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A man walked into the office of the eminent psychiatrist Dr. Von Bernuth, and sat down to explain his problem. "Doctor, doctor!" he started. "No need to repeat yourself, my good man," replied the doctor. "One 'doctor' is enough." "Yes, well, you see, I've got this problem," the man continued. "I keep hallucinating that I'm a dog. A large, white, hairy Pyrenees mountain dog. It's crazy. I don't know what to do!"

"A common canine complex," said the doctor soothingly. "Come over here and lie down on the couch." "Oh no, Doctor. I'm not allowed up on the furniture."

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Bob and Paddy were fishing on the

Irish shoreline when Bob

pulled out a cigar. Finding he had

no matches,he asked Paddy for a light.

'Ya, shure, I tink I haff a lighter,'

Paddy replied and then reaching into his tackle

box, he pulled out a Bic lighter 10 inches long.

'My God, man!' exclaimed Bob,taking

the huge Bic Lighter in his hands.

'Where'd you get that monster?'

'Well,' replied Paddy ,

'I got it from me Genie.'

'You have a Genie?' Bob asked.

'Ya, shure. It's roight here in me tackle Box,' says Paddy .

'Could I see him?'

Paddy opens his tackle box and

sure enough, out pops the Genie.

Addressing the Genie, Bob says,

'Hey there! I'm a good pal of Your master.

will you grant me one wish?'

'Yes, I will,' says the Genie.

So Bob asks the Genie for a Million bucks.

The Genie disappears Back into the tackle box leaving

Bob sitting there waiting for his million bucks.

Shortly, the Irish sky darkens and is filled with the sound of

a million ducks..... Flying directly overhead.

Over the roar of the million ducks

Bob yells at Paddy ,

'What the hell? I asked for a million bucks,

not a million ducks!'

Paddy answers,

'Ya, I forgot to tell yew dat da Genie is hard of hearing.

D' yew really tink I asked for a 10 inch Bic?'

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Apple Computer announced today that it has developed

a computer chip that can store and play high fidelity

music in women's breast implants.

The iTit will cost between $499.00 and $699.00

depending on speaker size.

This is considered to be a major breakthrough because

women have always complained about men staring

at their tits and not listening to them.

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If the global crisis continues at the present rate, by the end of this year only two banks will be left operational....the Blood Bank and the Sperm Bank.

And before you know it, these two will merge, and the whole place will be full of bloody w*****s

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The Lone Ranger was ambushed and captured by a hostile Indian War Party.

The Indian Chief proclaimed,

“So, YOU are the great Lone Ranger”…

“In honor of the Buffalo Hunt,

YOU will be sacrificed in three days.”

“Before we kill you, I grant you three requests”

“What is your FIRST request?’

The Lone Ranger said,

“I’d like to speak to my horse.”

The Chief nodded and Silver was brought

Before the Lone Ranger who whispered in

Silver’s ear, and the horse galloped away.

Later that evening, Silver returned with

A beautiful blonde woman on his back.

As the Indian Chief watched,

The blonde entered the Lone Ranger’s tent

And spent the night.

The next morning the Indian Chief admitted

That he was impressed.

“You have a very fine and loyal horse,”

But we will still kill you in two days.”

What is your SECOND request?”

The Lone Ranger again asked to speak

To his horse.

Silver came to him,

And he again whispered in the horse’s ear.

As before, Silver took off and disappeared

Over the horizon.

Later that evening, to the Chief’s surprise,

Silver again returned,

This time with a voluptuous brunette,

Even more attractive than the blonde.

She entered the Lone Ranger’s tent

And spent the night.

The following morning the Indian Chief

Said: “You are indeed a man of many talents,”

“But we will still kill you tomorrow.”

“What is your LAST request?”

The Lone Ranger responded,

“I’d like to speak to my horse – alone.”

The Chief was curious, but he agreed,

And Silver was brought to The Lone Ranger’s tent.

Once they were alone, the Lone Ranger grabbed Silver by both ears, looked him square in the eye and said,

Listen Very Carefully! FOR…THE…LAST…TIME….


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The wife left a note on the fridge.........

"It's not working!! I can't take it anymore, I've gone to stay at my Mums!"

I opened the fridge, the light came on and the beer was cold.........

Don't know what she was on about!!

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