continues to pull the wool over the eyes of the bovine many.

The only thing that is a cheery note for me is that (if the Sky/BBC exit poll is correct) a government with a majority of two is unlikely to be in power for long and will have to curb its excesses to avoid losing by-elections.

The Lib Dems have seen how toxic the Tories are for them and won't agree to a European election. Can't see a renewed alliance there.

It'll be DUP and possibly the UKIP two as partners. An unstable coalition if ever there was. The DUP has moved on from its Ulster Says No To Everything In A Shouty Voice past and is actually vaguely left-wing in its economic outlook. Its manifesto was anti-austerity.


You have been disappointed for many years now, but things are changing for the better, the only way is up, the future is Blue!

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You have been disappointed for many years now, but things are changing for the better, the only way is up, the future is Blue!

That's an awful thing for a City supporter to say. Wash your mouth out.

If you must make party political judgements from a foreign country say you prefer the party whose logo looks like a tree drawn by a blind epileptic.

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Sturgeon's rhetoric may just have backfired.

She has rallied the English to vote against her.

Exactly, but then maybe that was her plan all along. There had been press that she preferred Conservatives to win for obvious reasons - a SNP landslide in Scotland and yet Cameron as PM will allow her to say that Westminster is not "fair".

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The right is sticking together while the left is split, which coincidentally will be the state of the UK pretty soon, thanks to Cameron turning middle England cowards towards petty nationalism. Have your slim majority Cameron and see how you deal with the shite you and your party has created for 5 years.

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The right is sticking together while the left is split, which coincidentally will be the state of the UK pretty soon, thanks to Cameron turning middle England cowards towards petty nationalism. Have your slim majority Cameron and see how you deal with the shite you and your party has created for 5 years.

So is Scottish nationalism "petty" ?

What about welsh nationalism ?

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So is Scottish nationalism "petty" ?

What about welsh nationalism ?

The Scottish and Welsh have always been little nationalists, due to their insignificance. Due to our size it had always been something beneath us and a defining feature of our modesty. English parliament? Where is Westminster located for god sake?

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So is Scottish nationalism "petty" ?

What about welsh nationalism ?

Interestingly, UKIP and Greens are projected to get a combined 20+% of votes and 4 seats. The SNP will get less than 5% of the UK wide vote (albeit all concentrated in 59 seats) and yet may win almost all 59. In other words the SNP will get 15x more seats, on a quarter of the vote.

Interestingly, Lord Ashcroft has an exit poll which fits in with the BBC exit poll.

Edit: I've just seen an interesting tweet from Jim Pickard (Financial Times). If the exit polls are correct we could see the following: Leadership contests for Labour, Lib Dems and UKIP, European referendum and potentially another Scottish referendum. The Conservatives would also be very weak as they wouldn't have a clear majority. None of this is very good for financial stability.

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Bristol West was considered the Greens best chance after the existing seat in Brighton so you would have to think it is that one.

It seems there was a massive turnout (Bristol Post suggests 85%) so it could be anyone's guess.

BBC seem to suggest the extra green seat is Norwich South and Bristol West is Labour.
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Yeah, everyone else's fault. The same tired mantra of the left.

Face it, a badly trained chimp would be a more attractive PM than Ed Miliband. It just goes to show some people will vote for anything as long as it's wearing a red rosette.

If Labour and its trade union masters are sensible, Andy Burnham will be their next leader. He's electable.

I actually voted for Andy Burnham in the leadership election.

Re Ed Miliband, he's been ridiculed by the Tory press, anyone being attacked on a daily basis would find it hard.

Personally I think he has handled himself with great dignity and comes across as a genuine bloke.

But there is no denying a lot disagree with me!

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Got to be honest Bill, so many people I have spoken to just don't believe that Millipede would not do a deal with Sturgeon.

You hated Thatcher, well I hate Salmond & his party.

Neutrals have been voting AGAINST SNP in

England (ie against Labour) in addition to traditional Conservatives like myself.

But Labours vote in England looks very likely to rise!

It's the SNP that has killed off any chance of a Labour victory.

Miliband was NEVER going to jump in with the SNP, it's a shame people won't believe what he said was the truth.

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But Labours vote in England looks very likely to rise!

It's the SNP that has killed off any chance of a Labour victory.

Miliband was NEVER going to jump in with the SNP, it's a shame people won't believe what he said was the truth.

GB wide it looks like Labour are predicted to have a 2% boost to votes, with the Tories being 2% down.

The exit polls show the Conservatives getting approximately 34% of the vote, if so, that could be the lowest vote for a governing party ever. Hardly a ringing endorsement for the Tories.

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If you take away Scotland, Labour look like they will actually gain quite a few seats!

Indeed. The more I look at it the Conservatives may be in a weaker position than their increase in seats would indicate. They would be relying on other parties to ensure a majority - UKIP aren't going to have enough seats to help them. The DUP may (just) but they are more to the left of the Conservatives and I can't see them fully supporting the Tories with their plans. Finally after being mostly wiped out I can't see the Lib Dems helping the Conservatives anymore.

Therefore there is a risk of the Conservatives being outvoted in a confidence vote, which the opposition parties may call if the Tories appear to be doing poorly in the polls at any point.

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Got to say disappointed with the result, but not surprised deep down.

Perversly, this could end being less stable a goverment than the last one, that as a coaltion had a fair old majority. Looks like the Torys will get very close to a majority on their own.

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The Scottish and Welsh have always been little nationalists, due to their insignificance. Due to our size it had always been something beneath us and a defining feature of our modesty. English parliament? Where is Westminster located for god sake?

SNP insignificant ?

Over 50 seats FFS !!

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